1. As a fan how did you first get interested in Lazytown?
I don't really know. I remember coming home to seeing ABC3 airing a season three episode - most likely First Day of Summer. I was hooked on the show, but they took it off air in 2017. I re-discovered it because of the Mine Song popularity.

2. Bing bang was the obvious hit song from the show.. What other song do you think should be a hit?
A lot of them, really. Mani makes super cool songs, and all of them should be appreciated. Probably 'Get it Together' & 'Hey, We play'.

3. This is a two-part question:

A. What is your favorite puppet from the show and why?
Probably Pixel. He has the same skin colour of me, and we both are tech nerds.

B. Who is your favorite puppeteer from Lazytown and why?
Gudmondor Thor Karason! He made all the puppets- without him LazyTown wouldn't be LazyTown.

4. How would you describe the people in the fanbase for Lazytown these days?
They're actually pretty chill. I like them. Mostly just Discord and Reddit which I don't use, and of course a few YouTube channels. Not too much reception as the show's died out, but I think they just wanna share their love for LazyTown.

5. What does the concept of “Lazytown” mean to you?
No idea what this means.
6. Have you ever met or spoken to any of the cast or crew from Lazytown… if So, can you briefly describe your experience?
I talked to Chloe multiple times via her YouTube comments. Asked her some questions, got me some answers.
7. For those who didn’t get to meet anyone from Lazytown...If you got to meet one of the Lazytown cast members, what kind of souvenir would you like to take home with you?
Maybe a CD, or DVD. Or better, a cool prop. Maybe Robbie's cake, Stephanie's boombox.. or the classic Ziggy lollipop. But what I'd really want to take would be the crystal.
8. What's your favorite Lazytown instrumental song?
Welcome to LazyTown.
9. What are your favorite seasons?
Season two and three. I also have this thing for LazyTown Extra.
10. What are your least favorite seasons?
Seasons one (it was a good season, but too much reused stuff and it was too long) and four (I haven't watched it in a while this opinion may change)
11. Ok, here’s the ‘Why’ questions...What are your favorite episodes from the seasons and why?
S1E18 Records Day, epic plot and rescue!
S2E13 Digital, a LazyTown episode with a 'tech' feeling. Also, Techno Generation is a masterpiece.
S3E1 Roboticus, duh! Roboticus' outfit looks super awesome.
S4E8 The Wizard of LazyTown - Robbie being active? Hey we Play rocks too.

12. What are your least favorite episodes from the seasons and why?
Season one - Greatest Hits
Season two - Lazy Genie
Season three - Little Pink Riding Hood
Season four - Baby Troll

13. Who is your favorite Stephanie (Shelby, Julianna, Chloe) and why?
Chloe - nostalgia and her singing voice.

14. Who is your favorite Robbie Rotten...naw just kidding!.....What is your favorite Robbie episode?
Robbie's Greatest Misses

15. What is your favorite Robbie disguise and why?
Probably Johnny B. Badd. So 50s. So cool!

16. Which Robbie Rotten invention impresses you the most?
Soccer ball shooter.

17. Do you think the real life Stefan Karl is anything like Robbie Rotten or is he the opposite?
Well, Stefan is pretty nice, you see him smile in pics all the time. Also, he hates candy, so they're very very different.
18. Did you think it was a good idea for Lazytown Entertainment to A) replace Julianna and B) replace the puppets with British voice-overs and why?
A) Yes - I like Chloe.. maybe nostalgia, but her singing voice is pretty cool. Also why'd you have a 20-something year old lady playing an eight year old? B) I hate the British dub - unneeded UK slang, and the pitch is put up. Ugh.
19. What are your thoughts and feelings and comments about Magnus Scheving?
He is super awesome- he made all the LazyTown characters, wrote and produced all the episodes, and he is an aerobics legend.
Visit sportacus10.lazytown.eu for more glazing.

20. What are your thoughts and feelings and comments about Stefan Karl?
He rocks. He brought life to Robbie Rotten and made so much of us happy. May he rest in peace.

21. Another two-parter:

A. What is your favorite season 3 and 4 episode and why?
Roboticus & Wizard of LazyTown.
B. What is your favorite season 3 and 4 song?
Here we Go, Hey we Play.
22. Now the favorites questions….What’s your favorite Latibaer song?
Allt i Lagi i Latabae.
23. What’s your favorite Sportacus move?
The first segment in 'Outdoor Action' from LazyTown Extra
24. What’s your favorite SportsCandy?
Mangoes. Apples.
25. If you went to Lazytown for a day..where would you go and what would you do?
I'd go in the airship, I'd go to the ice-cream stall. I'd dance with Stephanie, share candy with Sportacus, and maybe see a movie on Pixel's PC.
26. What’s your favorite Pixel gadget?
The shoe phone. So useless.
27. What do you think makes Stingy so stingy?
28. Do you think the Latibaer puppets are cute or creepy?….if so… which ones and why?
They're not as scary as some make them out to be, but if the final show turned out to be with those puppets, let's just say I wouldn't be here.
29. Which character from Lazytown do you most identify with?
I want to say Sportacus, but Pixel. (Sportacus.) (You guys get the reference?)
30. Would you like to see Lazytown as an animated series?....and….if they used different actor voices would you feel comfortable or would you prefer the original actor voices?
Now that Maggi owns the rights, yes. Bonus if he or Dyri voices Sportacus. Sportacus should NOT have an American voice. I think the voice actors from the Icelandic plays would be good if they sound similiar to the characters.