Stephanie's titter at the beginning of the song is kind of creepy, isn't it? Also I do not understand what the singer is saying after "And it's all up to you/Just never stop growing". "Blah-blah/Big or small/Yackety-yak", what is he sluring?
Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam
Stephanie's titter at the beginning of the song is kind of creepy, isn't it? Also I do not understand what the singer is saying after "And it's all up to you/Just never stop growing". "Blah-blah/Big or small/Yackety-yak", what is he sluring?
There's so much you can do and it's all up to you, just never stop growing,
So give it your all, big or small, give it just a little bit more,
All around the world, feel the magic growing,
For every boy and girl, ready, set, go!
It's LazyTown Extra!
Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !
...So give it your all, big or small, give it just a little bit more....
Ah, thank you! That's what I believe to hear too. But it doesn't sound like proper English to me. (As if I could tell.)
And isn't the magic glowing? I mean, they wouldn't use 'growing' to rhyme with 'growing', would they?
Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam