I've spent the past week searching Lazytown episodes for good views of the entire town or parts thereof. I've combined what I found into a map of the town:

It's not gong to be 100% accurate until we get a high-res view of the town straight from above. There have been a few nice shots though, such as the one with Robbie falling down from the airship in 'Sportacus who?', Sportacus looking through his telescope in 'prince Stingy', and those sequences of the airship almost crashing into town, like in 'dr Rottenstein'.
There is some variation between shots of the town. The most obvious is, in alter epsidodes, the addition of the theater(8), the moving of building 12 and the changed design or replacing of building 13. Some of the other buildings(filler houses) got moved around as well.
Also, the set pieces don't always fit into the map of the town. Sometimes they place walls and benches or even roads that simply aren't there on the distant shots. In one epsiode(I forgot which, but I'll look and post a screen), there are a bunch of walls in front of the town hall, that are standing on the road, whereas the only walls there border on the grass of the park.
Because of such inconsistencies I had to make some decisions, and the order(that is, when two sources on the list disagree I use the top-most one) I used is:
- Far away shots from the later episodes(Note the far shot in the song and title screen didn't get updated with the theater and stuff)
- Far away shots from the earlier epsiodes
- CG used for backgrounds
- Sets
I have been unable to place some key locations on this map due to a lack of buildings in the background of the shots featuring these locations, and their absence on the far shots. Advice on this would be appreciated:
- The castle where Stingy was locked in in 'Prince Stingy'
- The vegetable spot from Dr Rottenstein(among other episodes) where they sing 'good stuff'
- the treehouse
- the clubhouse
- Lazy park from 'haunted castle'
- the leaning castle from 'haunted castle'. It's not the same location as Stingy's palace. The haunted castle is on a grassy hill, Stingy's palace was on a road.
The lack of background buildings makes me think that these locations aren't even in town at all. Perhaps if you absolutely want them on the map they would have to be placed at a spot we never see during the far shots, or we can just call it a continuity error(which it is). The tree- and clubhouse can not be on the two patches of grass in the west end of the park, because there are some shots of those patches that show there is only grass there, and a tree(with no treehouse).
On the subject of where north is: It's not important of course, and the only source i have found for it is the episode 'rottenbeard', in which both Robbie's map and the real pirate map show a compass rose. They don't agree on where north is, but I thought a real treasure map would be more reliable than Robbie's forgery, so I used that. But I just added it for kicks, really.
Building specific notes:
11: Shops:
This is a street with 8 buildings in it. It's never mentioned what these buildings are but from the signs on them I assume they include:
- a bakery(there's a big pretzel sign on the front)
- a fast-food joint (hamburger and fries signs). This has two entrances so I'm counting it as two buildings.
- a toy store(a sign with a triangle, circle, and square on it)
There's also a building with a big ice cream cone, one with a soda bottle, one with what looks like a planet on top(if I had to guess I'd say this is a diner), and a small building with no signs at all, which I guess is just a house.
12: This is a building with a curved yellow roof and big windows. There's a large soccer ball that hangs on a corner of the roof. So I guess this is an indoor gym.
13: In the earlier episodes this was clearly a supermarket or vegetable store. The massive sign can't be missed. However it was later replaced by a building with a different-coloured roof and no sign, and I haven't seen a clear enough shot of it since. Maybe it still serves the same purpose, but it's impossible to tell. Perhaps the vegetable store went out of business because everyone just picks fruit from trees and they have their own vegetable crop :p
14: This pink house next door to the Mayor's stands out from the other random background buildings, so it seems it's special, but AFAIK we have never heard who lives there. It could be Trixie, but that's no more than a wild guess because she's the only character left.
15: Who lives here? They must be pretty rich to own the largest piece of land in Lazytown, on a hill with a big fence around it.
Here's a detail of the park:

The soccer goal and basketball hoop move around a lot it seems, but this is where they are most of the time, from what I've seen. The playground with the ice cream stand I couldnt find any really clear pictures of so I can't make out what kind of stuff is there. I would assume the pirate stuff from the beginning of 'Rottenbeard' was here, and perhaps the club house too, but there doesn't seem to be any room for the tree house as well.
If you spot any errors or have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.
EDIT: Gif sucks, replaced with JPG.

