Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes

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    Re: Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes

    -The Lazy Town Circus-

    Sportacus has at least 2 of his own yo-yos. They are blue and silver with a crystal case logo. Of course he can do fancy tricks with them, both at the same time. He uses one to grab the water bottle and pull it to him. His crystal glows rainbow when someone's in trouble. From high on Rin's door, looking through his telescope, he can hear some kind of noise coming from a mailbox on the ground. Rin went off for a fly in trapped in a mailbox. And his yo-yo string was long enough to yo-yo down and open the lid. How high was Rin?

    "The amazing Trixie is about to perform a feat of incredible bravery!" Walking across a tightrope bar above a pit of imaginary hungry alligators, holding a balance pole. She makes it. Ziggy doesn't like the sound of imagining he's 100 feet in the air with a crowd watching his every move.

    One of Robbie's piano keys (between 2 black ones) sounds like some kind of electric keyboard sound, another (the 2 white keys between the 1st of 3 black keys) makes a sheep noise. The piano can slide into a slot. When pushed in, the keys all clang at once. "I wonder what those little brats are up to." They don't seem to be particularly noisy or disturbing. The periscope comes up, pushing up the lid of a silver trash can.

    "It's too high!" The tightrope doesn't look that high, but Ziggy is still nervous. "I know [it's not that bad], but my feet don't!" He was persuaded to go up when his friends cheered him on, saying he could do it. He starts panicking and wobbling in the middle of the rope. Robbie laughs. Sportacus saw Ziggy through his telescope, his crystal didn't go off. "Drop line!" Some sort of reel dispenser comes up from the ground, near the flight pod and the equipment cupboard. The reel is a blue bungee rope, which Sportacus straps to his belt before jumping out of Rin's door. Once he's all the way down, he doesn't bounce back up. He slaps his crystal and the rope releases, and rolls back up. Ziggy was panicking that he was going to fall when the bar was only a few centimetres off the ground. Grabbing onto one of his periscope handles, Robbie struggles to stand back up after he falls down when Sportacus jumps on the trashcan lid above his periscope. He has to catch his breath afterwards. "I know I wasn't that high up then, but I still got scared." Ziggy. "When you're afraid, just be a little brave at first. Take one step at a time, and before you know it, you won't be scared!" Sportacus. "What?" Robbie doesn't understand. Stephanie doesn't want to have a go on the tightrope, apparently it's too low. "Oh right, like you've been on a real high wire!" Trixie. Stephanie claims she goes on one all the time, as tall as the trees. Judging by the looks on her face, this is obviously a lie. Ziggy wants candyfloss at the circus. The others don't. "I still have some make-up from Halloween we can use." Trixie. Stephanie gives the high wire a try when everyone else has gone.

    Stingy's at Pixel's house, playing a game involving a flying mushroom, a number changing between 290 and 305 at the bottom, and some kind of black armoured soldier like something from Halo. It's making retro game noises. "He's been eating cheesy spicy nachos all day, and he smells like elephant feet." Stingy, about Pixel.

    Stephanie wobbles and can barely get past the end of the tightrope. "Come on Stephanie, be brave!" "It's no use, I'm too scared!" Stephanie is not above lying to her friends; when she hears Ziggy coming, she sets the bar much higher. Robbie laughs when Ziggy falls over backwards. "You're so brave Stephanie! You're my hero!" Ziggy. Robbie laughs, because he's seen the truth.

    "Circuses are so noisy! Kids yelling and screaming, animals roaring, and loud cannons going off!" The table with the microwaves and other contraptions has moved in front of the disguise tubes, with some distance between them. Robbie has a miniature cannon. Does it work?

    Sportacus can balance a spinning football on the top edge of a tennis racket. And a water bottle on a small plate on top of that.

    Robbie has some kind of brown chicken disguise. "Love your hair." To the wig of his own clothes. The lights go off when he's finished spinning into his ringmaster disguise, (Roberto the Great, the rottenest ringmaster under the Big Top!) And then a spotlight appears on him. He has some kind of riding crop, and accidentally whacks his own hand with it. "That didn't hurt!" Is that a riding crop, a whip, or a fishing rod?

    Robbie has set up a dark blue and light blue striped big top to the left of the sports centre. The entrance looks like a clown's face. There is a path leading to it. Everyone trusts "Roberto" without question. Robbie calls Stingy Stiggy, and pats him on the head. "It's Stingy!" "Whatever."

    There is candyfloss at the ice cream stand where a cone would be held. "How exciting!" Ms Busybody, when the Mayor tells her he has circus tickets for them.

    Is this circus all one big illusion? Where did Robbie get all of this from? Did he buy the animal suits and the tightropes and everything? The lion suit in the cage is moving. Is there a kid inside? "I do not want to be the tail!" Stingy, about a pantomime zebra. Pixel suggests they take turns. "First I'll be the head, then later you can be the tail!" ... "That sounds… fair!" Stingy.

    Stephanie throws carrots at a spinning Ziggy instead of knives. 2 land close between his neck and shoulders, one on each side, another lands just above his head.

    Robbie is balancing 4 skittles stacked on top of each other, a metal pole on top of that, which is balancing 5 skittles along it, and an orange plate on each end.

    Whoever was in charge of locking the lion's cage (a child?) left the key in the lock. Is that a real lion?! I don't think they're allowed in circuses nowadays.

    "You think the kids will like that?" Sportacus, when Robbie suggests he gets shot out of a cannon into a safe net. Sportacus agreed to do it when Robbie says they will love it, that it would be the "most special happy memory of their lives!" Robbie asks the lion to hold the key to its cage. It does. Robbie asks Sportacus to stop walking to the cannon on his hands. He tells him to put his ("safety") goggles on, "We don't want anyone to get hurt, do we?" Robbie also gets him to cover his ears. "Now, no one can stop me from blasting him into next year!" Sportacus may not be able to hear him, but can Bessie and the Mayor from where they're sat in the audience?

