I love being a fundamentalist Christian. It's radical. My fave parables: Cain and Abel & Noah's Working titles for my grindcore band: Blister Agent, Spillover, Agro Terror, Brute Forcing, Temblor enough transportation security in Port Authority. Smells like a cartel set up a meth lab down there.Drill my cloud, Calderon.Erosion of US hegemony is a disaster. We ignored the warnings and outsourced an avalanche of jobs to China.Only you have the power to stop forest fires and hazardous material incidents.They don't bust balls in Juarez. They bust Mexicles.Character assassination isn't funny. Call Edna a toxic bitch more time, & find yourself a new bridge game, Leaving Tuscon for sick powder in CO! Crash with buds & ski like an avalanche! Clear the Interstate–ETA 3 t wasn't indecent exposure on purpose, but the wave knocked off my budgie smugglers Exposure to so much knowledge over social media is infectious–one of life's great joys. I am so enriched.Pick up some Trojans if you drop by Target tonight. If I get one more denial of service, I'm going to burst. Exposure to so much knowledge over social media is infectious–one of life's great joys. I am so enriched.In 1838 the French Foreign legion fell to a Mexican Army attack. The Camarón incident lead to 43 deaths.Guns don't kill people. Social media kills people. On a Southwest flight to San Diego, Iran into one of the Chemical Brothers.Airborne Toxic Event is always fun. It's also the name of a sick rock band.In one possible future, terrorists exploited the weapons grade plutonium the Doc stashed in his DeLorean.A Terrorists' riddle: If FARC targeted BART and AQAP hit AMTRAK–where the f'd be I?China told North Korea to do a botnet attack so it mailed the FBI a bag filled w plastic ricin coated R2D2s.Last night sucked. Those agro frat bros ordered Irish car bombs until they collapsed & blacked out.The Spurs–Heat final was a shootout. SAS are smart but Miami's power collapses their D and burned it w/ 3s
NSA trolling thread
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Re: NSA trolling thread
If you put animal crackers in ur butthole u will never have to poop again because the animals will eat the poop.Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: NSA trolling thread
What we do is fill a power washer with orange juice and shoot it up your sinuses and ear canals until it enters the brain cavity. Then we hang you upside down and spin you round a bit to make an orange brain sloshy. The frothy liquid dispenses at the mouth and is perfect treat for the winter holidays.
Of course custom dictates that I must post lg pics so here's some 80's alyssa, enjoy!
Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: NSA trolling thread
The terrorists hijacked my post
Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: NSA trolling thread
Register at Boko-Healthcare.gov!
(We'll cover the cost of your genital mutilation)
Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: NSA trolling thread
Join the gang!
Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: NSA trolling thread
Everybody needs a little time to play around. Have to heat it up, better burn it up. Cool it down.- Translate
Re: NSA trolling thread
I warned them. Got blasted on imgur when I said they brought the first Ebola Doctor over that this ebola thing is coming here and it's going to get out of control.- Translate
Re: NSA trolling thread
I'm clean!
It has been well documented that governments are using surveillance technology to target human rights defenders, journalists, GetLazy members, NGOs, political opponents, religious or ethnic minorities and to conduct countrywide surveillance.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate