They have never really got to me, those pesky memes.
I get the thing, but I don't get the thing being a thing.
Especially not when they're filled with classic YTP effects, as well as just pure childish gimmicks.
But every once blue moon, you stumble upon something that differentiates from the masses. Something pure golden.
A well thought out idea, executed in near mint manners.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
It sounds at the end when Stephanie gets dragged away it sounds like she's saying "And maybe a possum"
It's a different animal "..and maybe a pony.."
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
the most hilarious scene of Lazytown imao (hm...nice idea for a new thread)...just imagine the faked one would playing this...nope...wouldn't work...not at all