David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

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    David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

    This same guy lately has been saying that Julianna would be part of a "Fire Safety Movie" he says hes directing. He also said Haley Duff would be in it too. Yeah, sure. Besides stalking Julianna in real life Stodghill is also the guy spreading the rumors about Julianna being a lesbian, has set up different MySpace and YouTube accounts posing as her, etc.

    Well his lies have caught up with him.

    http://www.cumberlink.com/articles/2009 ... 871760.txt

    (the link even has a pic of him)

    Shippensburg police say film project bogus
    By Dale Heberlig, Sentinel Reporter, June 19, 2009

    Last updated: Friday, June 19, 2009 1:58 PM EDT
    hippensburg police are warning residents to steer clear of a bogus filmmaker who claims to be making a fire-safety movie.

    Police Chief Fred Scott says the man, identified as David Stodghill, is pitching plans to make a movie in downtown Shippensburg using local fire apparatus and Hollywood celebrities. He says King Street would be closed and a vacant college fraternity house burned.

    Stodghill, 36, used the name Randy Thomas in his pitch and even informed Scott of the plan.

    Scott say Stodghill is from the Carlisle-Newville area and recently returned from North Carolina to take up residence in Shippensburg,

    Scott says dealing with Stodghill is risky business, especially if there are children involved.

    “He has a lengthy criminal record and is a habitual liar, according to information I’ve collected from other police departments,” Scott says. “Have no contact with him in any way, shape of form.”

    Stodghill floated the same scam last summer in Carlisle.

    “He talked to me,” Scott says, “and the mayor (Bruce Hockersmith) and Tom Moriarty (emergency management coordinator) about this fire safety movie.”

    When Scott checked the credentials of “Randy Thomas,” he discovered that Thomas is a legitimate filmmaker but that Stodghill is clearly not Thomas.

    “He was talking about auditioning young girls for the movie,” Scott says. “I’m not comfortable with him around kids.”


    Scott says Stodghill has committed no crime locally, “except for telling people that the police support his film.”

    Stodghill’s past is another story. Cumberland County and state police records show Stodghill has served several prison terms in the past — one for concealing the whereabouts of a child.

    Cumberland County records indicate Stodghill has been imprisoned there six times since 1995 — twice on charges of indecent assault and on other occasions on charges of intimidating a victim, aggravated assault of corruption of a minor, receiving stolen property and criminal trespass

    Terry Bigler, a downtown Shippensburg businessmen, says he was approached by Stodghill on several occasions but was skeptical from the start. He reported the encounters to Scott and Borough fire Chief Jamie White two weeks ago.

    ©2009, The Sentinel, a division of Lee Enterprises. Do not copy or redistribute.
    Article: Shippensburg police say film project bogus

    Author: By Dale Heberlig, Sentinel Reporter, June 19, 2009
  • angelbaby21
    Level 10 - LazyTowner
    • Oct 2007
    • 145

    Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

    Poor Juli, that sweet innocent girl......


    • LazyTownWW
      Level 28 - Friend For Life
      • Jun 2009
      • 1998

      Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

      Originally posted by angelbaby21
      Poor Juli, that sweet innocent girl......
      I don't know about "innocence", but I don't realy know anything about her, nor am I a huge fan of her (I admire her acting skills and her dancing skills, but something tells me that she dosen't have a lot of qualitys as a person), so feel free to ignore my opinion on her...
      But I do know this: STALKERS ARE SICK AND PATHETIC...from what I'v heard on the net, this is the king of freeks. I mean, he must have no life whatsoever, considering he has so much time on his hands for looser-shit things like the stuff he's ben doing...and now this
      Some people are just beyond my understanding and tolerance...**** HIM!
      Sportacus crystal


      • stephanie's lazyboy
        Level 13 - Purple Panther
        • Feb 2009
        • 269

        Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

        I'm a huge julianna fan and I believe with all my heart that she is a kind, loving, sweet, innocent girl. I HATE STODGEHILL!!!!!!!

        Ok.. I know i'm sounding gay and retarded. Someone shoot me.


