YouTubers are outraged by demonetization and have teamed up with a European trade union to demand fairer treatment.
The YouTubers Union, a community-based movement that fights for the rights of YouTube creators and users, has teamed up with Europe’s largest trade union (IG Metall) in a new campaign, called FairTube. The union is demanding that Google brings back the old YouTube after changes on the platform have impacted how independent creators can make a living. It is urging YouTube to bring more transparency to the platform by publishing all its procedures and processes that it uses to promote or hide a video and asking it to provide clear explanations as to why a video has been demonetized and which parts of it have violated the guidelines.
“The real YouTubers that are the reason for YouTube’s big success are getting censored, deleted, erased, and hidden. Making a living on YouTube is no longer possible,” one of the leaders of the YouTubers Union, Jörg Sprave, said in the campaign video. He has outlined six demands online. These include asking YouTube to be more transparent with its procedures and processes that it uses to promote or hide a video and giving clear explanations for decisions such as why a video has been demonetized and which parts of it violated the guidelines.
YouTube has four weeks to respond to their demands.
We experienced this ourselves, but we are fortunate to have full monetization re-installed.
The YouTubers Union, a community-based movement that fights for the rights of YouTube creators and users, has teamed up with Europe’s largest trade union (IG Metall) in a new campaign, called FairTube. The union is demanding that Google brings back the old YouTube after changes on the platform have impacted how independent creators can make a living. It is urging YouTube to bring more transparency to the platform by publishing all its procedures and processes that it uses to promote or hide a video and asking it to provide clear explanations as to why a video has been demonetized and which parts of it have violated the guidelines.
“The real YouTubers that are the reason for YouTube’s big success are getting censored, deleted, erased, and hidden. Making a living on YouTube is no longer possible,” one of the leaders of the YouTubers Union, Jörg Sprave, said in the campaign video. He has outlined six demands online. These include asking YouTube to be more transparent with its procedures and processes that it uses to promote or hide a video and giving clear explanations for decisions such as why a video has been demonetized and which parts of it violated the guidelines.
YouTube has four weeks to respond to their demands.
We experienced this ourselves, but we are fortunate to have full monetization re-installed.