Rate the LazyTown songs

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  • Locard
    Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
    • Feb 2010
    • 794

    LazyTown Song Discussions

    Go Step Go: 0/10
    July sounds like shit.
    Winning, DUH.


    • diesal11
      Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
      • May 2010
      • 460

      LazyTown Song Discussions

      Go step go: 3/10
      Juli is crap in it


      • Ana Muriel
        Founder LazyTownWorld
        Level 25 - You Are A Pirate!
        • Oct 2007
        • 917

        LazyTown Song Discussions

        "Go Step Go!" Well, my rate: 5/10
        And "Easy Way": 9/10


        • sportagirl_10.5
          Level 24 - The Blue Elf
          • Feb 2008
          • 810

          LazyTown Song Discussions

          Go Step Go 15/10 because it's catchy and it's a new song and they used Julianna instead of a replacement.
          Easy Way 10/10 because it's one you hardly ever hear...
          Grammar Elf Alert!


          • LazyPooky
            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
            • Oct 2007
            • 7245

            LazyTown Song Discussions

            I like Easy Way more and would give that a 9/10
            Go Step Go is a new song, looks a bit liike other songs in second season and I like the new effects used so I come to a 7/10
            Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


            • Stingy
              NEW MEMBER
              Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
              • Mar 2009
              • 5497

              LazyTown Song Discussions

              8/10 for me as well.


              • narutrix33
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 9 - Energy Poster
                • Jan 2010
                • 92

                LazyTown Song Discussions

                Go Step Go: 4/10 (this song is not interesting)
                Easy Way: 20/10 this song is much better than Gizmo Guy.
                Have you ever(English/German): 6/10 (there is so much bass, like in English Versions of Good Stuff and Always a Way & Man on a Mission :| ,why Mani do this?)
                my youtube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/narutrix33


                • Fox
                  Friendly Fox
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 26 - Roboticus
                  • Aug 2015
                  • 1056

                  LazyTown Song Discussions

                  Originally posted by agusxx2
                  Go Step Go: 7/10

                  And we also forgot to rate another one:
                  Easy Way: 9.3/10

                  Have I seriously considered myself a 'LazyTown-fan', and never, ever, EVER heard of this one!?

                  WHAT IS THIS SORCERY EVEN!?

                  This is not Gizmo Guy, this is not how Julianna normally sings, this is not the LazyTown I'm used to.. This is.. This is ****ing a hidden masterpiece!!!!

                  Okay, I'm sorry, I'll try to do my best at explaining what the hell that just happened to me, after listening to this song for the first time..
                  I have a severe weakness for gimmicks in songs. For those of you that are not clear of what a 'gimmick' is, it's basically a small part of the song, where the beat, the instruments, or the singer, does something unexpected and out of context. The most noticeable gimmick in all of LazyTown's songs, must be Mathias' part in No one's lazy in Lazytown. This link will lead you directly to the part I'm talking about: Sportacus High Pitch

                  Okay, gimmicks are great and all, but this song "Easy Way" is simply packed with them!

                  Starting from Stephanie's first verse, you get bombarded with awesomeness right from the get go. Let me point some of the things out:

                  "Is it really true
                  You have a thingy
                  That does it all for you
                  And makes life easy
                  You just wave and click
                  And that will do the t-trick"

                  This verse, is by far the most outstanding I have ever witnessed from the show.
                  "Thingy" is not a word you would normally use in a song. It's so unprofessional, that it actually stands out as a professional gimmick.
                  "does" is being sung, with the same laugh, that I literally cannot stop listening to, from Take a Vacation
                  "easy" is down right out of key! It's ****ing out of key everyone! No one is perfect, and hearing Julianna sing out of key, is sweet music to my ears. It proves that she - after all - is still a human like you and I.
                  But all of these small "thingys", all of these blatant excuses for gimmicks, are being down right CRUSHED by the last word. The word that made my night, my week, and probably the rest of my time as a LazyTowner.

                  This is hard for me to describe, without sounding like a lunatic you accidentally let into this precious forum, but the way the word magically slipped out of her mouth, with her slight hesitation, her innocent thirteen year old voice, her all so perfect pitching, all while letting the word fade out, ending in a near whispering manner.. That was the most magical thing I have ever witnessed.

                  Julianna can be described as many things; she's a great actor, a wonderful performer, an adorable dancer, but this simple word, which to many simply slid by in the flow of the song, just proved to me where her real talent was 'hidden' for all those years.
                  It proved to me how talented of a singer she really is, but furthermore, how much Máni really understood it. I can, as a fellow musician, tell you guys, that this was not at all a coincidence. Máni knew what was up, and I can only imagine that he had the exact same feeling as I, when listening to her way of ending that superb verse off.

