Re: Fanfiction Research: Episode Notes
-The Lazy Town Circus-
Sportacus has at least 2 of his own yo-yos. They are blue and silver with a crystal case logo. Of course he can do fancy tricks with them, both at the same time. He uses one to grab the water bottle and pull it to him. His crystal glows rainbow when someone's in trouble. From high on Rin's door, looking through his telescope, he can hear some kind of noise coming from a mailbox on the ground. Rin went off for a fly in trapped in a mailbox. And his yo-yo string was long enough to yo-yo down and open the lid. How high was Rin?
"The amazing Trixie is about to perform a feat of incredible bravery!" Walking across a tightrope bar above a pit of imaginary hungry alligators, holding a balance pole. She makes it. Ziggy doesn't like the sound of imagining he's 100 feet in the air with a crowd watching his every move.
One of Robbie's piano keys (between 2 black ones) sounds like some kind of electric keyboard sound, another (the 2 white keys between the 1st of 3 black keys) makes a sheep noise. The piano can slide into a slot. When pushed in, the keys all clang at once. "I wonder what those little brats are up to." They don't seem to be particularly noisy or disturbing. The periscope comes up, pushing up the lid of a silver trash can.
"It's too high!" The tightrope doesn't look that high, but Ziggy is still nervous. "I know [it's not that bad], but my feet don't!" He was persuaded to go up when his friends cheered him on, saying he could do it. He starts panicking and wobbling in the middle of the rope. Robbie laughs. Sportacus saw Ziggy through his telescope, his crystal didn't go off. "Drop line!" Some sort of reel dispenser comes up from the ground, near the flight pod and the equipment cupboard. The reel is a blue bungee rope, which Sportacus straps to his belt before jumping out of Rin's door. Once he's all the way down, he doesn't bounce back up. He slaps his crystal and the rope releases, and rolls back up. Ziggy was panicking that he was going to fall when the bar was only a few centimetres off the ground. Grabbing onto one of his periscope handles, Robbie struggles to stand back up after he falls down when Sportacus jumps on the trashcan lid above his periscope. He has to catch his breath afterwards. "I know I wasn't that high up then, but I still got scared." Ziggy. "When you're afraid, just be a little brave at first. Take one step at a time, and before you know it, you won't be scared!" Sportacus. "What?" Robbie doesn't understand. Stephanie doesn't want to have a go on the tightrope, apparently it's too low. "Oh right, like you've been on a real high wire!" Trixie. Stephanie claims she goes on one all the time, as tall as the trees. Judging by the looks on her face, this is obviously a lie. Ziggy wants candyfloss at the circus. The others don't. "I still have some make-up from Halloween we can use." Trixie. Stephanie gives the high wire a try when everyone else has gone.
Stingy's at Pixel's house, playing a game involving a flying mushroom, a number changing between 290 and 305 at the bottom, and some kind of black armoured soldier like something from Halo. It's making retro game noises. "He's been eating cheesy spicy nachos all day, and he smells like elephant feet." Stingy, about Pixel.
Stephanie wobbles and can barely get past the end of the tightrope. "Come on Stephanie, be brave!" "It's no use, I'm too scared!" Stephanie is not above lying to her friends; when she hears Ziggy coming, she sets the bar much higher. Robbie laughs when Ziggy falls over backwards. "You're so brave Stephanie! You're my hero!" Ziggy. Robbie laughs, because he's seen the truth.
"Circuses are so noisy! Kids yelling and screaming, animals roaring, and loud cannons going off!" The table with the microwaves and other contraptions has moved in front of the disguise tubes, with some distance between them. Robbie has a miniature cannon. Does it work?
Sportacus can balance a spinning football on the top edge of a tennis racket. And a water bottle on a small plate on top of that.
Robbie has some kind of brown chicken disguise. "Love your hair." To the wig of his own clothes. The lights go off when he's finished spinning into his ringmaster disguise, (Roberto the Great, the rottenest ringmaster under the Big Top!) And then a spotlight appears on him. He has some kind of riding crop, and accidentally whacks his own hand with it. "That didn't hurt!" Is that a riding crop, a whip, or a fishing rod?
Robbie has set up a dark blue and light blue striped big top to the left of the sports centre. The entrance looks like a clown's face. There is a path leading to it. Everyone trusts "Roberto" without question. Robbie calls Stingy Stiggy, and pats him on the head. "It's Stingy!" "Whatever."
