A new question I thought:
when you were young, did you think it'd be a person who was born to do something important, or however thought you'd still be a normal person?
-Adding onto PF's question: Will you ever release your Latibær DVDs with English subs? And can you at least put them on a site where we can buy them with American money (I can't read Icelandic, nor do I know the conversions... :( )
-What is your favorite food?
-If you could be any fruit or vegetable, what would you be and why?
-If you had to choose between riding a dragon to work and riding a scooter to work, which would you choose and why?
-Adding onto PF's question: Will you ever release your Latibær DVDs with English subs? And can you at least put them on a site where we can buy them with American money (I can't read Icelandic, nor do I know the conversions... :( )
I have put up an instructional post on how to buy Icelandic stuff from a website in the "LazyTown International" thread. You don't need to know Icelandic, and they will accept your money.
-Adding onto PF's question: Will you ever release your Latibær DVDs with English subs? And can you at least put them on a site where we can buy them with American money (I can't read Icelandic, nor do I know the conversions... :( )
I have put up an instructional post on how to buy Icelandic stuff from a website in the "LazyTown International" thread. You don't need to know Icelandic, and they will accept your money.
Yeah, page 6 "elko.is" totally trustworthy.
Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!
Haha everyone would think Sportacus really was a Sportakook...
I would probably think, "Hey why is this weird guy with the blue suit and silly moustache walking around on his hands? Oh well, he must be cool in a dorky way."
He'd be like, " *sadface* why does no one want to see my sports candy?"
And I'd say, "Uhm...well...I'd like to see your sports candy..." ;)
Yup, he'll be there tomorrow...or do you prefere Long Beach?
Should I even add my question? I dunno...
I need talk with my the other admins of LTW for think about the new questions and we will make a final choose of questions. But anyways we like all questions and the new ones.
How about:
Isn't it true that your name is in fact Magnus von Scheving? And that your physical prowess is actually a result of experiments made by Nazi scientists during World War II in order to create an immortal Aryan Über-Soldat?
Nah, might upset him, won't it?
Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam