Spooky Song: 8.8/10
Not one of my faves, but it's really cute. And very catchy. Sometimes I sing it inside a blanket fort.
Teamwork: 9.9/10
Another fantastic song. It's really inspiring and fun to sing.
Go For it: 8/10
Not awesome, but not bad either.
The Mine Song: 9/10 (US English version, UK English gets 8.8)
I love Stingy, and this song cracks me up every time. I prefer the whiny and nasal US voice to the ultra-posh UK voice though---it's just funnier to me)
Gizmo Guy: 9/10 (US English, never heard the UK version)
Pixel is awesome, and I always want to dance with my keyboard when I hear it. I'm such a geek.
I'm a Prince: 9/10 (US English, I know I heard the UK version once but can't find it again)
This one's always been funny. It's even funnier when you hear it with Britney Spears' "Oops I Did It Again". Good work, Stingy! (both the character and the GL user)
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.
Spooky Song: Great chrous but I'm not really so sure about the verses. An awesome melody though.
Teamwork: Pretty damn good!
Go For it: I really like this one, oddly... I haven't listened to it that much because for a while I didn't have it on my computer. But I think it's awesome. Something about the delivery of the lines in the verse...
The Mine Song: ****ing amazing. I don't have a number one favourite but this is one of my favourite favourites.
Gizmo Guy: Like Stingy, I don't think this incarnation of the song is the best, but I still really love it.
I'm a Prince: Hell. yes. When I first saw this episode and this song began I think my brain basically exploded. I love how the dancing is choreographed as well because I know it's hard to get humans and puppets to work together really well. It's not exactly the most original tune but I still think it's brilliant.
Playtime: 3/10
Something about the rhythm of this one throws me off and I don't much like it. I've started to appreciate it more in different languages though---the Italian version rocks.
Master of Disguise: 9/10
Robbie, Robbie, how I love thee. *.* Stefan's voice is awesome and the song is perfect for Robbie's character. Full of dramatic flair.
I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.
Take A Vacation: 100/100, LOVE it.
Woof Woof Woof: 10/10 "The Friend I Never Had", I went "Aww" first time I heard that! And I had to look up what "Cur" meant {Dog of mixed breed.}
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Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!