    "I thought I'd caught all of the brats!" Robbie. Just Ziggy and Trixie, Stingy and Pixel were getting changed into the zebra costume and Stephanie was still behind the curtain, too scared to do the high wire. He pulls a lever to trap the kids in a net and suspend them from a rope in midair, anchored by a 6000 kg weight. While chasing Stephanie, Robbie jumps and does a somersault towards Bessie and the Mayor. He tells them it's all part of the show. Robbie takes the ladder away once Stephanie has climbed to the top of the tightrope. The Mayor looks scared to see his niece on the very high tightrope. "I'm afraid of heights!" Stephanie. "Sportacus said you don't have to be brave all at once! Just be brave one little step at a time!" Ziggy. "What's that beep?!" Robbie. That's Sportacus's crystal, going off when Stephanie made it to the middle of the wire that got scared, slipped and is now hanging on by her hands. She could fall to her death if something goes wrong, and Robbie could have been partly responsible. Robbie realises what the beeping sound is after Sportacus says "Someone's in trouble". After being shot out of the cannon, Sportacus can grab a trapeze with his hands and swing on it with his legs and catch Stephanie. She jumps and somersaults off some kind of platform or trampoline. "What?!" When Stephanie sees Robbie with his hat off and his moustache falling off. "ROBBIE ROTTEN?!" Bessie and the mayor are angry and surprised to see him.

    "But you were really brave on the high wire!" Trixie, even though Stephanie only got about halfway through.

    Sportacus does wobble on the tightrope, but he makes it all the way, even somersaulting so he lands the other way and finishes backwards. Stephanie can do a backflip. Bessie gives the Mayor some more candyfloss.

    Robbie has his butt stuck through the top of some kind of drum-thing.

    -Trash Trouble-

    Sportacus jumps on a floor light and the door in front of the TV goes up to reveal it, turned facing the wall. "Screen!" The screen turns over. It's displaying an aerial view of Lazy Town, with some kind of measuring gauge to the left and on the bottom, and the town is surrounded by a similar circular pattern extending off the screen. Streaks of blue are swirling around it. "Zoom in on sports candy!" Rin zooms in on a lone tree on a hill to the south-east. (Magnification 8.20, according to the blue number below the bottom gauge.) "Apple target sighted, world record time, 59 seconds." She displays the number 59.00 in blue, (flashing lighter) large in the middle of the screen. "Boomerang!" A vertical slit opens up rightwards in the right wall, between the kitchen and the equipment cupboard. A boomerang is thrown out. "Sky bike!" The floor opens up offscreen, and Sportacus jumps down onto the sky bike. "Go!" Rin starts a timer on the screen. Is that the sky chaser Sportacus is riding? No, it looks a little different, with a red seat to sit on and some kind of steering wheel. Sportacus cuts an apple off a tree with a boomerang. "New record time; 51 seconds." Rin, displaying 2 growing and shrinking trophies next to the glowing flashing time. After Sportacus comes back to her.

    Sportacus is lifting (bench pressing?) a bench. "Good morning Stingy!" When he sees him driving past. He doesn't say anything back.

    "Mr Mayor! Just the man I wanted to see! I actually found some things I don't want! And I've decided to give them to… you!" About a bundle of paper and other rubbish in his car trailer. Is he low-key calling the Mayor trash? "Mr Mayor, be careful of my car!" The Mayor is struggling to lift the big garbage ball. He's wobbling around everywhere. "Not the Mayor! My car!" Stingy, after Sportacus takes the Mayor out of the speeding car and it carries on speeding away. "I hope he didn't get a scratch on it!" He growls with his mouth closed.

    What on earth are the kids (except Stingy) watching? Two creepy-as-heck sausage-like characters with spiky twiggy hair like tufts of grass, talking to each other, one green with red spots on hair, the other blue and yellow. The background is pinky purple with a logo of overlapping coloured circles. "Maybe we should clean up a little." Stephanie. "No! Nah!" They all laugh. "Don't give up on me lollipop, wherever you are! I'll be back for you!" Ziggy. The lollipop is stuck to the back of his cape.

    There is a small box built into the right arm of Robbie's armchair, where he keeps sweets. "How am I going to find my glove in all this mess?!" Pixel, about a baseball glove? Robbie takes a piece of blue toffee off his tongue and drops it on the floor.

    "If you can't find your things, soon I won't be able to find my things!" Doesn't Stingy believe everything is his?

    Robbie pokes the palm of his hand (a beeping sound is made) and lowers down like he's on some kind of platform, coming back up next to the disguise furthest from the piano. "Meh." To his own outfit. Robbie has drawn some kind of trash cannon machine in different colours on a blackboard. He claps twice and the blackboard goes up. It says 'RR' in orange on a two-way recycling cog logo on his back, and the side of the trash machine. "I forgot to open the hatch!" The trash shoots up a side pipe and comes out one in the ceiling.

    The kids don't want to clean up so much trash. Except Stingy, who's trying to pep them. Stephanie and Trixie are playing some kind of Street Fighter-type game with a mushroom versus a bundle of leeks. "And we don't know how to clean!" Trixie. Stingy is shocked. "You're the big 'cleaning expert' around here." Stephanie, to Stingy. He spins around with a feather duster in his hand and the trash in Pixel's room disappears several at a time. The Mayor offers to help the kids clean up, but they say they're fine. "Video games? Oh dear, I don't think I could figure that out!" When the kids suggest he takes a day off and does something he's never done before instead. "Trixie, you take the hangout." "Now, where to put my recycling centre?" Stingy.

    Robbie and Stingy were on opposite sides of an outside wall when Robbie talks about his evil plans to himself. The wall was taller than him.

    In the same game the kids were playing earlier, a floating green apple in the sky, surrounded by 2 green electrons crossing over, will give the avatar more health points.

    The hangout is some wooden playhouse climbing frame-type thing. I think the kids played pirates on it in Rottenbeard.

    Robbie bops his head along to the song, ducking by the boom box.

    "Alumini-mimi-minim... Metal object!" Stingy has set up a recycling station to organise everyone's trash. Stingy does not have a Trash Man badge. (The RR cog logo, but in silver and black) but he wants one. Stingy flicked Robbie's chewed gum with the scraper into an open trashcan a few metres away.

    Pressing down a lever to the right from the driver's seat makes the trash machine go faster. It has a scope to aim with. It fires trash every time a long lever at the side is pulled.

    "Now Mr Mayor, all that's left is for you to inspect my... I mean your beautiful town!" Trixie pinched Stingy hard on his arm. "I have to save him!" Stingy jumps out of Pixel's bedroom window when trash is raining from the sky and Ziggy is still out and unaccounted for. He lands in paper like a snowfall.

    Sportacus presses a silver button to the right of the cockpit, which probably stops the flight pod as he jumped out. Or does it undo his seatbelt?

    Ziggy was stuck to the floor, his shoe attached to Robbie's used gum. He was buried under several feet of trash. Robbie probably didn't know he was there, but could Ziggy have suffocated if under too long?

