Nick_Jr_Games_Extracts_and_more_6-2007.rar (70.62 MB)
EDIT (28 September 2009): New link -
Updated link (10 August 2024):
This little thingy includes the extracted goods (images, sounds, and more) from the following games:
Get Up and Move
SportsCandy Sprint
Superhero Challenge
You Pick
Their website:
I also included my custom PSDs so you can manipulate them if you want. The sounds were also renamed to what the decompiler said they were; the decompiler changed the names to something like sound1.mp3 when extracted. Superhero Challenge does not include my PSDs since I didn't complete them yet. Enjoy!
EDIT (28 September 2009): New link -
Updated link (10 August 2024):
This little thingy includes the extracted goods (images, sounds, and more) from the following games:
Get Up and Move
SportsCandy Sprint
Superhero Challenge
You Pick
Their website:
I also included my custom PSDs so you can manipulate them if you want. The sounds were also renamed to what the decompiler said they were; the decompiler changed the names to something like sound1.mp3 when extracted. Superhero Challenge does not include my PSDs since I didn't complete them yet. Enjoy!