Bing Bang, alternate versions

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  • Username
    Level 10 - LazyTowner
    • Oct 2016
    • 104


    Bing Bang, alternate versions

    Realtalk here: Why is the Circus Version so half-assed? I like the concept, but it's so obvious they just layered some new synth over the old mix, and then it just gives up 20 seconds in and reverts to the main mix.

    The Rock Version succeeds in being a wholly unique mix, but it's not in any way inspired.

    The Christmas Version (of Welcome to LazyTown) on the other hand, that's quickly become my favourite version of the track. It knows when to take it down a notch, and knows to use the festive instrumental as a spice not the primary flavour.

    Honourable mention to the Robbie Rotten version. More funny than funky.

    Wait, I just realized one of these is "Welcome to Lazy Town". Hahaha. I need to wake up before posting.
  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Bing Bang, alternate versions

    Originally posted by Username
    Realtalk here: Why is the Circus Version so half-assed? I like the concept, but it's so obvious they just layered some new synth over the old mix, and then it just gives up 20 seconds in and reverts to the main mix.
    Yeah, I dunno about that. Maybe it was a last-minute decision to theme it that way.

    Originally posted by Username
    The Christmas Version on the other hand, that's quickly become my favourite version of the track. It knows when to take it down a notch, and knows to use the festive instrumental as a spice not the primary flavour.
    I agree, the xmas version is fantastic, and I've been listening to it a lot lately since it's on my xmas playlist on my iPod.

    Bing Bang has so many versions and it's hard to pick favorites. They all have something that I like about them. The original is the original, so there's a lot of respect that needs to be given to it. The Housebuilder's remix is very solid as well, and I quite like that one. It deserves similar respect since it is an in-house remix. The Time to Dance remix is really fun, and is the first LazyTown song that I ever heard, so it's special to me in that way. There are many, many others as well as you probably know, but those are the ones that stick out to me.


    • Bädo Innos
      Level 11 - The Blue Knight
      • Jun 2015
      • 154

      Re: Bing Bang, alternate versions

      here is more bing bang versions from spotify!rtsBnTRR!Wft8DLBIk-K1ltj5hSan0A


      • Fox
        Friendly Fox
        Level 26 - Roboticus
        • Aug 2015
        • 1056

        Re: Bing Bang, alternate versions

        Always nice looking at what could have been.

        Shelby Young pilot version:
        I'm as sneaky as can be. None's sneakier than me.


        • 20xTime
          Level 9 - Energy Poster
          • Dec 2016
          • 92

          Re: Bing Bang, alternate versions

          Originally posted by Fox
          Always nice looking at what could have been.

          Shelby Young pilot version:
          Ziggy and Pixel seem to suffer from same-face syndrome in the pilot.

          Forum icon by Anonymous Pixiv user.


          • Username
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 10 - LazyTowner
            • Oct 2016
            • 104

            Re: Bing Bang, alternate versions

            Originally posted by Bädo Innos
            here is more bing bang versions from spotify!rtsBnTRR!Wft8DLBIk-K1ltj5hSan0A
            Thaaanks bae

            Originally posted by Fox
            Always nice looking at what could have been.

            Shelby Young pilot version:
            Yeah, this does seem pretty nic-- OH DEAR LORD, THE PUPPETS!

            I'm so glad things were refined over time. Sure, it took a step back towards the end, but anything's better than those horrors.

            It's also a good thing I don't dream often.

            YouTube pushed this next video to me, and it's intriguing to see more clips from the 2002 pilot. Interesting to note the cinematography wasn't always so flat--I can't recall any shots like those dolly-ins on Stephanie and Pixel. They really give things a more cinematic feel, but probably caused problems with chromakeying and building CG backgrounds. Oooor it was just a cheap 'trailer trick' to draw eyeballs and make the most out of their set piece.

            - - - Updated - - -

            Originally posted by 20xTime
            Ziggy and Pixel seem to suffer from same-face syndrome in the pilot.
            It's uncanny, for sure. Looks like they had a simple base model, either due to budget constraints or unpolished designs. Leaves me to wonder when the TV show's 'final' designs started to make their way into drawn media and other literature. Since we have a proto name for Trixie on similarly styled merch, I presume it wasn't all after the show started airing.


            • megadjmatt25
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
              • May 2016
              • 1226

              Re: Bing Bang, alternate versions

              Originally posted by Fox
              Always nice looking at what could have been.

              Shelby Young pilot version:
              Gotta love this version