There is candyfloss at the ice cream stand where a cone would be held. "How exciting!" Ms Busybody, when the Mayor tells her he has circus tickets for them.
Is this circus all one big illusion? Where did Robbie get all of this from? Did he buy the animal suits and the tightropes and everything? The lion suit in the cage is moving. Is there a kid inside? "I do not want to be the tail!" Stingy, about a pantomime zebra. Pixel suggests they take turns. "First I'll be the head, then later you can be the tail!" ... "That sounds… fair!" Stingy.
Stephanie throws carrots at a spinning Ziggy instead of knives. 2 land close between his neck and shoulders, one on each side, another lands just above his head.
Robbie is balancing 4 skittles stacked on top of each other, a metal pole on top of that, which is balancing 5 skittles along it, and an orange plate on each end.
Whoever was in charge of locking the lion's cage (a child?) left the key in the lock. Is that a real lion?! I don't think they're allowed in circuses nowadays.
"You think the kids will like that?" Sportacus, when Robbie suggests he gets shot out of a cannon into a safe net. Sportacus agreed to do it when Robbie says they will love it, that it would be the "most special happy memory of their lives!" Robbie asks the lion to hold the key to its cage. It does. Robbie asks Sportacus to stop walking to the cannon on his hands. He tells him to put his ("safety") goggles on, "We don't want anyone to get hurt, do we?" Robbie also gets him to cover his ears. "Now, no one can stop me from blasting him into next year!" Sportacus may not be able to hear him, but can Bessie and the Mayor from where they're sat in the audience?
"I thought I'd caught all of the brats!" Robbie. Just Ziggy and Trixie, Stingy and Pixel were getting changed into the zebra costume and Stephanie was still behind the curtain, too scared to do the high wire. He pulls a lever to trap the kids in a net and suspend them from a rope in midair, anchored by a 6000 kg weight. While chasing Stephanie, Robbie jumps and does a somersault towards Bessie and the Mayor. He tells them it's all part of the show. Robbie takes the ladder away once Stephanie has climbed to the top of the tightrope. The Mayor looks scared to see his niece on the very high tightrope. "I'm afraid of heights!" Stephanie. "Sportacus said you don't have to be brave all at once! Just be brave one little step at a time!" Ziggy. "What's that beep?!" Robbie. That's Sportacus's crystal, going off when Stephanie made it to the middle of the wire that got scared, slipped and is now hanging on by her hands. She could fall to her death if something goes wrong, and Robbie could have been partly responsible. Robbie realises what the beeping sound is after Sportacus says "Someone's in trouble". After being shot out of the cannon, Sportacus can grab a trapeze with his hands and swing on it with his legs and catch Stephanie. She jumps and somersaults off some kind of platform or trampoline. "What?!" When Stephanie sees Robbie with his hat off and his moustache falling off. "ROBBIE ROTTEN?!" Bessie and the mayor are angry and surprised to see him.
"But you were really brave on the high wire!" Trixie, even though Stephanie only got about halfway through.
Sportacus does wobble on the tightrope, but he makes it all the way, even somersaulting so he lands the other way and finishes backwards. Stephanie can do a backflip. Bessie gives the Mayor some more candyfloss.
Robbie has his butt stuck through the top of some kind of drum-thing.
-Trash Trouble-
Sportacus jumps on a floor light and the door in front of the TV goes up to reveal it, turned facing the wall. "Screen!" The screen turns over. It's displaying an aerial view of Lazy Town, with some kind of measuring gauge to the left and on the bottom, and the town is surrounded by a similar circular pattern extending off the screen. Streaks of blue are swirling around it. "Zoom in on sports candy!" Rin zooms in on a lone tree on a hill to the south-east. (Magnification 8.20, according to the blue number below the bottom gauge.) "Apple target sighted, world record time, 59 seconds." She displays the number 59.00 in blue, (flashing lighter) large in the middle of the screen. "Boomerang!" A vertical slit opens up rightwards in the right wall, between the kitchen and the equipment cupboard. A boomerang is thrown out. "Sky bike!" The floor opens up offscreen, and Sportacus jumps down onto the sky bike. "Go!" Rin starts a timer on the screen. Is that the sky chaser Sportacus is riding? No, it looks a little different, with a red seat to sit on and some kind of steering wheel. Sportacus cuts an apple off a tree with a boomerang. "New record time; 51 seconds." Rin, displaying 2 growing and shrinking trophies next to the glowing flashing time. After Sportacus comes back to her.