                  This is why I love LazyTown, and this is why it will forever hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for showing me this pure aesthetic masterpiece.
                  I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.


                  • Buzz
                    Der Postmeister
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 33 - New Superhero
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 4197

                    LazyTown Song Discussions

                    hahaha ruhig Brauner...I'm not a musician but I could swear that there is nothing wrong with the "easy" key...other than that it borders on blasphemy...JR is supposed to be a goddess and can't sing wrong...it's against her nature


                    • Fox
                      Friendly Fox
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 26 - Roboticus
                      • Aug 2015
                      • 1056

                      LazyTown Song Discussions

                      Okay, maybe I overreacted a bit last night, but I was in a state of trance when writing that post.. :oops:
                      Agreed, out of key may not be the totally correct way of expressing it, but the way she formulated it was definitely wrong. The standard, which LazyTown songs are known to be VERY strict at following, would have been to shift the note up about half a key at "ea", and then go a note down for "sy". Instead she somehow found a middle way, and chose to not separate the syllables in different keys.
                      Please keep in mind, that I am in no way saying that Juliannas phonetics are wrong, and if you understood just a tiny bit of my rambling on about shitty things that most of you probably doesn't even care about, you would have noticed that I listed this error as a well performed gimmick.

                      A-ny-way.. You should probably ban me from any of these 'LazyTown Songs' topics, while you still have the chance, as I experience every single song from the show, in a special and unique way. If you are not planning to, then I hope you don't mind me camping my big fat travelers chair in these specific threads, as I have almost an entire dictionary still to use, to express what runs through my mind, when I listen to these songs of pure awesomeness.

                      - - - Updated - - -

                      Oh, I just remembered!!

                      Listen to the word again. You can hear her vocal chords grinding in a, what I would describe, weird way.
                      This is because the note is either too low for her, or because it in another way lies wrongly in her register.

                      Julianna has never been good at the lower keys, and her real talent was, is, and will always be in the higher notes. Hence why "Always a Way" is so suberb of a song!
                      When looking at Chloe now, you kinda get the opposite feeling. She has more of a 'raw' voice, which suits the medium range keys. I would love to hear her do some of the older songs, with a transcription of course, as I think she would put a whole lot of her own personality into them.
                      ..and I think I might have actually, by saying that, for the first time showed some appreciation towards Chloe. Damn. I better stop now, before I get to the point where I'm asking why there's no 'Break it down now''s in the first season.. Oh my.
                      I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.


                      • Buzz
                        Der Postmeister
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 33 - New Superhero
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4197

                        LazyTown Song Discussions

                        Originally posted by Fox
                        Okay, maybe I overreacted a bit last night, but I was in a state of trance when writing that post..
                        you were in a trance mode and I was in a kidding mode...no worries

                        Originally posted by Fox
                        If you are not planning to, then I hope you don't mind me camping my big fat travelers chair in these specific threads, as I have almost an entire dictionary still to use, to express what runs through my mind, when I listen to these songs of pure awesomeness.
                        keep post your impressions...it's interesting and funny at the same time...even though the most of it is greek to me but it's nice to read it anyway...but keep the Julianna (goddess) rules in mind so you won't end up at the stake...


                        • Fox
                          Friendly Fox
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 26 - Roboticus
                          • Aug 2015
                          • 1056

                          LazyTown Song Discussions

                          Haha, Greek or not, I still hope my posts make just a tiny bit of sense to you. If not I can say it in this way: The way it's being sung is not how they would normally do it, but that's what makes it unique!

                          And of course I will remember the unwritten codex of never saying anything bad about Julianna. Why would one do that though? She is as close to perfect as any human being will ever come.
                          Now, if she was just 3 years younger and came from Denmark, she would truly be perfect.. at least to me ;)
                          I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.


                          • Stingy
                            NEW MEMBER
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 5497

                            Re: LazyTown Song Discussions

                            Originally posted by LazyTeenRudy
                            Wake Up I love it because it reminds me off a R&B song
                            Lol I can't see that. Unless it's because Pixel is black, in which case dats waciss.


                            • AnnGry
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 10 - LazyTowner
                              • Sep 2016
                              • 135

                              Re: LazyTown Song Discussions

                              Recently I got the Lazy Town New Album and discovered the "Good to be Bad" has a secret verse that I never heard on the actual show. I'm a sucker for anything with Robbie signing in it so that has bumped it up quite a bit, I like all of his songs. Besides that "One More Time" is my general favorite.
                              Lazyfiction on AO3


                              • LazyPixel
                                GETLAZY MEMBER
                                Level 10 - LazyTowner
                                • Jun 2015
                                • 143

                                Re: LazyTown Song Discussions

                                I like more the songs with Sportacus, the voice of the singer i'ts very good.

