Hi again, I was wondering if I could get some help getting the episodes listing for the LazyTown Icelandic DVDs. I'm thinking about buying a few from nammi.is. They don't have the old plays though. Anyway, since shipping to the US is about $19 USD over there, and each DVD costs about $20 USD (I swear it was like $15 USD a few months ago!), I want to be sure of what I'm getting. Here's the current list at the GetLazy Wiki: http://www.getlazy.net/wiki/index.php?t ... Ds#Iceland
Also, the link to the LazyTown Icelandic DVDs: http://anonym.to/?http://nammi.is/movie ... ece38688cb
As usual, I plan on sharing these rare goodies with everyone given how rare they are! One of my plans include converting those Icelandic subs to a more friendly .srt format so everyone can use those. :)
I might also need some help getting the English titles from Icelandic ones. Unless someone else beats me to it, I'll expand that Wiki column and put in the English version of the title. Here's what I have so far:
I know that you can guess what the episode is based off of the cover, but I want to be absolutely sure first.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Also, the link to the LazyTown Icelandic DVDs: http://anonym.to/?http://nammi.is/movie ... ece38688cb
As usual, I plan on sharing these rare goodies with everyone given how rare they are! One of my plans include converting those Icelandic subs to a more friendly .srt format so everyone can use those. :)
I might also need some help getting the English titles from Icelandic ones. Unless someone else beats me to it, I'll expand that Wiki column and put in the English version of the title. Here's what I have so far:
Latibær 1: Velkomin til Latabæjar
Velkomin til Latabæjar [Welcome to LazyTown]
Glannfinnur læknir [Dr. Rottenstein]
Íþróttadagur [Sports Day]
Hetja í einn dag [Hero for a Day]
Latibær 2: Kristall í klípu
Glæpaskeggur [Rottenbeard]
Kristall í klípu [Crystal Caper]
Latibær 3: Boltabullan
Letiskátar [Lazy Scouts]
Trjáhýsið mitt
Besta gjöfin
Latibær 4: Nýja hetjan í Latabæ
Svefnlaus í Latabæ [Sleepless in LazyTown]
Latasti bærinn
Nýja hetjan í Latabæ. Hluti 1 [LazyTown's New Superhero Part 1]
Nýja hetjan í Latabæ. Hluti 2 [LazyTown's New Superhero Part 2]
Velkomin til Latabæjar [Welcome to LazyTown]
Glannfinnur læknir [Dr. Rottenstein]
Íþróttadagur [Sports Day]
Hetja í einn dag [Hero for a Day]
Latibær 2: Kristall í klípu
Glæpaskeggur [Rottenbeard]
Kristall í klípu [Crystal Caper]
Latibær 3: Boltabullan
Letiskátar [Lazy Scouts]
Trjáhýsið mitt
Besta gjöfin
Latibær 4: Nýja hetjan í Latabæ
Svefnlaus í Latabæ [Sleepless in LazyTown]
Latasti bærinn
Nýja hetjan í Latabæ. Hluti 1 [LazyTown's New Superhero Part 1]
Nýja hetjan í Latabæ. Hluti 2 [LazyTown's New Superhero Part 2]
Thanks for any help you can give.