    Pixel's top left camera can look all over Lazy Town, I think. It was the only one shown moving, but he could have switched to others.

    "You can always count on Sportacus!" Stephanie.

    "Maybe this trash wasn't such a good idea after all!" Robbie climbs onto a wall but falls off it, into a bin among the garbage.
    “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve... The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
    Monty Oum (1981-2015)


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      Level 9 - Energy Poster
      • Nov 2017
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      Re: Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes

      -The Lazy Rockets-

      We didn't see Sportacus putting screws into the pear or whatever it was, and then they were there. The boomerang is silver with curvy go faster stripes going from one end to the top. It's sharp enough to slice an unpeeled banana in half and cut lemons. Sportacus has googly eyes somewhere. (Symptom of ADHD: flitting between projects and never finishing them. Evidence against?) He makes a racing car out of sports candy.

      Mayor's clearly taken Sportacus's ideals to heart with his jogging. Not sure about Bessie and her cakes though. (Will Robbie try to steal them?) So does Bessie run a cake shop? She's running a cake stand outside a shop with a pretzel sign. Is it hers? She's also made least one pretzel. "No thank you Ms Busybody, I already had breakfast today!" He's trying to be healthy and avoid Bessie's cakes. "I have sweet cake, I have frosty cake, I have creamy cake, and I have sticky cake!" The sticky cakes live up to their name. The Mayor takes one. "Ah, what a lovely man." Bessie! Meansbody confirmed?!

      Sportacus is doing press ups on a wall, one arm and one leg. (Opposite)

      There's a race called the Lazy Town Derby. "The children always enjoy building their own racing cars!" Mayor. This looks to be Sportacus's first Derby.

      "Sportacus! Oh you must try one of my sticky cakes!" Bessie doesn't know Sportacus very well at all. "No thanks Bessie! I only eat sports candy!" Sportacus. What about milk?

      Stingy is humming The Mine Song to himself. There's a lot of white smoke coming out from the chimney of Robbie's bulldozer. Stingy is 8 years old (at least) and can drive. And adhere to parking meters. ROBBIE TRIES TO CRASH INTO HIS CAR WHILE STINGY IS STILL DRIVING IT. Or was he just following him to tell Stingy off for disturbing him? In any case, he drives his bulldozer into Stingy's car and sends it shooting off. "Someone's in trouble! Bessie!" Probably recognized her scream because she had ducked under a table. Sportacus saved Bessie with cake. Interesting. "I'm just a little boy with a yellow car that has a pig on the bonnet!" Stingy. He hugs his car when it's sent reversing back to him. Bessie has a ring on her (right ring, by the looks of it) finger. Is that a wedding or engagement ring? To the Mayor or somebody else? Stingy kisses the pig on the bonnet of his car, on it's back.

      "I've never had an accident. I'm the best driver in Lazy Town! And the safest, and the fastest, and… the most handsome!" Robbie. How much of that is a lie? Probably all of it. "I don't drive! I jog!" Mayor. Robbie reckons he could beat everyone in the Lazy Town Derby, held at 5 o'clock. Anyone can enter, and the prize is a golden trophy. Robbie shakes the Mayor's hand with the sticky cake stuck to it. It sticks onto his hand instead, and the Mayor was just relieved to have it off. Robbie walks away with it still stuck to his hand.

      "Stephanie! Let's go and get Ziggy and start working on our car!" What about Pixel and Trixie? "I will bake an apple pie for the children to give them energy for the race!" Bessie.

      Lazy Town Derby rules; 1. You have to build your own car. 2. Your car must be powered by yourself, not by a motor. Weren't there at least 2 more rules that Robbie didn't read? Is it like pedal karts or something? The kids can't be legally old enough to drive. Robbie has dark blue headphones. He put his fingers in his ears after emptying the bin of all the loud machine parts. "What am I doing? Why am I working so hard?! This is Lazy Town, and I am king of lazy!" Robbie orders a race car with a turbo jet engine over the phone. "What colour?! Deep purple, of course!" It arrived almost instantly, before he could give his details.

      Stingy's car is number 1. "The 1st, the best, the top, the perfect number for me!" So is Ziggy's. "It's great being number 1!" So Stingy changed it to number 11. Stephanie's is number 88. Isn't that used as code by neo-Nazis? Stingy put his piggy bank on the front of his car.

      Robbie sabotages the kids' cars while they're out getting apple pie. Robbie has a dark blue and purple drill. He takes the pedals from Stephanie's car, the steering wheel from Ziggy's, and 1 of the wheels off Stingy's.

      "Don't touch my car with your sticky fingers!" Stingy, to Ziggy. Robbie and the kids have red-and-white SFD logos on their suits. What does it stand for? The kids aren't in danger, but Rin goes ask for their distress, because they believe they won't be able to compete now their cars have been ruined. "Robbie's definitely going to win now!" Ziggy. Does anyone suspect him? Stephanie comes up with the idea of combining the kids' 3 broken cars into one that works. "No! Not my car! I'm not sharing!" Stingy. "But Stingy, do you wanna lose?" That's how Stephanie persuades him to join the team. The team car is number 88.

      "Whatever! No one can beat me!" Robbie, when he hears Sportacus and the kids have decided to race as Team Lazy Rockets. (Laughing) "Is the pink one gonna drive?!" "Yes! She's a great driver!" Ziggy. "This is like taking candy from a baby!... Which is also a lot of fun." Robbie. "Yeah!" Stephanie. "That would be me!" Robbie, taking the cake tray off Bessie when she comes with candy cakes she baked for the winner, before the race has even started.

      There is an oak tree, with the school and the sports centre in the background, which has an apple growing on it.

      Everyone is cheering Stephanie on, but nobody is cheering for Robbie. Robbie is not above throwing sticky cakes at Stephanie's car out of his like something out of Mario Karts. This could crash her car and even kill her.

      Stingy can unscrew a tyre and screw another one on.

      Pressing a flaming (from the left side) red button to the right of Robbie's steering wheel gets three more chimneys up in the back of the car, and pressing a similar blue button to the left gets the turbo jet engine out.

      "Fly pod!" Sportacus. It's waiting behind a wall. Pressing a silver button to the right of the cockpit opens up a hatch in Sportacus's left fin, (opening towards the inside) and a two-pronged grappling hook drops out. Sportacus uses it to lift Robbie out of the out-of-control car by his seat. Pressing the same button that got the hook out lowers it to the ground. Sportacus puts Robbie and his seat at the finish line so he'll have to walk across.