Sportacus is lifting (bench pressing?) a bench. "Good morning Stingy!" When he sees him driving past. He doesn't say anything back.
"Mr Mayor! Just the man I wanted to see! I actually found some things I don't want! And I've decided to give them to… you!" About a bundle of paper and other rubbish in his car trailer. Is he low-key calling the Mayor trash? "Mr Mayor, be careful of my car!" The Mayor is struggling to lift the big garbage ball. He's wobbling around everywhere. "Not the Mayor! My car!" Stingy, after Sportacus takes the Mayor out of the speeding car and it carries on speeding away. "I hope he didn't get a scratch on it!" He growls with his mouth closed.
What on earth are the kids (except Stingy) watching? Two creepy-as-heck sausage-like characters with spiky twiggy hair like tufts of grass, talking to each other, one green with red spots on hair, the other blue and yellow. The background is pinky purple with a logo of overlapping coloured circles. "Maybe we should clean up a little." Stephanie. "No! Nah!" They all laugh. "Don't give up on me lollipop, wherever you are! I'll be back for you!" Ziggy. The lollipop is stuck to the back of his cape.
There is a small box built into the right arm of Robbie's armchair, where he keeps sweets. "How am I going to find my glove in all this mess?!" Pixel, about a baseball glove? Robbie takes a piece of blue toffee off his tongue and drops it on the floor.
"If you can't find your things, soon I won't be able to find my things!" Doesn't Stingy believe everything is his?
Robbie pokes the palm of his hand (a beeping sound is made) and lowers down like he's on some kind of platform, coming back up next to the disguise furthest from the piano. "Meh." To his own outfit. Robbie has drawn some kind of trash cannon machine in different colours on a blackboard. He claps twice and the blackboard goes up. It says 'RR' in orange on a two-way recycling cog logo on his back, and the side of the trash machine. "I forgot to open the hatch!" The trash shoots up a side pipe and comes out one in the ceiling.
The kids don't want to clean up so much trash. Except Stingy, who's trying to pep them. Stephanie and Trixie are playing some kind of Street Fighter-type game with a mushroom versus a bundle of leeks. "And we don't know how to clean!" Trixie. Stingy is shocked. "You're the big 'cleaning expert' around here." Stephanie, to Stingy. He spins around with a feather duster in his hand and the trash in Pixel's room disappears several at a time. The Mayor offers to help the kids clean up, but they say they're fine. "Video games? Oh dear, I don't think I could figure that out!" When the kids suggest he takes a day off and does something he's never done before instead. "Trixie, you take the hangout." "Now, where to put my recycling centre?" Stingy.
Robbie and Stingy were on opposite sides of an outside wall when Robbie talks about his evil plans to himself. The wall was taller than him.
In the same game the kids were playing earlier, a floating green apple in the sky, surrounded by 2 green electrons crossing over, will give the avatar more health points.
The hangout is some wooden playhouse climbing frame-type thing. I think the kids played pirates on it in Rottenbeard.
Robbie bops his head along to the song, ducking by the boom box.
"Alumini-mimi-minim... Metal object!" Stingy has set up a recycling station to organise everyone's trash. Stingy does not have a Trash Man badge. (The RR cog logo, but in silver and black) but he wants one. Stingy flicked Robbie's chewed gum with the scraper into an open trashcan a few metres away.
Pressing down a lever to the right from the driver's seat makes the trash machine go faster. It has a scope to aim with. It fires trash every time a long lever at the side is pulled.
"Now Mr Mayor, all that's left is for you to inspect my... I mean your beautiful town!" Trixie pinched Stingy hard on his arm. "I have to save him!" Stingy jumps out of Pixel's bedroom window when trash is raining from the sky and Ziggy is still out and unaccounted for. He lands in paper like a snowfall.
Sportacus presses a silver button to the right of the cockpit, which probably stops the flight pod as he jumped out. Or does it undo his seatbelt?
Ziggy was stuck to the floor, his shoe attached to Robbie's used gum. He was buried under several feet of trash. Robbie probably didn't know he was there, but could Ziggy have suffocated if under too long?
Pixel's top left camera can look all over Lazy Town, I think. It was the only one shown moving, but he could have switched to others.
"You can always count on Sportacus!" Stephanie.
"Maybe this trash wasn't such a good idea after all!" Robbie climbs onto a wall but falls off it, into a bin among the garbage.
