Didn't see it on the forum, so I figured I would share it for people who either didn't know it existed, or for the ones curious about it. So yeah, it is a cassette with German LazyTown songs (and their instrumentals).
I picked it up recently while searching for more exotic LazyTown items, for which it was $5 from Germany. Took about two weeks to get to me, then I had to wait another week since I forgot that I didn't own a cassette player. I am not quite sure if there are any others that can be purchased (Amazon and eBay are sold out now), but one may eventually pop up somewhere.
There's the actual cassette. The songs are:
--Side A--
1. Kommt mit nach LazyTown (Welcome to LazyTown)
2. Keiner Trödelt in LazyTown (No One's Lazy in LazyTown)
3. Aufstehn! (Wake Up)
4. Teamwork
5. Ihr seid Piraten (You Are A Pirate)
6. Irgendwo ist ein Weg (Always A Way)
7. Es kann viel geschehen (Anything Can Happen)
8. Schritt für Schritt (Step by Step)
9. Galaxie (Galaxy)
10. Technikfreak (Gizmo Guy)
11. Grusellied (Spooky Song)
12. Bing Bang
--Side B--
All of these are the respective instrumentals.
But how does it sound? Flaky? FLAC(cy)?
(Headphones used are Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 250Ωs)
The cassette actually sounds pretty good. Not 16-bit flac, but still pretty good. I would say ~320kbps mp3 quality. The only thing that was a little odd was how all of the songs were a little higher pitched than usual. (compared to 16-bit flacs on PC) It wasn't distracting after listening to at least 10 seconds, but was definitely discernible. I am not sure if this is the tape's fault or the player (probably the latter), or whether this is a common "feature" of tape or not. There was no scratchiness or clipping, so at least the tape was kept in good care. The only problem I had was the player's 3.5" jack transmitting a weird hum when plugged in while tilted at certain angles... It did have EQ adjustment though, which is nice as I like highs to be present the most so that audio sounds the clearest.
Here is the case.
Back of the paper from the case. Obviously used, but a brand new tape would be very expensive (that is, if you could find one.)
The paper then folds out to show all of the German lyrics.
There is a higher quality book(let) of these somewhere that looks practically the same -
So here is paper containing the lyrics -
(And this information, for anyone wondering)
Flipping over to the other side...
Sorry for the sub-par photography, but as I said, that packet/booklet's images are in better quality somewhere else on the forum.
So yeah, that's the Los Geht's cassette. I'm not sure if any other LazyTown cassette tapes exist, but if they do, I want them.
Anyone else got a cassette or another weird storage medium with LazyTown music on it? Vinyl Record?