        • LazyPooky
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Oct 2007
          • 7253

          Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

          Originally posted by LazyTownWW
          I don't know about "innocence", but I don't realy know anything about her, nor am I a huge fan of her (I admire her acting skills and her dancing skills, but something tells me that she dosen't have a lot of qualitys as a person), so feel free to ignore my opinion on her...
          But I do know this: STALKERS ARE SICK AND PATHETIC...from what I'v heard on the net, this is the king of freeks. I mean, he must have no life whatsoever, considering he has so much time on his hands for looser-shit things like the stuff he's ben doing...and now this
          Some people are just beyond my understanding and tolerance...**** HIM!
          I understand what you're saying. I love Julianna for her Acting, Singing, Dancing and most of all her professionalism, and only because I watched Lazytown, A Fix and some interviews she did. I don't know nothing about her social life (and I think we better keep it that way) but you can't say that she doesn't have a lot qualitys just because you haven't seen much of her social life. Only her family and close friends will know.
          Although I said the above things sometime I wish that she was more open like Demi.
          Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


          • LazyTownWW
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 28 - Friend For Life
            • Jun 2009
            • 1998

            Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

            Pooky's right about what I sayd, don't judge people you don't know. Anyway, I said that about her qualitys as a person (as opposed to profesional qualitys) because:
            -of the infamous pattern with 99% of stars, especialy young stars (that is a fact)
            -of what personality traits can be detected from her acting and from all the interviews she has given (but this method of psichological analasys is not fool-proof)
            -becouse of my slight interest with psichology and...astrology :oops: (**** me, I can't belive I actualy admited that...)
            Sportacus crystal


            • Lazycus
              Master of Shoops
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 24 - The Blue Elf
              • Nov 2007
              • 828

              Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

              Frankly, I don't understand this whole Stodghill affair.

              While Miss Mauriello isn't the greatest star on earth (in a public prominence sense of the term), she has quite a reputation, even internationally. So how can she be stalked without anybody taking notice of it? The only useful hint I found was the notation on davidstodghill.blogspot.com. Shouldn't there be any kind of news coverage somewhere?

              Or did the Mauriellos keep it under wraps to have the mob take care of it? But this didn't happen either, did it? I mean, there are plenty of people here alone who would hunt down Stodghill and beat him to a bloody pulp for nothing more than a "pleeease", episode 28 style.

              I'm kinda annoyed now that this bestfriend person had the effrontery to compare me with this Stodghill - and I don't even know how the **** "Stodghill" is to be pronounced.
              Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam


              • ooozmin
                Former moderator
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                Level 29 - Villain Number One
                • May 2007
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                Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                lol what a looonie
                Get Lazy's #1 fugitive!


                • stephanie's lazyboy
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 13 - Purple Panther
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 269

                  Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                  Originally posted by Lazycus
                  bestfriend person had the effrontery to compare me with this Stodghill - and I don't even know how the **** "Stodghill" is to be pronounced.
                  "Stodghill" - Ha! I can't even spell that right XD!!!!!!!!!


                  • angelbaby21
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 10 - LazyTowner
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 145

                    Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                    Originally posted by Lazycus
                    I mean, there are plenty of people here alone who would hunt down Stodghill and beat him to a bloody pulp for nothing more than a "pleeease", episode 28 style.


                    • stephanie's lazyboy
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 13 - Purple Panther
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 269

                      Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                      Originally posted by angelbaby21
                      Originally posted by Lazycus
                      I mean, there are plenty of people here alone who would hunt down Stodghill and beat him to a bloody pulp for nothing more than a "pleeease", episode 28 style.


                      • angelbaby21
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 10 - LazyTowner
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 145

                        Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                        UNBELIEVABLE.....PERIOD. :(


                        • stephanie's lazyboy
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 13 - Purple Panther
                          • Feb 2009
                          • 269

                          Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                          Originally posted by angelbaby21
                          UNBELIEVABLE.....PERIOD. :(
                          ???????? :?


                          • angelbaby21
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 10 - LazyTowner
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 145

                            Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                            Originally posted by angelbaby21
                            UNBELIEVABLE.....PERIOD. :(
                            I was speaking of stalkers and internet bullies in general.....sorry I should have better clarified myself....
                            cause I to have been a victim of predators.....and I despise them...and then there are those people who spread rumours and lies about someone they don't even know.....THIS angers me.... :(


                            • Lazycus
                              Master of Shoops
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 828

                              Re: David Stodghill, Julianna's stalker, makes the news!

                              Uh, sorry folks, but I don't get your drift at all now.
                              Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam

