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  • M_B
    Level 12 - Lazy Scout
    • Apr 2007
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    By Adil 06/15/07


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    <font color="#A06000">Adil</font>

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    May 2005

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    Kill your time here today!!

    Now with flying cars!



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    <font color="#A06000">drive_the_hive</font>

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    Mar 2005

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    The great KTT dies. Kpunch is inactive and it's locked.

    First post in KTTGenesis.

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    <font size=3 color=green>kenthebear</font>

    more like kenthemod amirite



    Feb 2005

    12827 Smartness


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    is this ktt v4 or something

    now with flying cars?

    <span class="highlight">(User was banned for this post (Reason: gold member forum (in post "Re: Kill Time Topic" by kenthebear)))</span>

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    <font color="#A06000">Adil</font>

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    Yurr man

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    <font color="#A06000">mrchaos58</font>

    <font size=4 color=red>REFUSES TO LAUGH AT OTHER'S MISTAKES</font>


    Jul 2005

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    Hookers and Blow?

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    • Mosheddy
      Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
      • Apr 2007
      • 750

      Lucky Star is mostly popular with older boys, roughly between the ages of 16~24 years of age (known as 'otaku'). It's popular for a variety of reasons, the first of which is that the designs are very cute, conveying a friendly atmosphere devoid of personal fears and the like, essentially a paradise of no worries. At the same time, though, that is, underneath the girl's clothing, are very developed bodies capable of the "mature" things boys crave - effectively, it's the best of both worlds for these otaku.

      But what about the content? Otaku aren't known for being social - they love "mature" acts with girls but have no idea about how they actuall work or how to interact with girls. Lucky Star offers those boys an opportunity to observe girls in their natural habitat, rendering this a "documentary anime" - it demystifies the stereotypes of girls by showing that they have interests, thoughts and feelings as well, that they exist as humans and that their sole purpose on this world is not for "mature" acts.

      That is not to say they are not aware of their biological capabilities - indeed, during many parts of the show they joke about their anatomy, and no doubt they also think about boys in the same way boys think about them.


      • ForGreatJustin
        Former Moderator
        Level 28 - Friend For Life
        • Apr 2007
        • 1877

        Originally posted by Mosheddy
        Lucky Star is mostly popular with older boys, roughly between the ages of 16~24 years of age (known as 'otaku'). It's popular for a variety of reasons, the first of which is that the designs are very cute, conveying a friendly atmosphere devoid of personal fears and the like, essentially a paradise of no worries. At the same time, though, that is, underneath the girl's clothing, are very developed bodies capable of the "mature" things boys crave - effectively, it's the best of both worlds for these otaku.

        But what about the content? Otaku aren't known for being social - they love "mature" acts with girls but have no idea about how they actuall work or how to interact with girls. Lucky Star offers those boys an opportunity to observe girls in their natural habitat, rendering this a "documentary anime" - it demystifies the stereotypes of girls by showing that they have interests, thoughts and feelings as well, that they exist as humans and that their sole purpose on this world is not for "mature" acts.

        That is not to say they are not aware of their biological capabilities - indeed, during many parts of the show they joke about their anatomy, and no doubt they also think about boys in the same way boys think about them.


        • ForGreatJustin
          Former Moderator
          Level 28 - Friend For Life
          • Apr 2007
          • 1877

          Siggh88 (7:28:59 PM): "would you kindly put your ass on this skillet?"


          • kallikak
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 15 - The Baby Troll
            • Jun 2007
            • 352

   ... 1145b7.gif


            • ForGreatJustin
              Former Moderator
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              Level 28 - Friend For Life
              • Apr 2007
              • 1877

              Are we not the undisputed prodigy of warfare
              Fearing all the mediocrity that they possess
              Should we not hunt the bastards down with our might
              Reinforce and claim the throne that is rightfully ours

              Consider the god we could be without the grace
              Once and for all
              Diminish the sub principle and leave it's toxic trace
              Once and for all


              • ooozmin
                Former moderator
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                Level 29 - Villain Number One
                • May 2007
                • 2445

                Originally posted by CJVercetti
                Originally posted by SimbiAni
                Originally posted by CJVercetti
                Did I just see two guys kissing?
                Haha. Yea, that would be Jack Harkness and the Doctor ;D
                Well you had to see boobies, so we're even.

                Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start
                LOL, Chocolate Rayne?
                Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


                • M_B
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 215

                  Originally posted by CJVercetti
                  Originally posted by SimbiAni
                  Originally posted by CJVercetti
                  Did I just see two guys kissing?
                  Haha. Yea, that would be Jack Harkness and the Doctor ;D
                  Well you had to see boobies, so we're even.

                  Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start

                  Way to butcher it, it's "Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start"


                  • moomoo
                    Trixie's ToyBoy
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1319

                    Originally posted by ColinFarrell


                    "Unlimited lives:
                    Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Select, Start when "Jungle" appears on the demonstration screen."
                    If you want the local guys to back off you might want to consider not displaying an interest in videogames.


                    • moomoo
                      Trixie's ToyBoy
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1319

                      In before 'wanna play with my Wii?'


                      • moomoo
                        Trixie's ToyBoy
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 1319

                        You're doing it on purpose aren't you.


                        • moomoo
                          Trixie's ToyBoy
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 1319

                          Why not? They looks pretty comfortable.


                          • moomoo
                            Trixie's ToyBoy
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 1319

                            Fair enough, I have something in my clipboard as well(it's usually empty or completely uninteresting)



                            • ooozmin
                              Former moderator
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 29 - Villain Number One
                              • May 2007
                              • 2445

                              RIGHT ON
                              Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


                              • AgentKJ
                                The Inspector
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 15 - The Baby Troll
                                • Jul 2007
                                • 350

                                Rooney R Doodle is in da house!...well, techinally I'm on a bus...but it's all good peeps!
                                I caress it cos I possess it

