Ugh! So by now it's obvious that this guy has somehow gotten ahold of German acapellas. Whether the German guy that did was actually allowed to or now, I can't say. But I'm guessing the answer is no....but I hate that he uses them to make remixes with such dark feelings!
someone quick, get ahold of those damn acapellas and lets make some awesome hands up/happy hardcore mixes!
Ugh! So by now it's obvious that this guy has somehow gotten ahold of German acapellas.
I'm not quite sure he really has them but there is a possiblity. No wait, it's plausible ! (ooh I love that word)
Originally posted by Stingy
....but I hate that he uses them to make remixes with such dark feelings!
It's called German Techno. Love it or hate it.
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Nope, I don't think Ms V likes me, she must have her own CD.
Now why wouldn't she like you? She is a nice girl. :?
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt
true friendships are eternal
Donec eris sospes, multos numerabis amicos: tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris
Until you're lucky, has many friends: if there are clouds, you're alone