-The Lazy Town Circus-
Sportacus has at least 2 of his own yo-yos. They are blue and silver with a crystal case logo. Of course he can do fancy tricks with them, both at the same time. He uses one to grab the water bottle and pull it to him. His crystal glows rainbow when someone's in trouble. From high on Rin's door, looking through his telescope, he can hear some kind of noise coming from a mailbox on the ground. Rin went off for a fly in trapped in a mailbox. And his yo-yo string was long enough to yo-yo down and open the lid. How high was Rin?
"The amazing Trixie is about to perform a feat of incredible bravery!" Walking across a tightrope bar above a pit of imaginary hungry alligators, holding a balance pole. She makes it. Ziggy doesn't like the sound of imagining he's 100 feet in the air with a crowd watching his every move.
One of Robbie's piano keys (between 2 black ones) sounds like some kind of electric keyboard sound, another (the 2 white keys between the 1st of 3 black keys) makes a sheep noise. The piano can slide into a slot. When pushed in, the keys all clang at once. "I wonder what those little brats are up to." They don't seem to be particularly noisy or disturbing. The periscope comes up, pushing up the lid of a silver trash can.
"It's too high!" The tightrope doesn't look that high, but Ziggy is still nervous. "I know [it's not that bad], but my feet don't!" He was persuaded to go up when his friends cheered him on, saying he could do it. He starts panicking and wobbling in the middle of the rope. Robbie laughs. Sportacus saw Ziggy through his telescope, his crystal didn't go off. "Drop line!" Some sort of reel dispenser comes up from the ground, near the flight pod and the equipment cupboard. The reel is a blue bungee rope, which Sportacus straps to his belt before jumping out of Rin's door. Once he's all the way down, he doesn't bounce back up. He slaps his crystal and the rope releases, and rolls back up. Ziggy was panicking that he was going to fall when the bar was only a few centimetres off the ground. Grabbing onto one of his periscope handles, Robbie struggles to stand back up after he falls down when Sportacus jumps on the trashcan lid above his periscope. He has to catch his breath afterwards. "I know I wasn't that high up then, but I still got scared." Ziggy. "When you're afraid, just be a little brave at first. Take one step at a time, and before you know it, you won't be scared!" Sportacus. "What?" Robbie doesn't understand. Stephanie doesn't want to have a go on the tightrope, apparently it's too low. "Oh right, like you've been on a real high wire!" Trixie. Stephanie claims she goes on one all the time, as tall as the trees. Judging by the looks on her face, this is obviously a lie. Ziggy wants candyfloss at the circus. The others don't. "I still have some make-up from Halloween we can use." Trixie. Stephanie gives the high wire a try when everyone else has gone.
Stingy's at Pixel's house, playing a game involving a flying mushroom, a number changing between 290 and 305 at the bottom, and some kind of black armoured soldier like something from Halo. It's making retro game noises. "He's been eating cheesy spicy nachos all day, and he smells like elephant feet." Stingy, about Pixel.
Stephanie wobbles and can barely get past the end of the tightrope. "Come on Stephanie, be brave!" "It's no use, I'm too scared!" Stephanie is not above lying to her friends; when she hears Ziggy coming, she sets the bar much higher. Robbie laughs when Ziggy falls over backwards. "You're so brave Stephanie! You're my hero!" Ziggy. Robbie laughs, because he's seen the truth.
"Circuses are so noisy! Kids yelling and screaming, animals roaring, and loud cannons going off!" The table with the microwaves and other contraptions has moved in front of the disguise tubes, with some distance between them. Robbie has a miniature cannon. Does it work?
Sportacus can balance a spinning football on the top edge of a tennis racket. And a water bottle on a small plate on top of that.
Robbie has some kind of brown chicken disguise. "Love your hair." To the wig of his own clothes. The lights go off when he's finished spinning into his ringmaster disguise, (Roberto the Great, the rottenest ringmaster under the Big Top!) And then a spotlight appears on him. He has some kind of riding crop, and accidentally whacks his own hand with it. "That didn't hurt!" Is that a riding crop, a whip, or a fishing rod?
Robbie has set up a dark blue and light blue striped big top to the left of the sports centre. The entrance looks like a clown's face. There is a path leading to it. Everyone trusts "Roberto" without question. Robbie calls Stingy Stiggy, and pats him on the head. "It's Stingy!" "Whatever."
