I'm taking Chinese this semester at my college, and today was our 3rd class. There are about 15 students in the class -- 10 guys, 5 girls.
Since we're still just beginning to learn the language, the instructors make us do these exercises where we get up from our seats and walk around the room, conversing with the other students. We all stood up, and I walked to a guy and said, "Ni hao! Ni you maeyou qian?" ("Hello! Do you have any money?") He replied, "Wo maeyou qian." ("I have no money.") Then he asked me the same, I reply, etc.
After doing the dialogue with this guy, I turn around and a girl is standing right in front of me. She sits about 3 seats in front of me, so I hadn't really seen her face or front side at all. Since the girl is immediately in my face, the first time seeing her is up close and personal. She's staring right into my eyes, smiling, ready to do the dialogue with me. Since this abrupt meeting with her was my first, I accidentally did "the glance."
"The glance" is a move that seemingly is in every man's nervous system. You meet a female face-to-face, and you are looking at her directly in the eyes. Then for a split-second, beyond your control, your eyes glance down at her chest (boobs) and quickly back to her eyes. Your head is stationary the entire time, it's just your eyes that do "the glance." As subtle as the man executes this move, it's always obvious to the girl that he just checked out her tits.
Anyways, this first meeting with this girl involved "the glance." I don't normally do it, as I usually check out a girl before I try to talk to her; that way, "the glance" is unnecessary, as I've already seen everything. But since she sits directly in front of me, I'd never seen her front side before, so I did it beyond my control.
Of course, she noticed right away what I did, and just rolled her eyes at me. Our dialogue was awkward, and we quickly turned away from each other afterward. She isn't even that attractive, so it was a total waste of effort on my part. She probably thinks I'm an asshole now.
Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Since we're still just beginning to learn the language, the instructors make us do these exercises where we get up from our seats and walk around the room, conversing with the other students. We all stood up, and I walked to a guy and said, "Ni hao! Ni you maeyou qian?" ("Hello! Do you have any money?") He replied, "Wo maeyou qian." ("I have no money.") Then he asked me the same, I reply, etc.
After doing the dialogue with this guy, I turn around and a girl is standing right in front of me. She sits about 3 seats in front of me, so I hadn't really seen her face or front side at all. Since the girl is immediately in my face, the first time seeing her is up close and personal. She's staring right into my eyes, smiling, ready to do the dialogue with me. Since this abrupt meeting with her was my first, I accidentally did "the glance."
"The glance" is a move that seemingly is in every man's nervous system. You meet a female face-to-face, and you are looking at her directly in the eyes. Then for a split-second, beyond your control, your eyes glance down at her chest (boobs) and quickly back to her eyes. Your head is stationary the entire time, it's just your eyes that do "the glance." As subtle as the man executes this move, it's always obvious to the girl that he just checked out her tits.
Anyways, this first meeting with this girl involved "the glance." I don't normally do it, as I usually check out a girl before I try to talk to her; that way, "the glance" is unnecessary, as I've already seen everything. But since she sits directly in front of me, I'd never seen her front side before, so I did it beyond my control.
Of course, she noticed right away what I did, and just rolled her eyes at me. Our dialogue was awkward, and we quickly turned away from each other afterward. She isn't even that attractive, so it was a total waste of effort on my part. She probably thinks I'm an asshole now.
Has this ever happened to anyone else?