Shut your ****ing mouth. The 2D pictures are from the same artist that has been doing the 2D art for awhile. There is a LARGE collection of comics somewhere around here. Can't recall if it's hiding in lazypics, or if it has it's own topic. But they're around.
Shut your ****ing mouth. The 2D pictures are from the same artist that has been doing the 2D art for awhile. There is a LARGE collection of comics somewhere around here. Can't recall if it's hiding in lazypics, or if it has it's own topic. But they're around.
UGH. STFU. She or he asked where them comes from so he or she can get more. "Are from the same artist blah blah boring" Does no help so keep your month shut. kbye.
@Philipsworld: Man, there's no need of drama. I'm pretty sure you can express your feelings in much nicer words, I thought we had respect for eachother. If you want to create arguments, there's a PM option in most of the users that you can click.
And the rest of you, those are Pixel 2D pictures that you can ask for with Philipsworld and that's the end of the story, no more words to add. I hope this doesn't happen for the 4th time or things will start getting more serious.