      One of the logos on Stephanie's suit says "SPORTA THUNDER".

      "I'm never going near a car again!" Robbie.

      -Haunted Castle-

      Sportacus jumps on a floor light before activating the table. "Apple!" Apple shoots up from a hole in the table. The bed can be spun vertically in the wall by hand. "What's your name?" "Hoo-hoo? That's a cool name! I'm Sportacus!" Talking to an owl perched on one of the door handles while hanging off the edge of the door by his hands. That just looks suicidal.

      The Mayor is painting the fence pink while singing a "la di doo doodly-doo" song. "La la la... Oh, I love laundry day!" Bessie. Trixie jumpscares the Mayor by going "Boo!" behind his back.

      "Peace and quiet in Lazy Park!" Robbie. He's put a triangular warning sign (yellow with an orange border) of a waist-up sleeping person on a pillow going "Zzz" by the bench he plans to sleep on. "I'm never gonna be able to rest in this town!" Robbie.

      "It works every time!" Trixie, to Stephanie and Ziggy, about her "Boo!" jumpscares. Trixie wants to ride the wagon near Bessie's clear laundry. "It's more exciting that way! Come on, don't be a chicken!" Trixie's helmet says number 33 in light yellow on the sides. It's orange with a red cap-thing and straps. The kids wear helmets when Stephanie pushes them on the wagon. Bessie's hanging up white sheets, long purple shorts and red and white frilly bloomers. She gets angry when Trixie rides under a sheet.

      "No Piggy, it's not your turn on the slide, it's my turn!" Stingy laughs. The slide is orange and yellow with a grey metal slide, and you climb up from one side of the wall and slide down to the other, in the middle of a T-junction.

      Is that satellite dish Pixel's fixing attached to the wall or did he just put it there?

      "MILFORD! MY SHEETS WERE NEARLY RUINED!" Bessie, after Ziggy's wagon goes out of control and Sportacus has to stop his ice cream from falling onto the sheets. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Milford. "CHILDREN! I HAVE TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES; YOU CANNOT PLAY NEAR MY HOUSE!" Bessie, after Ziggy swishes his ice cream around while talking about Sportacus and it splats onto her clean white sheet. "Yeah, but we have nowhere else to go, right guys?" Stephanie. Is the park near Bessie's house then? Ziggy suggests they build their own playground. "The land in Lazy Park isn't being used, why not build it there?" Mayor. "And I could draw some plans on my computer!" Pixel. "And I can get some paints and tools!" Trixie. "I mean our park, of course." Stingy, after he calls it his park and the other kids don't like it.

      "Someone's in Lazy Park?! But that's my favourite place!" Robbie.

      There is a dark blue castle tower on a hill called "the Leaning Castle of Lazy Town", surrounded by a wall, above circular trees growing on the ground. "It's been here for many years, and now it's very old, and very dangerous." "I'm afraid it's even going to fall over!" Mayor. He tells the kids not to go near it. "We're going to build the playground on this side of the wall." Trixie. The castle is on the other side. The Mayor's second rule is; "Ziggy is the smallest, so don't leave him alone. And 3rd; be home before dark!"

      "Ah!" Robbie can hear Ms Busybody stuck under one of her sheets, from his lair. His periscope is up. He thinks she's a ghost when looking through it, and is so scared he jumps backwards over the rail in front of the piano. "A ghost. A GHOST! AAH! (Laughs) No no no no no I wasn't scared! (Laughs some more) I wasn't scared…" After picking himself back up. "Robbie, sometimes you're so bad, that you're good!"

      "Swing set rope, check!" Pixel, typing while a 3D model of some rope is on the screen to the left of some kind of info box, after Stephanie brings them some. There are 4 yellow lights in front of Pixel's keyboard. They're flashing one by one. "Lollipop, che-" A lollipop was on the screen, but a flashing red-and-white question mark appeared on the box to the right. After Ziggy brings a lollipop.

      The kids except Ziggy don't seem to want to go home yet, even though it's getting dark. "Maybe [the Mayor's] afraid of the ghost! Of the Leaning Castle of Lazy Town!" Trixie. "What ghost?!" Ziggy gets scared. The other kids except Stephanie laugh at him. "Who are you calling a chicken, hey?!" Stingy, to Trixie. And so he decides to go to the castle with Trixie. "Well if he's in, I'm in!" Pixel. "We're really going!... But I thought it was a joke!" Stingy. He and Pixel get scared when they get near the castle. If Trixie is, she isn't showing it. Inside the metal latticed wooden door is a dark blue stone spiral staircase leading up to the top.

      Robbie drew the eyes on the ghost disguise himself, throwing the pen and stuff away when he was done. He makes the sheet into a ghost costume.

      "I have a lollipop! That's comforting!" Ziggy.

      The door lock is so old it locked all the kids except Ziggy inside. There was no key.

      The boom box is left on a park wall.

      "I don't need to be scared!" Ziggy, licking his lollipop. "Trixie? Is that you?" To Robbie's ghost disguise, completely calm.

      "Oh no… It's so high!" Stingy, at the top of the tower.

      Robbie scared Ziggy when he realises Trixie is at the top of the tower.

      It's dark, but judging by how Sportacus was standing up, it's not 8:08 yet. Sportacus is strong enough to prop back up a falling castle with the kids (except Ziggy) at the top. He is grunting and straining though. "I don't think this is a real ghost!" Sportacus, to Ziggy. Sportacus has been at the castle and Robbie's been at the park on the other side of the wall the entire time. Can he see Robbie's lower legs poking out from below the sheet?

      Bessie's wearing a frilly orange nightdress and has her hair in rollers. "ROBBIE ROTTEN!" When she sees him by her laundry.

      "But the most important thing is-" Stingy. "That we learnt our lesson!" Trixie, after everyone apologises for breaking the rules. "No! That I found this coin!" Stingy. One of its sides has a rooster with its wings spread on it.

      Robbie gets scared by a hooting owl perched on the hatch of his lair. He runs all the way to the castle and leans on it to catch its breath, then it leans to the left. So he tiptoes away.
      “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve... The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
      Monty Oum (1981-2015)


      • LazyPooky
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Oct 2007
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        Re: Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes

        Great writing Subscribe Every Day
        Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


        • Subscribe Every Day
          Level 9 - Energy Poster
          • Nov 2017
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          Re: Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes

          Thank you Pooky. (^//-//^)

          One of my fanfiction's very first scenes is Robbie waiting to catch Sportacus in Lazy Town's tallest trees. I think I might have found where it is.

