Just saying WTF at ur "JULIANNA'S FECES". Seriously, WTF?
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Israeli complains of Gas Chambers at U.S. Airport
An Israeli has tried to use her status as a descendant of “Holocaust survivors” as an excuse to get out of
all those incredibly annoying and ultimately futile airport
security checks and get taken to the head of the line without
having to wait like us ordinary mortals. A Ynetnews article
reports: “An Israeli doctor who underwent tight security
checks at San Francisco International claims that she was
humiliated only because of her nationality. The US air-
port security check left Dr Dorit Zilberman distraught. ‘My
family perished in Europe’s gas chambers, I never
thought 65 years later I would be marked, isolated, and put
in a gas chamber.’” Hmm. I was unaware that US airport
security was gassing Jews. Dr Zilberman is described in
the article as “a senior urologist at the Chaim Sheba Medi-
cal Center at Tel Hashomer .Dr. Zilberman, who was visit-
ing the United States for the first time for a professional
conference, claimed that airport security officials led her to what she called a sort of gas chamber, where
she was sprayed with a strong current of air for two minutes, which caused her great pain.” Or maybe it
was simply deodorant out of consideration for the other passengers who would have to sit on an aircraft
with her. The article also notes “Zilberman filed a
complaint with the Foreign Ministry on the matter, and sources at the ministry said they would discuss the
subject with the Americans, while adding that the number of Israeli complaints of treatment at American
airports has recently been on the rise.” Could this possibly have something to do with the fact that Israelis
come from the Middle East, where all the trouble is? continues: “After her handbag passed the standard
airport screening, Zilberman was told she had to undergo further security checks and was asked to step
aside. ‘They took me aside, examined me scrupulously. It was a pretty humiliating situation,’ Zilber-
man wrote in her complaint. The doctor claimed that once she presented her Israeli passport she was told
to walk on a different path than the other passengers. ‘It was a dead end path that led to a kind of cor-
ner,’ she told Ynet.... Zilberman said she was then lead to a sealed chamber and asked to get in, she was
told that she would feel ‘a flow like in the shower... When I walked in, barrages of compressed gas -
probably air - were fired at me. Since I am thin, it was very painful. I was then taken out of that gas cham-
ber and taken to another corner where I was asked to take off my shoes, my hand bag was taken from me
and my belongings were taken out one by one and scanned along with my shoes in special paper for trac-
ing dangerous substances. At that point I started to cry and told the man that in my country I am a re-
spected doctor, and that I had never experienced such a chain of humiliations. He told me that if I
didn’t like it, I could call the supervisor.’” A Jew being informed by (presumably) a Gentile that she is
NOT a special case and the rules really DO apply to her just like everybody else? That was when it hit the
fan, all right. Continue next page
Continued from page 1.
It turns out there was a reason for all this; Ynet notes “...the so-called ‘gas chamber’ Zilberman spoke
of is meant to track traces of explosive materials on passengers’ clothing. Air currents meant to release
particles of explosives are sprayed at the passenger, and sensors in the chamber examine these particles. The
examination method was authorized by all relevant bodies in the United States and poses no damage
whatsoever to the examinee. European airport authorities are considering applying a similar search method
as well”.. For almost six years, Americans have had to show up at the airport three hours early, take our
shoes off on command and put up with endless inconveniences because our brain-dead politically correct
government insists on treating White people exactly the same as young Arab men, who fit the 911 profile. If
we open our mouths and complain about how stupid the security procedures are within earshot of a federal
employee, we immediately get the extra screening procedure and the dreaded cavity search. All our problems
with the Mid East and terrorism stem from blow back, that has resulted from our one-sided support of the
bandit state of Israel. Yet this Israeli doesn’t want to endure the same inconveniences that her crappy little
country has caused ordinary Americans to suffer. airport authorities are considering applying a similar search
method as well.” You know, it’s not the big issues like Israel or Iraq or the Middle East or the so-called
Holocaust that will eventually bring the Jews down. It’s little, petty arrogant things like this that will stick in
people’s minds while the global issues just sort of roll over their heads. Most people come to dislike Jews not
on ideological grounds, but because of annoying examples of petty and arrogant behavior just like this. So
keep it up, Dr. Silberman, keep it up. Keep on whining and kvetching about how special you are and how
you should be treaTimoshented differently. After all, we have a lot of people in America, who need to wake
updont drink whats under the sink- Translate
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Originally posted by CJVercettiOriginally posted by ooozminGet Lazy's #1 fugitive!- Translate
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Well, the top one is a joke. I never use that, if my mother saw those backgrounds she would poo a golden swan.- Translate