LazyTown Icelandic DVDs (not the plays)

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  • nindanjoe
    Former Moderator
    Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
    • Apr 2007
    • 1497


    LazyTown Icelandic DVDs (not the plays)

    Hi again, I was wondering if I could get some help getting the episodes listing for the LazyTown Icelandic DVDs. I'm thinking about buying a few from They don't have the old plays though. Anyway, since shipping to the US is about $19 USD over there, and each DVD costs about $20 USD (I swear it was like $15 USD a few months ago!), I want to be sure of what I'm getting. Here's the current list at the GetLazy Wiki: ... Ds#Iceland

    Also, the link to the LazyTown Icelandic DVDs: ... ece38688cb

    As usual, I plan on sharing these rare goodies with everyone given how rare they are! One of my plans include converting those Icelandic subs to a more friendly .srt format so everyone can use those. :)

    I might also need some help getting the English titles from Icelandic ones. Unless someone else beats me to it, I'll expand that Wiki column and put in the English version of the title. Here's what I have so far:
    Latibær 1: Velkomin til Latabæjar
    Velkomin til Latabæjar [Welcome to LazyTown]
    Glannfinnur læknir [Dr. Rottenstein]
    Íþróttadagur [Sports Day]
    Hetja í einn dag [Hero for a Day]

    Latibær 2: Kristall í klípu
    Glæpaskeggur [Rottenbeard]
    Kristall í klípu [Crystal Caper]

    Latibær 3: Boltabullan
    Letiskátar [Lazy Scouts]
    Trjáh­ýsið mitt
    Besta gjöfin

    Latibær 4: Nýja hetjan í Latabæ
    Svefnlaus í Latabæ [Sleepless in LazyTown]
    Latasti bærinn
    Nýja hetjan í Latabæ. Hluti 1 [LazyTown's New Superhero Part 1]
    Nýja hetjan í Latabæ. Hluti 2 [LazyTown's New Superhero Part 2]
    I know that you can guess what the episode is based off of the cover, but I want to be absolutely sure first.

    Thanks for any help you can give.
    *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic
  • Alan314159
    Level 12 - Lazy Scout
    • Nov 2007
    • 226

    Re: LazyTown Icelandic DVDs (not the plays)

    I own the Icelandic DVDs 1-4. I bought them from Skífan ( and they were a damn sight cheaper than the same titles on Nammi. The first 4 are 1499 kr (~$13) but the others are about the same price as the ones you linked to. Postage was really reasonable (450 kr, I think), although I'm in the UK so I don't know what they charge for the US.

    (N.B. All Latibær DVDs are region 2 PAL, so for those of you outside Europe you'll need a multi-region DVD player or equivalent.)

    Sigraður = Defeeted
    Risaeðluraunir = Cry Dinosaur
    Trjáhýsið mitt = My Treehouse
    Besta Gjöfin = Happy Brush Day
    Boltabullan = Soccer Sucker
    Latasti Bærinn = The Laziest Town

    None of the DVDs I have contain any special features, I don't know if the same is true of the later ones. If you'd like to know anything else about them, ask away.
    Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !


    • nindanjoe
      Former Moderator
      Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
      • Apr 2007
      • 1497

      Re: LazyTown Icelandic DVDs (not the plays)

      Awesome, thanks for the site and episode titles! If I learn how to order from the site, then you would have saved me some money. :) How did you learn to navigate that site? I was going to say that I couldn't figure it out, but I think I found a PDF file that can help. I found this site when trying to look for an English version of ... D=69514995

      The site links to a PDF file on the site, so there might be more information there to find; no English version of the site, but that PDF seems to help quite a bit.

      Thanks for letting me ask questions. :) I have a few. Do the Icelandic DVDs have the US English audio track too? Do they also have an English subtitles track too? I know they have an Icelandic subtitles track. =P

      Thanks again! Now that I know the Icelandic DVDs can be cheaper, I'll wait for the later ones to drop in price before buying them. :) You wouldn't happen to know where I could get the old Icelandic LazyTown plays? That is without flying over to Iceland to pick them up.
      *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


      • Alan314159
        Level 12 - Lazy Scout
        • Nov 2007
        • 226

        Re: LazyTown Icelandic DVDs (not the plays)

        No problem, although I'd advise against holding your breath; I've been waiting months for the others to go down in price and they haven't budged yet. :(

        Originally posted by nindanjoe
        How did you learn to navigate that site?
        I had to break out the dictionary at several points, but I managed to register eventually. When it comes to placing the actual order, I had more of a problem. Several times I got some weird error message that I assume was to do with the restrictions they'd placed on field lengths/formats for the postal address. It doesn't seem to be designed with foreigners in mind... :?

        Even when it did eventually accept everything, I got concerned that nothing had been debited from my card after a while and decided to chase them up by email. No response to either my first or second messages. Then it struck me to write the subject in Icelandic, and lo and behold, an answer came winging its way back very promptly. Their support staff speak perfect English, so I get the impression that they're more inclined to open the messages of (people they assume to be) fellow Icelanders first.
        The guy I "spoke" to was really helpful and sorted out my order quickly, so don't worry if you have the same problems with getting the online form to work.

        Originally posted by nindanjoe
        Do the Icelandic DVDs have the US English audio track too? Do they also have an English subtitles track too? I know they have an Icelandic subtitles track. =P
        Yes, they have the US audio, but no, they don't have the corresponding English subtitles.

        I find it a bit bizarre (but fun) watching the episodes in Icelandic. Normally when I watch a dub and the words don't match the mouths, I tend to take the opinion that it's the voices that are 'wrong'. Watching Latibær, and knowing that the voices are actually those of Magnús and Stefán, I get antsy that their mouths are doing the wrong thing.

        Originally posted by nindanjoe
        You wouldn't happen to know where I could get the old Icelandic LazyTown plays? That is without flying over to Iceland to pick them up.
        Afraid not. :( I had to settle for downloading them from YouTube, which wasn't very good quality but at least it meant I was able to see them.
        Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !


        • nindanjoe
          Former Moderator
          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
          • Apr 2007
          • 1497

          Re: LazyTown Icelandic DVDs (not the plays)

          Thanks for the information! Too bad they haven't lowered the price after all this time.

          Heh, I tried using an only translator, but it would sometimes fail to translate anything. =P

          Very interesting that you had to put the subject in Icelandic. All that work to get a few DVDs.

          The original actor doing the dubbing is a funny thing. It reminds of some of Jackie Chan's old Chinese movies where he does the voice for the English version, and the mouth doesn't look right, but it has the right voice. :)

          Too bad about the old plays. Now that I think about, I remember either you or someone else that asked for the DVDs too last year. I do have some old encodes someone did of them if you want them. Both videos are about 700MB each, probably more. One of them has an interlacing problem since the encoder did not deinterlace the video.
          *Thanks to Ultra Magnus for Nindanjoe.sigpic


          • Alan314159
            GETLAZY MEMBER
            Level 12 - Lazy Scout
            • Nov 2007
            • 226

            Re: LazyTown Icelandic DVDs (not the plays)

            Originally posted by nindanjoe
            Heh, I tried using an only translator, but it would sometimes fail to translate anything.
            If there're any words in particular that you can't translate, feel free to post them here. I or someone else might be able to shed some light.
            Yarr harr fiddle-de-de, being a is all right with me! Do what you want 'cause a lives free, you are a !