          Scavenger Hunt

          "Sportacus, are you ready for a challenge?" Rin, unprompted. "I'm always ready for a challenge!" Sportacus. Rin chucks him some blue and orange cards with a fleur-de-lis symbol, LT Extra-style. We don't se the front of the cards, but one says '"Find a ball", and the other; "Score a goal."
          I'm pretty sure that was longer than 14.3 seconds.

          "Good morning, Scoutmaster Milford!" Stephanie. The Mayor is wearing an orange shirt decorated with badges and brown ellipse patches on the elbows. His neckerchief is brown edged with orange and tied with a brown woggle, and his hat is edged with brown, shaped like Stephanie's. There is one badge on the left side of the point and two on the right. The left one is a beige-yellow circle with a brown fleur-de-lis. His feet are normal, but his trousers are brown. The Lazy Scout salute is like a normal one, but with three fingers.

          "That yawn made me tired! I think I'll take a nap." Robbie

          "Team Lazy Scouts, raise the flag!" Stephanie. The kids lever the pole up all by themselves, and don't look supervised. Pixel attaches a satellite thing to the base of the flagpole and then remote-controls the flag up. It is a yellow ribbon shape with a blue fleur-de-lis in an orange circle. "What is a scavenger hunt?" Ziggy. The puppet kids are wearing beige and orange caps, except for Pixel who has one like Stephanie's but beige and orange with a circle fleur de lis badge on the left point, and orange neckerchiefs edged with beige and tied with brown woggles. Ziggy has a recycling badge on his left T-shirt sleeve and a circular badge in front of a beige ribbon on the left of his chest. Stephanie is wearing her Scout costume from Season 1, but her hat seems to be on the other side. "Let me get this straight. We collect these 5 items, but we only get 1 badge?... But I want all 5 badges for me!" Stingy, displeased. Pixel and Trixie want 5 badges too.

          Milford slides down the slide on his front. "We have to save [Uncle Milford on an out-of control skateboard]!" Stephanie. Sportacus isn't here yet. Rin hasn't gone off yet.

          The Mayor screaming wakes Robbie up via the loudspeakers. Sportacus jumps on one end of the seesaw-not clocking Stingy on the other end, who shoots up into the air. He lands safely in his car. Sportacus does a backflip while seated in a deckchair. "I'll put this [skateboard] in a safe place." Sportacus. This is not the first time random sports equipment has been lying around.

          Robbie had an ice-cream in a microwave. The microwave machines are on top of a chest of drawers; 2 each side and 1 in the middle. "...trap the blue cartoon!" Robbie. He has a Michael Jackson disguise and can moonwalk. "I need a softer lair!" After tripping on his ice cream.

          "Hello there! Are you in the Lazy Scouts too?" Mayor, to Robbie disguised as a Scoutmaster-General. Mayor doesn't seem to notice that the cards Robbie gave back are a completely different colour. Robbie throws in some extra for "Sportaflippityflop..." because "The children really wanted him to play!" "Are you questioning me?! The Lazy Scoutmaster General?!" When the Mayor says the children didn't tell him about wanting to play with Sportacus.

          Robbie has made a blue detonating machine.

          "You're never too old to play!" Sportacus.

          "[The kids are] gonna get their cake, and I'm gonna get my Sportaclock!" Robbie.

          "I usually can find chocolate cake anywhere!" Ziggy

          Where exactly is "the highest tree" in relation to the rest of the town? The place looks wooded and there are purple mountains in the background. Robbie was able to throw a badge up into it. There are no low branches. Sportacus jumps from the ground to the top of the tree. Okay, Sportacus can jump to the top of the tree, but not out of the recycling container he's been trapped in?! Sportacus sounds cross when asking for help, but gives 'the Scoutmaster General' his shoe back even though he won't help him in return. "Thank you!" Robbie. Sportacus jumps out of the way when 'SG' falls down the hole. "This is awkward!" Robbie, perhaps because he's trapped in a recycling container with Sportacus, who has stood him up by touching his back and upper arm.

          "This isn't one of my cards!" Mayor, when Stephanie shows him the chocolate cake Scavenger Hunt card he gave to her. "The Lazy Scoutmaster-General?" Stephanie doesn't know who her uncle is talking about. Is anyone suspicious?

          Recycling container scene=ship fuel. Robbie panics inside the ever-shrinking container. "You must do something! You're the superhero, save me!" Robbie. His foot stinks without a shoe.

          Stephanie ends the video call by tapping the screen. Everyone gasps when she puts the mask on. She comes up with a plan in about 3 seconds.

          Stephanie does a few flips in a row and throws an apple from a tree some distance away through her uncle's window. Same with a carrot that sticks into the wall. By the looks of it, Stephanie made her own Scavenger Hunt cards with pink pencil. (But how are Sportacus and Robbie not crushed by now?!)

          Stingy's car has a matching trailer. Stephanie is strong enough to push Ziggy and some logs in a wheelbarrow. Stephanie calls Uncle Milford using her tablet while he's flying the plane. (How is he hearing this?) Pixel attaches a satellite-thing to Stingy's car so he can remote-control it.

          "None of my clever plans ever work!" Robbie. He considers giving up villainy to become a superhero, but changes mind when he does his back in while dabbing.

          - - - Updated - - -

          Fun fact; in my fanfiction the kids were originally going to sing a slightly adapted version of Anything Can Happen with an extra verse;

          "No way
          It's impossible, I hear you say
          But it's okay
          We learn new surprises every day!
          Doesn't it feel great
          That moment when love blooms from hate!"

          This was replaced with an original song.

          (The Great) Crystal Caper

          Sportacus jumps on a floor button to bring the table out, saying nothing. The dark blue lid on his water bottle (like 3 bubbles stacked on top of each other, with H2O on the bottom bubble in white outlined with blue) has a loop he can fit his finger through.

          The cat in the tree is black and white.

          "There's trouble in Lazy Town!" Sportacus, in his airship, when his crystal goes off. Where is Rin? She goes off for cats-can she psychic-scan animals? It didn't take long for Sportacus to fly Rin to the trouble site.

          "[Sportacus] jumped as high as the moon!" Ziggy. He swishes his arms around and falls in dizziness. "Sportacus, is it true that when someone is in trouble you can see them in your crystal?" Stephanie. He nods. Sportacus pats the 10 on his crystal case and it splits into six, the 1 splitting in half to allow the crystal attached to the leftmost segment to slot out. "But be careful! It's powerful!" As he passes it to the kids. "Can I keep it? I really want it," Stingy. Sportacus slots the crystal back in and then slides all the parts together at once. The two segments (or segment) making up the 0 stayed where they were.