There is candyfloss at the ice cream stand where a cone would be held. "How exciting!" Ms Busybody, when the Mayor tells her he has circus tickets for them.
Is this circus all one big illusion? Where did Robbie get all of this from? Did he buy the animal suits and the tightropes and everything? The lion suit in the cage is moving. Is there a kid inside? "I do not want to be the tail!" Stingy, about a pantomime zebra. Pixel suggests they take turns. "First I'll be the head, then later you can be the tail!" ... "That sounds… fair!" Stingy.
Stephanie throws carrots at a spinning Ziggy instead of knives. 2 land close between his neck and shoulders, one on each side, another lands just above his head.
Robbie is balancing 4 skittles stacked on top of each other, a metal pole on top of that, which is balancing 5 skittles along it, and an orange plate on each end.
Whoever was in charge of locking the lion's cage (a child?) left the key in the lock. Is that a real lion?! I don't think they're allowed in circuses nowadays.
"You think the kids will like that?" Sportacus, when Robbie suggests he gets shot out of a cannon into a safe net. Sportacus agreed to do it when Robbie says they will love it, that it would be the "most special happy memory of their lives!" Robbie asks the lion to hold the key to its cage. It does. Robbie asks Sportacus to stop walking to the cannon on his hands. He tells him to put his ("safety") goggles on, "We don't want anyone to get hurt, do we?" Robbie also gets him to cover his ears. "Now, no one can stop me from blasting him into next year!" Sportacus may not be able to hear him, but can Bessie and the Mayor from where they're sat in the audience?
"I thought I'd caught all of the brats!" Robbie. Just Ziggy and Trixie, Stingy and Pixel were getting changed into the zebra costume and Stephanie was still behind the curtain, too scared to do the high wire. He pulls a lever to trap the kids in a net and suspend them from a rope in midair, anchored by a 6000 kg weight. While chasing Stephanie, Robbie jumps and does a somersault towards Bessie and the Mayor. He tells them it's all part of the show. Robbie takes the ladder away once Stephanie has climbed to the top of the tightrope. The Mayor looks scared to see his niece on the very high tightrope. "I'm afraid of heights!" Stephanie. "Sportacus said you don't have to be brave all at once! Just be brave one little step at a time!" Ziggy. "What's that beep?!" Robbie. That's Sportacus's crystal, going off when Stephanie made it to the middle of the wire that got scared, slipped and is now hanging on by her hands. She could fall to her death if something goes wrong, and Robbie could have been partly responsible. Robbie realises what the beeping sound is after Sportacus says "Someone's in trouble". After being shot out of the cannon, Sportacus can grab a trapeze with his hands and swing on it with his legs and catch Stephanie. She jumps and somersaults off some kind of platform or trampoline. "What?!" When Stephanie sees Robbie with his hat off and his moustache falling off. "ROBBIE ROTTEN?!" Bessie and the mayor are angry and surprised to see him.
"But you were really brave on the high wire!" Trixie, even though Stephanie only got about halfway through.
Sportacus does wobble on the tightrope, but he makes it all the way, even somersaulting so he lands the other way and finishes backwards. Stephanie can do a backflip. Bessie gives the Mayor some more candyfloss.
Robbie has his butt stuck through the top of some kind of drum-thing.
-Trash Trouble-
Sportacus jumps on a floor light and the door in front of the TV goes up to reveal it, turned facing the wall. "Screen!" The screen turns over. It's displaying an aerial view of Lazy Town, with some kind of measuring gauge to the left and on the bottom, and the town is surrounded by a similar circular pattern extending off the screen. Streaks of blue are swirling around it. "Zoom in on sports candy!" Rin zooms in on a lone tree on a hill to the south-east. (Magnification 8.20, according to the blue number below the bottom gauge.) "Apple target sighted, world record time, 59 seconds." She displays the number 59.00 in blue, (flashing lighter) large in the middle of the screen. "Boomerang!" A vertical slit opens up rightwards in the right wall, between the kitchen and the equipment cupboard. A boomerang is thrown out. "Sky bike!" The floor opens up offscreen, and Sportacus jumps down onto the sky bike. "Go!" Rin starts a timer on the screen. Is that the sky chaser Sportacus is riding? No, it looks a little different, with a red seat to sit on and some kind of steering wheel. Sportacus cuts an apple off a tree with a boomerang. "New record time; 51 seconds." Rin, displaying 2 growing and shrinking trophies next to the glowing flashing time. After Sportacus comes back to her.
