Anyone thought of translating Latibaer?
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Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate
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Anyone thought of translating Latibaer?
Maybe one day a kind icelandic lazytown fan will come to the forums and translate it for us... but I doubt that will ever happen :p- Translate
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.- Translate
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Anyone thought of translating Latibaer?
Originally posted by LazyTownEpisodesI am attempting to provide lyrics but I am only able to (logically) provide lyrics in Incelandic
Glanni Glæpur í Latabæ "Lykilorðið" Lyrics and Translation:
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb er lykilorðið.
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb is the password.
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb er orðið mitt.
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb is my word.
Og harður er ég eins og steinn.
And I'm hard as a stone.
Hingað inn sleppur ekki neinn.
No one slips in here.
Því hérna inni á ég allt!
Because inside here I own all!
Ég á það allt!
I own that all!
Ég á það einn!
I all mine, alone!
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb...
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb...
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb, nú ræð ég öllu.
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb, now I make the decisions.
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb, því þetta' er mitt.
Sjúbabb sjúbabb abbabbabb, for that is mine.
Hvert tannhjól, reim og ró og teinn,
Where-to cogwheels, straps and nuts and rods,
ég er ríkari' en nokkur jólasveinn.
I'm richer than any Yule elves (slang for "common guys").
Því hérna inni á ég allt og ég á það einn.
Because inside here it's mine and mine alone.
Jæja strákar mínir, ég held ég verði, já, sko ég bara veit ekki hvernig ég færi að án ykkar.
Well, my boys, I think I'll be...yes, well, I just don't know how I'd handle things without you.
Þið standið ykkur svo vel, ég er svo stoltur af ykkur.
You do so well, I'm so proud of you.
Jájájájá, svona, svona, svo svo, svo svo,
Yesyesyesyes, like that, like that, so so, so so,
vinna meira, tala minna, vinna meira, tala minna, já.
Work more, talk less, work more, talk less, yes.
Hvert tannhjól, reim og ró og teinn,
Where-to cogwheel, straps and nuts and rods,
ég er ríkari' en nokkur jólasveinn.
I am richer than any common guys.
Því hérna inni á ég allt!
Because here inside own I all!
Ég á það allt!
I own it all!
Ég á það einn!
I own it alone!
Ég á það allt!
I own it all!- Translate
Anyone thought of translating Latibaer?
I told him that we are very interested in the complete translation of the plays btw...since he didn't post anything...either he's busy with translating or just scared ;)- Translate
Anyone thought of translating Latibaer?
If I won the lottery I would genuinely use part of it on a translation, if only to see the reaction of the journalist
"Are you going on holiday? buying a house?'re going to translate a play?" lol.
Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!- Translate
Anyone thought of translating Latibaer?
FlowerSportacus and Stephanie fit very well together as a team. Friends are friends since.- Translate