          The construction sign is of a builder sleeping, going "Zzz", propped up on his spade. Stingy basically runs Sportacus over. HOW IS HE NOT DEAD. Also, crystal looked secure until it just fell out. Did Stingy's car shake it loose? Sportacus gets up, the kids run to him, and he doesn't see that his crystal's fallen out, or Stingy going to get it. He thanks Sportacus for saving him. "You have a hero inside you too, Ziggy," Sportacus. NO-ONE CLOCKED STINGY HOLDING THE CRYSTAL BEFORE SNEAKING IT BEHIND HIS BACK WHEN HE CALLED FOR SPORTACUS.

          Robbie checks books out from the library. But doesn't give them back on time. He owes the library $4600.03. (How long has he had the book?!) (I wanted them to use krona...) The envelope says "Mr ROBBIE ROTTEN". His overdue book is called "Rotten Behaviour For Dummies." The cover is completely orange.

          Sportacus only sees that his crystal is gone when he's back in Rin, having somersaulted into the cockpit.

          The Mayor is dictating a letter to a previously sleeping Bessie, for "the President of the country". (America?) "Is Stephanie alright?!" Mayor, when Sportacus rushes into his office saying that something terrible has happened. "She's quite special, you know. A lovely girl..." Sportacus has to get his attention back. He doesn't cut to the chase, instead asking the Mayor if he notices anything different about Sportacus. "You've grown a moustache!" The Mayor's guess. He works out that Sportacus's crystal is missing when Sportacus points at the empty case.

          Ziggy has a red telephone with a blue rotating dial and six yellow buttons getting bigger. Bessie either knows his number or has it in her office. Her office phone is orange with a white dial with knobs for numbers. Stephanie has a pink mobile phone. Bessie has another orange mobile which she uses to call Pixel on his headset. Pixel personally designs and prints missing crystal posters, and quickly too. "Nobody ever calls me." Robbie. Then why does he have an orange telephone? He slowly and tentatively puts it to his ear. "Sorry, wrong number!" Bessie, after hearing that she's dialled Robbie Rotten. "Whoops!" After putting the phone down. Stephanie looks to be getting her Lazy Scout uniform out of a little red suitcase. "If I were a crystal, where would I hide?" Mayor Pixel is using some dark blue handheld remote-thingy to search for the crystal. Ziggy can hold Trixie standing on his shoulders, but he wobbles and falls. Could nobody ask Rin where the crystal is? Would she know? Sportacus looks under a bench by doing pressups. Robbie seems to read the poster without any trouble. Stingy was too busy admiring 'his' crystal to clock the town's panic.

          Robbie has an open blue box full of "A lot of shiny things to make a shiny crystal!" He puts them in the right microwave and then hits some blue sphere container at the top with a big blue hammer. After 3 short buzzes, Robbie checks the left microwave. The part of the S on the fake crystal is blue when it should be silver. The lair hatch lid is heavy, at least for Robbie.

          "What? What's that?" Stingy puts the crystal to his ear. "You want to be my car ornament?"

          Robbie crashes into the billboard door before opening it. The S on the fake crystal is now silver.

          Stephanie is suspicious as soon as Robbie gives it to Sportacus. Robbie is visibly relieved when his crystal fits in the case and nervous before-did Stephanie see this? "That's true, but what about my wish?" Robbie, after Sportacus touches his right shoulder and says he's amazing. "Robbie, you're not usually this nice." Stephanie smells a rat, and her hunch is right. "Go away kid." Robbie. Sportacus touches Robbie's right shoulder with one hand and shakes Robbie's hand really fast with the other. Sportacus lets go of Robbie's shoulder while shaking his hand, and Robbie holds his shoulder with his free hand as if it hurts. He shakes his shook hand afterwards. "Well, guess if Robbie Rotten can change anything can happen." Stephanie. Puppets dance along to Anything Can Happen when only humans were in the scene before. Robbie is bopping his head and folded arms in time with the beat. Robbie and Sportacus both reach for Stephanie when she falls over. Robbie let her fall. Robbie jumps into Sportacus's arms after he picked up Stephanie. Sportacus absentmindedly drops him. Robbie kneels up and bops away. Sportacus laughs. Sportacus and Stephanie step back to give Robbie a space to dance. He joins in quite well.

          It takes the Mayor three stiff tries to pull the lever to put the podium and bunting up. The third time he falls over. There are orange loudspeakers on the front two poles.

          "Hello there Stinky!" Robbie. "It's Stingy!" "Whatever." Robbie. He claims that he has something expensive and hard to get that Stingy doesn't have.

          "Sometimes I'm so mean, that I scare myself!" Robbie. "Wild beast on the loose," Robbie, to the cat that makes him jump when he finds it in the hole with him. He taps its head then puts it away in disgust.

          Sportacus "just [had] a feeling. I'm sure it's nothing." He seems worried. Maybe he doesn't completely believe Robbie...

          There is a brown toolbox in the treehouse. "Here you go Strinky!" Robbie. "It's Stingy!" "Whatever." Where did Robbie get all those comics from? And the bag of coins labelled "KR" from all over the world, "including Iceland!" And the coffee cup with the map of Texas on it? "I can't [make the trade]! The crystal doesn't belong to me!" Stingy. Robbie threatens to snitch on him if he doesn't make the trade. Stingy calls Robbie by his first name. "I'm in so much trouble..." A regretful Stingy. Things Robbie is not above; taking the ladder away from the treehouse while Stingy is still inside.

          "I didn't do it!" Robbie hides behind a speakerpole when the Mayor introduces "our guest of honour, Robbie Rotten!" "I knew there was something wrong!" Sportacus leans crossly into Robbie's personal space when he hears Stingy calling for help. Robbie ducks away a little bit.

          "Stingy, the things you do affect everybody, not just you." Sportacus. "I found something that didn't belong to me... I'm sorry." Stingy, to Sportacus. With Sportacus and everyone's approval, Stingy wishes that he'll never take anything that doesn't belong to him. He is quickly forgiven after he apologizes.

          Pixel's right arm is behind Ziggy. Trixie has hers round Stingy, her left hand near his. TRIXIE KISSES STINGY ON THE CHIN AT THE END OF BING BANG! (Strixie confirmed?)

