Names of episodes in Bulgarian

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  • mariofan5000
    Level 9 - Energy Poster
    • Jun 2013
    • 94


    Names of episodes in Bulgarian

    Re: Episode Discussions

    I don't have an absolute favorite. But, does anybody all of the episodes names in the Bulgarian dub, including Season 2, 3, and Extra (if any)? I am planning to upload those dubs to YouTube (I can find the dubs at, BTW, and use the highest quality video of the episodes that I find on YouTube) and I first need the names. Here is the list of names I have:
    0 - Unaired pilot
    Season 1:
    1 - Welcome to LazyTown
    2 - Defeeted
    3 - Sports Day
    4 - The Great Crystal Caper
    5 - Sleepless in LazyTown
    6 - Swiped Sweets
    7 - Hero for a Day
    8 - Sportafake
    9 - Happy Brush Day
    10 - Lazy Scouts - Мързеливите Скаути
    11 - Dr. Rottenstein - Др. Гнилщайн
    12 - Rottenbeard
    13 - Cry Dinosaur
    14 - My Treehouse
    15 - The Laziest Town
    16 - Dear Diary
    17 - Zap It!
    18 - Record's Day - Ден за Рекорди
    19 - Prince Stingy - Принц Свидльо
    20 - Pixelspix
    21 - Play Day - Ден за Игра
    22 - Remote Control
    23 - Sportacus Who?
    24 - Soccer Sucker
    25 - Miss Roberta
    26 - LazyTown's New Superhero
    27 - Secret Agent Zero - Таен Агент Нула
    28 - LazyTown's Greatest Hits - Любимите Хитове на МързелГрад
    29 - LazyTown's Surprise Santa - Неочакван Дядо Коледа в МързелГрад
    30 - Robbie's Greatest Misses - Най-големите Неуспехи на Роби
    31 - Sports Candy Festival
    32 - Dancing Duel Танцов Дуел
    33 - Ziggy's Alien
    34 - Sportacus on the Move! - Спортакус в Действие!
    Season 2:
    35 - Rockin' Robbie - Роби Рокендрола
    36 - Little Sportacus - Малкият Спортакус
    37 - Trash Trouble - Неприятностти с Боклук
    38 - Double Trouble
    39 - Haunted Castle - Замъкът на Духовете
    40 - The LazyTown Snow Monster
    41 - The LazyTown Circus - Циркът на МързелГрад
    42 - Friends Forever - Вечни Приятели
    43 - Pixel TV - Телевизията на Пиксел
    44 - School Scam
    45 - Energy Book
    46 - Birthday Surprise! - Изненада за Рожденния Ден!
    47 - LazyTown Goes Digital
    48 - The Lazy Genie - Мързеливия Дух
    49 - Once Upon a Time - Имало Едно Време
    50 - The Lazy Rockets
    51 - Dancing Dreams
    52 - Sportacus Saves the Toys Спортакус Спасява Играчките
    LazyTown Extra (translated names are unconfirmed):
    53 - Goal - Гол
    54 - I Love Sports Candy - Обичам Спортни Бонбони
    55 - Ready Set Go! - Готови Приготви се Тръгвай!
    56 - Fantastic Gymnastics - Фантастична Гимнастика
    57 - Splish Splash! - Плис Пляс!
    58 - Clean Up - Почисти
    59 - Pedal Power - Педална Сила
    60 - Picnic Time - Време за Пикник
    61 - Let's Dance - Да Танцуваме
    62 - Smart Art - Умно Изкуство
    63 - Slam Dunk - Забивки
    64 - Let's Jump - Да Скачяме
    65 - Teethtastic - Зъботличен
    66 - Outdoor Action - Външно Време
    67 - Let's Roll - Давай Напред
    68 - Great Greens - Големите Зеленини
    69 - Jump Up - Подскочи
    70 - It's Hip to Skip - Да Прескачяме
    71 - Deep Sleep - Дълбок Сън
    72 - Kick Tricks - Ритрик
    73 - Do Re Mi - До Ре Ми
    74 Bounce Away - Прескочи
    75 - Super Speed - Супер Бърз
    76 - Tall Stories - Измислици
    77 - Ice Is Nice - Ред по Лед
    78 - One Two Ski - Едно Две Ски
    Season 3 (BG names are also custom):
    79 - Roboticus - Роботикус
    80 - The Greatest Gift - Най-добрия Подарък
    81 - Little Pink Riding Hood - Розовата Шапчица
    82 - The Scavenger Hunt - На Лов за Спорт
    83 - Who's Who? - Кой е Кой?
    84 - The Purple Panther (Part 1) - Лилавата Пантера (част 1)
    85 - The Purple Panther (Part 2) - Лилавата Пантера (част 2)
    86 - The Blue Knight - Синия Рицар
    87 - The First Day of Summer - Първия Ден на Лятото
    88 - Chef Rottenfood - Готвач Гнилохранен
    89 - Breakfast at Stephanie's - Закуска със Стефани
    90 - The Lazy Cup - Мързеливата Купа
    91 - The Holiday Spirit - Коледния Дух
    Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but it would help.
  • LazyPooky
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Oct 2007
    • 7302

    Re: Episode Discussions

    Originally posted by mariofan5000
    does anybody all of the episodes names in the Bulgarian dub, including Season 2, 3, and Extra (if any)? I am planning to upload those dubs to YouTube (I can find the dubs at, BTW, and use the highest quality video of the episodes that I find on YouTube) and I first need the names. Here is the list of names I have:
    0 - Unaired pilot
    Season 1:
    1 - Welcome to LazyTown ...

    I don't think we have anyone from Bulgaria here, but who knows if someone can help you with this.
    Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


    • Buzz
      Der Postmeister
      Level 33 - New Superhero
      • Jan 2009
      • 4197

      Re: Episode Discussions

      Originally posted by mariofan5000
      does anybody all of the episodes names in the Bulgarian dub
      nope...and I doubt that someone here does (we haven't Bulgarian member afaik) schould contact the tv station that broadcast LT in Bulgaria


      • mariofan5000
        Level 9 - Energy Poster
        • Jun 2013
        • 94

        Re: Episode Discussions

        Originally posted by Buzz
        we haven't Bulgarian member afaik
        Well... you got one now.


        • Buzz
          Der Postmeister
          Level 33 - New Superhero
          • Jan 2009
          • 4197

          Re: Episode Discussions

          Originally posted by mariofan5000
          Well... you got one now.
          nice...reminds me of good old days...holidays on the golden for a 1 lev and Shopska salad...and this confusing "yes" and "no" know