Sportacus is lifting (bench pressing?) a bench. "Good morning Stingy!" When he sees him driving past. He doesn't say anything back.
"Mr Mayor! Just the man I wanted to see! I actually found some things I don't want! And I've decided to give them to… you!" About a bundle of paper and other rubbish in his car trailer. Is he low-key calling the Mayor trash? "Mr Mayor, be careful of my car!" The Mayor is struggling to lift the big garbage ball. He's wobbling around everywhere. "Not the Mayor! My car!" Stingy, after Sportacus takes the Mayor out of the speeding car and it carries on speeding away. "I hope he didn't get a scratch on it!" He growls with his mouth closed.
What on earth are the kids (except Stingy) watching? Two creepy-as-heck sausage-like characters with spiky twiggy hair like tufts of grass, talking to each other, one green with red spots on hair, the other blue and yellow. The background is pinky purple with a logo of overlapping coloured circles. "Maybe we should clean up a little." Stephanie. "No! Nah!" They all laugh. "Don't give up on me lollipop, wherever you are! I'll be back for you!" Ziggy. The lollipop is stuck to the back of his cape.
There is a small box built into the right arm of Robbie's armchair, where he keeps sweets. "How am I going to find my glove in all this mess?!" Pixel, about a baseball glove? Robbie takes a piece of blue toffee off his tongue and drops it on the floor.
"If you can't find your things, soon I won't be able to find my things!" Doesn't Stingy believe everything is his?
Robbie pokes the palm of his hand (a beeping sound is made) and lowers down like he's on some kind of platform, coming back up next to the disguise furthest from the piano. "Meh." To his own outfit. Robbie has drawn some kind of trash cannon machine in different colours on a blackboard. He claps twice and the blackboard goes up. It says 'RR' in orange on a two-way recycling cog logo on his back, and the side of the trash machine. "I forgot to open the hatch!" The trash shoots up a side pipe and comes out one in the ceiling.
The kids don't want to clean up so much trash. Except Stingy, who's trying to pep them. Stephanie and Trixie are playing some kind of Street Fighter-type game with a mushroom versus a bundle of leeks. "And we don't know how to clean!" Trixie. Stingy is shocked. "You're the big 'cleaning expert' around here." Stephanie, to Stingy. He spins around with a feather duster in his hand and the trash in Pixel's room disappears several at a time. The Mayor offers to help the kids clean up, but they say they're fine. "Video games? Oh dear, I don't think I could figure that out!" When the kids suggest he takes a day off and does something he's never done before instead. "Trixie, you take the hangout." "Now, where to put my recycling centre?" Stingy.
Robbie and Stingy were on opposite sides of an outside wall when Robbie talks about his evil plans to himself. The wall was taller than him.
In the same game the kids were playing earlier, a floating green apple in the sky, surrounded by 2 green electrons crossing over, will give the avatar more health points.
The hangout is some wooden playhouse climbing frame-type thing. I think the kids played pirates on it in Rottenbeard.
Robbie bops his head along to the song, ducking by the boom box.
"Alumini-mimi-minim... Metal object!" Stingy has set up a recycling station to organise everyone's trash. Stingy does not have a Trash Man badge. (The RR cog logo, but in silver and black) but he wants one. Stingy flicked Robbie's chewed gum with the scraper into an open trashcan a few metres away.
Pressing down a lever to the right from the driver's seat makes the trash machine go faster. It has a scope to aim with. It fires trash every time a long lever at the side is pulled.
"Now Mr Mayor, all that's left is for you to inspect my... I mean your beautiful town!" Trixie pinched Stingy hard on his arm. "I have to save him!" Stingy jumps out of Pixel's bedroom window when trash is raining from the sky and Ziggy is still out and unaccounted for. He lands in paper like a snowfall.
Sportacus presses a silver button to the right of the cockpit, which probably stops the flight pod as he jumped out. Or does it undo his seatbelt?
Ziggy was stuck to the floor, his shoe attached to Robbie's used gum. He was buried under several feet of trash. Robbie probably didn't know he was there, but could Ziggy have suffocated if under too long?
Pixel's top left camera can look all over Lazy Town, I think. It was the only one shown moving, but he could have switched to others.
"You can always count on Sportacus!" Stephanie.
"Maybe this trash wasn't such a good idea after all!" Robbie climbs onto a wall but falls off it, into a bin among the garbage.