          Where were the comics and other stuff when Robbie jumped down the hatch?! They land on him later.
          “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve... The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
          Monty Oum (1981-2015)


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            Re: Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes

            Sleepless in Lazy Town

            The back of Sportacus's bed is also a light-up white clock. There are thick lines for 12, 3, 9 and 6 and 8:08 is shown in numbers. There is just a second hand with rounded ends ticking to 8:08. The bed comes out unprompted. Perhaps because it's 8:08. Or Rin heard Sportacus say "It's almost 8:08. Time to get my sleep!" Does landing on a square button put a pillow and blanket on the bed, or was that happening already? Also, does Sportacus not have pyjamas? Or even a change of clothes so he doesn't stink up the airship? (Headcanon: There is a bathroom behind the bed; the only place to put it.)

            Ziggy sleeps with a giant red and white-striped lollipop like a teddy bear.

            Robbie has two orange pillows tied over his ears and a purple blanket with a cow patch on a red square background outlined in orange. "Am I asleep yet?" Robbie insomnia confirmed. He tries a change of scene the next day by taking an orange pillow to sleep on a park bench. It would have worked if not for a fly...

            Stephanie hits a softball really far on the first try. Ziggy might have caught it but got distracted by a lollipop he brought with him. "Sportacus, don't you go to bed at 8:08?" Ziggy. Sportacus claims going to bed early is his "secret energy source."

            The middle draw on the table with the microwaves is full of all kinds of junk. There is what looks to be a knitted rubber duck on top of the microwave. This time Robbie puts the ingredients in the left microwave. He opens the door and yells "QUIET!" at the noisy ingredients and they shut up. He turns two wheels attached to pipes on the machine and one on the big sphere-thing above, then hits it a couple of times. This time the finished product comes out the right microwave. Is Robbie's plan to keep Sportacus awake some kind of revenge? And why couldn't Robbie sleep anyway? Too much caffeine?

            Pixel has made himself some kind of human puppet-string thing; a "Remote-Controlit 6000!" Programmable "for softball" via the phone-thing on Pixel's wrist. It can move Pixel about even if he's asleep.

            "You, Robbie Rotten?" Stephanie. Robbie is wearing a baseball outfit, but only his hair is obscured, by a cap, and his shirt says "Rotten" in big purple letters on the front. Everyone else is surprised when Robbie volunteers to play-but not suspicious yet? "You don't like sports, or even moving very much!" Stephanie. To which Robbie claims he moves all the time, and can even hit the ball the furthest. Stephanie folds her arms in suspicion when Robbie walks over. "I just learned today." This seems to be Sportacus's first time playing softball. Interesting. He pitches well though. Perhaps because it's like baseball? One of Robbie's hands is on Sportacus's bicep, the other on his forearm. Sportacus quickly agrees to leave LT forever if Robbie beats him, shaking on it really fast. "See you... bright and early! Let's say... 3 in the afternoon!" Robbie NOBODY IS SUSPICIOUS OF THE BALL ROBBIE GIVES TO SPORTACUS?! It even says "Made by RR Rotten Ltd." on it.

            Ziggy's pyjamas are long-sleeved and red with a blue collar and cuffs and yellow Zs. He kisses his lollipop before he goes to sleep. Stephanie writes in her diary, left on her bedside table, before going to sleep. Pixel has a video game titled "BASEBALL". The cover is orange. His pyjamas are green and long-sleeved with dark blue buttons and a blue-checked collar, cuffs and breast pocket. Robbie has an alarm clock. Rin's table is still out. She can probably sense the danger caused by Robbie's noisy ball-couldn't she have told Sportacus about it?

            "Sportacus is never late! I mean... he's a superhero! How could he save people if he were late!" Ziggy. He sighs while watching Stephanie post a letter with soft music playing in the background... Ziggy/Stephanie confirmed? Stephanie's pencil is pink with a light pink fluffy end.

            "What time is it?" Sportacus yawns. We don't hear Rin answer. Rin probably tells Nausikaa about this, asking her to make Rin able to speak independently so she can warn him. While sleep deprivation is a form of torture, this isn't one of Robbie's worst schemes that Rin has been involved in...

            "Pillow!" Sportacus. Rin drops one onto the bench. Stephanie doesn't seem to know how dangerous it is to open Sportacus's eye and shine a torch into it... Stephanie and Ziggy try all sorts of ways to wake up Sportacus, but nothing works, not even Stephanie blowing into a saxophone.

            All Pixel's TVs are off while he's asleep. He has a bed in the corner between the TV wall and a window with a blue blind. There is a metal bedside table-thing attached to the top-left post. All his screens are turned on, not at the same time, by one "On/Off" switch. One of his computers says "The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence". "Game Over!" Pixel, woken up.

            Did Rin not go off for the Stephanie and Ziggy's very audible distress over Sportacus being out-of-control puppeted into a tree?! Can't Stingy and Trixie play softball with them? "I promise (to get a good night's sleep) on my MegaPixel 6000!" Pixel

            One of his computer screens is displaying an analogue clock, a digital one and some 3D model. "Videogames are good, but friends are better." Pixel (I wouldn't recommend videogames right before going to sleep. Speaking from experience.) Pixel sleeps with his headset on and the gadget-things on his hand. "Computer, lights out." Pixel. The lights turn off but the TVs stay on.

            Was there really no opportunity for Rin to tell Sportacus to throw Robbie's ball out?! Sportacus moves and sounds kind of angry after being woken up in the night.

            Pixel's TVs are off, but there is a computer screen with a dark blue and white gridded background saying "WAKE UP" in light blue.

            "Robbie Rotten! Grrr..." Pixel, when Sportacus shows him the noisy ball Robbie gave him. Sportacus pranks the others by pretending to still be sleep-deprived. Only Pixel is in on it. Sportacus looks up and giggles at Robbie whacking his hand with the softball bat and going "Ouch!"-he can probably only see Robbie from behind from here... I'm impressed that Sportacus could keep still for so long pretending to be asleep... "This isn't working out like I planned!" Robbie is a worse hitter than he thought. Robbie's shirt says "-13" on the back of it. Sportacus hits the noisy ball high into the sky and into Robbie's door hatch.
            “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve... The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
            Monty Oum (1981-2015)


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              • Nov 2017
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              Re: Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes

              -Lazy Scouts-

              Now Sportacus's clock says "Z" instead of 8:08. Rin automatically turns the lights on while Sportacus is still asleep. This wakes him up.

              "You've never been camping before," Stephanie, to Uncle Milford. She implicitly has. The Mayor is offering her all kinds of junk just in case, not knowing it's best to travel light.