It's not gong to be 100% accurate until we get a high-res view of the town straight from above. There have been a few nice shots though, such as the one with Robbie falling down from the airship in 'Sportacus who?', Sportacus looking through his telescope in 'prince Stingy', and those sequences of the airship almost crashing into town, like in 'dr Rottenstein'.
There is some variation between shots of the town. The most obvious is, in alter epsidodes, the addition of the theater(8), the moving of building 12 and the changed design or replacing of building 13. Some of the other buildings(filler houses) got moved around as well.
Also, the set pieces don't always fit into the map of the town. Sometimes they place walls and benches or even roads that simply aren't there on the distant shots. In one epsiode(I forgot which, but I'll look and post a screen), there are a bunch of walls in front of the town hall, that are standing on the road, whereas the only walls there border on the grass of the park.
Because of such inconsistencies I had to make some decisions, and the order(that is, when two sources on the list disagree I use the top-most one) I used is:
- Far away shots from the later episodes(Note the far shot in the song and title screen didn't get updated with the theater and stuff)
- Far away shots from the earlier epsiodes
- CG used for backgrounds
- Sets
I have been unable to place some key locations on this map due to a lack of buildings in the background of the shots featuring these locations, and their absence on the far shots. Advice on this would be appreciated:
- The castle where Stingy was locked in in 'Prince Stingy'
- The vegetable spot from Dr Rottenstein(among other episodes) where they sing 'good stuff'
- the treehouse
- the clubhouse
- Lazy park from 'haunted castle'
- the leaning castle from 'haunted castle'. It's not the same location as Stingy's palace. The haunted castle is on a grassy hill, Stingy's palace was on a road.
The lack of background buildings makes me think that these locations aren't even in town at all. Perhaps if you absolutely want them on the map they would have to be placed at a spot we never see during the far shots, or we can just call it a continuity error(which it is). The tree- and clubhouse can not be on the two patches of grass in the west end of the park, because there are some shots of those patches that show there is only grass there, and a tree(with no treehouse).
On the subject of where north is: It's not important of course, and the only source i have found for it is the episode 'rottenbeard', in which both Robbie's map and the real pirate map show a compass rose. They don't agree on where north is, but I thought a real treasure map would be more reliable than Robbie's forgery, so I used that. But I just added it for kicks, really.
Building specific notes:
11: Shops:
This is a street with 8 buildings in it. It's never mentioned what these buildings are but from the signs on them I assume they include:
- a bakery(there's a big pretzel sign on the front)
- a fast-food joint (hamburger and fries signs). This has two entrances so I'm counting it as two buildings.
- a toy store(a sign with a triangle, circle, and square on it)
There's also a building with a big ice cream cone, one with a soda bottle, one with what looks like a planet on top(if I had to guess I'd say this is a diner), and a small building with no signs at all, which I guess is just a house.
12: This is a building with a curved yellow roof and big windows. There's a large soccer ball that hangs on a corner of the roof. So I guess this is an indoor gym.
13: In the earlier episodes this was clearly a supermarket or vegetable store. The massive sign can't be missed. However it was later replaced by a building with a different-coloured roof and no sign, and I haven't seen a clear enough shot of it since. Maybe it still serves the same purpose, but it's impossible to tell. Perhaps the vegetable store went out of business because everyone just picks fruit from trees and they have their own vegetable crop :p
14: This pink house next door to the Mayor's stands out from the other random background buildings, so it seems it's special, but AFAIK we have never heard who lives there. It could be Trixie, but that's no more than a wild guess because she's the only character left.
15: Who lives here? They must be pretty rich to own the largest piece of land in Lazytown, on a hill with a big fence around it.
Here's a detail of the park:

The soccer goal and basketball hoop move around a lot it seems, but this is where they are most of the time, from what I've seen. The playground with the ice cream stand I couldnt find any really clear pictures of so I can't make out what kind of stuff is there. I would assume the pirate stuff from the beginning of 'Rottenbeard' was here, and perhaps the club house too, but there doesn't seem to be any room for the tree house as well.
If you spot any errors or have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them.
EDIT: Gif sucks, replaced with JPG.