              Stephanie plays the bugle so loud it wakes Robbie up without the loudspeakers. The chair is black with brown bits underneath. Robbie's dressing gown and nightcap have the same stripy pattern as his trousers with thick indigo quilted edges and a white bobble. He's got his usual turtleneck and cuffs, but indigo pyjamas with maroon piping and black slippers, barefoot.

              "All Sporty Scouts, fall in!" Stephanie. I always thought she kept her uniform from her previous Scout club. This episode was probably years before Boy Scouts started accepting girls. "It's an important experiment! I'm finding out how many licks it takes to finish this lollipop!" Ziggy. "Once I know how many licks it takes to finish this lollipop, I'll know how many to bring on our next camping trip!" "I just waxed that, Ziggy!" Stingy, after Ziggy gets his lollipop stuck on his car. Stingy makes Ziggy clean it up.
              Don't Scouts have an adult leader to teach them and supervise them? Is it really safe for a bunch of kids to go out camping by themselves? "Maybe we need a leader?" Ziggy (AFTER I MADE THE PREVIOUS NOTE!) Enter Robbie in disguise. "Who are you?" Stephanie to Robbie, whose disguise involves a hat and a fake moustache. "Can't you tell by my very real-looking Scout uniform?" Robbie. "That sounds interesting!" Trixie, "I'd like to learn that!" Ziggy, when "Scotty the Scoutmaster" says he'll teach them how to sleep late. We can hear car horns as Robbie takes Bessie across the street and then back again, but not see them. Where did Robbie get all those Scout badges (that look like blue and gold Sinnoh Contest ribbons(if you haven't seen Pokémon Diamond and Pearl then don't worry)) from? Did he make them? Did he earn them? The Lazy Scout salute is yawning with three fingers and then saluting with them.
              Robbie dances a bit to the Lazy Scout song. He joyrides Stingy's car (to his dismay) and pulls his underpants off while keeping his trousers completely on... Robbie can play the banjo. (or pretend to, he was shaking his hand really fast) Robbie is laughing with the kids (except Pixel, who's not there, and Stephanie, who's not impressed) as they do lazy things together. Heartwarming. Stephanie's friends all want a badge for "ignoring the girl with the pink hair and the bad attitude." (Robbie) Ziggy, Stingy and Trixie are now wearing Lazy Scout badges as well as their normal ones. "Maybe I can stay here for a teeny, weeny bit? Can I?" Ziggy is about to walk out with Stephanie until Trixie bribes him with a lollipop from her pocket. Trixie laughs at Robbie's mean Stephanie impression. Ziggy is about to go after her but stops and giggles when he hears it. "Stingy! You too!" Robbie, to Stingy who's still in his car instead of going to sleep.

              "I can't go camping. I'd like to, but I've never been." Milford. First time for everything. "But I know someone who has!" "I can always count on Sportacus!"

              Sportacus's equipment cupboard is currently full of all kinds of personalised outdoorsy scouting stuff. Sportacus is a grown man Milford trusts Stephanie to be alone with.

              Robbie laughs at Ziggy getting tangled up in his tent and falling down, but gives him a badge for it. Sportacus has a tent that is orange but has a crystal case symbol on the top of a door flap. Robbie tries to lift a biggish stone he can hold with both hands. He manages to hold it to his waist and carry it with difficulty. Sportacus can carry a bunch of rocks in his arms.

              "Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean that they're not your friends. For example; I think that jumping in mud puddles is fun! Do you?" Sportacus. "No way! Too messy." Stephanie. "...And we're still friends, right?" Sportacus. "You always make me feel better." Stephanie.

              Robbie is able to sleep through strong wind. "Ssh! Ziggy, he's sleeping!" Trixie.

              Stephanie's hat blows off. She chases after it. Lazy Town can get windstorms. "Oh I hope Stephanie is okay!" Mayor, looking out his office window. "Stephanie! I'm so glad to see you!" Sportacus comes in with her. Uncle Milford hugs her. She hugs him back. Bessie screams as soon as she sees herself and her windblown Medusa rollers in a pink hand mirror on the Mayor's desk. Rin hasn't seemed to have gone off for the other kids' distress. "[Pixel's] hanging onto a large fruit bowl!" Mayor. Why wasn't Pixel scouting with the others? "I believe that's a satellite dish." Bessie. "My hair!" When Sportacus opens the door and lets the wind in.

              Sportacus catches Stephanie's hat and puts it in a pocket inside his jacket.

              "I was trying to connect my PowerBlaster..." Pixel. "They don't need me. They said so themselves." Stephanie, when Sportacus says they should save their friends. "Friends forgive friends." Sportacus. Why didn't he take Pixel with him too? "Be careful Stephanie!" But Uncle Milford lets her go with Sportacus.

              Ziggy has begome a human flag blowing in the wind. Robbie wakes up when the wind blows his blanket off. The wind makes him stumble and roll around. "That looks like Robbie Rotten in disguise!" Trixie, when the wind blows his fake moustache off. The wind blows Ziggy off the flagpole into a blanket Sportacus and Stephanie catch him with. "Rubbish?! Yuk!" When Stingy falls into a rubbish bin and is small enough to have the lid closed on him. Trixie and Stingy can walk in the wind, but are pushed by it. Robbie can hold onto the tree trunk for a while.

              "It's wonderful to see everyone here!" Mayor, while Robbie's still outside. Where and how was the hot cocoa made? Still no word from Rin. "Thank goodness you're all safe!" Mayor. "Not everybody." Sportacus. "No! Robbie Rotten is still out there!..." Ziggy. "I have to save him!" Sportacus. He lassos Robbie with a rope. Everyone helps pull Robbie to safety, but nobody stops him from falling over the fence.

              "Here you go Robbie!" Stephanie gives him a blanket when he gets inside. "Robbie! You're okay!" Stingy. Sportacus gives him a hot cocoa.

              "I'm always ready! For anything!" Robbie. Then the puppet kids blow like wind behind him and he runs away. Sportacus picks up Stingy's car with one hand. Trixie is doing a waltz-like dance with Ziggy.

              Honestly, seeing Robbie laugh with the kids was Rottenbeard-levels of heartwarming. That doesn't excuse him being so mean to Stephanie though.
              “I believe that the human spirit is indomitable. If you endeavor to achieve, it will happen given enough resolve... The effort you put forth to anything transcends yourself, for there is no futility even in death.”
              Monty Oum (1981-2015)

