So today I got caught doing "the glance"

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  • jujubean07
    Level 11 - The Blue Knight
    • Jun 2007
    • 195

    Re: So today I got caught doing "the glance"

    Originally posted by notoriousmdc
    Originally posted by ChemKneazle
    Originally posted by kallikak
    Originally posted by notoriousmdc
    Chem is full of lies; there is no way to "win the game."

    By merely playing, you've already lost. There is no rhyme or reason to women at all; no sense, no logic. Its total bullshit, every last bit of it.
    LoL, boys, L O L! These are the only kinds of games I play, though, which is good. I'm not much one for the "guess why i'm upset with you 'cause I want to frustrate the hell out of you for pissing me off" games most girls play. If you piss me off, I'll just punch your balls off or yell at your face or something.
    Its not just you and it doesn't matter what kind of games you or anyone else plays, its complete bullshit and everyone knows it. Its totally pointless and I refuse to play.

    If I wanna look at your tits, I'm gonna do it, and if I want you to see me checkin em out, I'll let you notice me. If I'm checking you out, I'd probably sleep with you, unless I was checking you out for a bad reason. Its that simple. I don't need teasing, back-and-forth nonsense; lets be adults. We're all horny, we all enjoy sex, we all think boobs are awesome, so why kid around?
    Yep hey did u get my message


    • osiris
      Level 15 - The Baby Troll
      • Sep 2007
      • 350

      Re: So today I got caught doing "the glance"

      Boobs are a thing of beauty. Admire them with dignity.


      • ChemKneazle
        Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
        • Jul 2007
        • 451

        Re: So today I got caught doing "the glance"

        Originally posted by notoriousmdc
        Its not just you and it doesn't matter what kind of games you or anyone else plays, its complete bullshit and bla bla bla whine whine whine.......etc.
        My God, Matt. Didn't mean to make you all upset. Here, I think you need this more than me.

        LoL, I'm j/k. <3 <3 <3 (sort of)
        "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

        Originally posted by CJVercetti
        LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
        LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


        • boredjedi
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jun 2007
          • 7306

          Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

          Sorry to say gals but your boobs are always out there. Yes, staring at us all day even if you don't realize it they are.
          Hard for us guys not to look especially if you gals take the time to accentuate the boobs even more. Such torture.


          • kelly
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 19 - Secret Friend
            • Apr 2007
            • 599

            Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

            2nd Semester last year, in early spring, one of my classmates, who was pretty hot considering she's old enough to be my mother and has done a bit too much sunbaking, was wearing a veeeerrrry low-cut top. Lunchtime, we're standing at the microwaves in the canteen, talking and waiting for our lunch to warm up, and. my. eyes. drift. down. And she noticed. And called me on it. I was mortified at myself, because I do try to avoid sexually objectifying people who haven't consented to it, but she just laughed. And then told the rest of the class.


            • Ponycat
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 14 - Sportscandy
              • Jun 2007
              • 314

              Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

              I'm a female heterosexual, and I still look at womens' cleavage. It's just one of those things.

              To be honest, I get a bit of a thrill if I catch a guy looking at my bust, but unfortunately most people are looking at my terrible limp :( It's funny what you miss.....

              It's part of life, get used to it. BUT - I can't wait for the Lazytown episode when they address this issue...


              • kelly
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 19 - Secret Friend
                • Apr 2007
                • 599

                Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                Originally posted by Ponycat
                BUT - I can't wait for the Lazytown episode when they address this issue...
                Well, Bessie does have quite the rack.


                • Ponycat
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 14 - Sportscandy
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 314

                  Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                  And she sure flaunts it too ! No wonder Milford looks so confused.....


                  • Mosheddy
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 750

                    Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                    Originally posted by Sportajustin
                    P.S. Bi is hot, so you just scored some points with somebody somewhere.
                    yeah thats generally what self proclaimed bisexuality gets you... internet points. ISNT THAT RIGHT CICLEY?

                    Anyway, Chem I think you're looking at this from the wrong angle. Jim doesnt even like this girl, so it was just an embarassing moment for him, made worse by the fact that she gave him a hard time about it. I had a similar moment like this where it was a girl I did know who got my attention and stood on her tippy toes with her chest in my face, I had nowhere else to look. I don't think it was her intention to show me her chest, she was putting on her jacket or something. Even still my prolonged glance cause a few seconds of stunned egos between the two of us which made her forget what she actually wanted to ask me about.

                    Its not a game, just funny moments that you couldnt write apart from seeing in anime. ^___________^


                    • Zafa
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 28 - Friend For Life
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 1659

                      Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                      This thread is the most entertainment I've seen from getlazy in ages haha, keep up the great work people!

                      Rockband is awesome!


                      • DSK
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 15 - The Baby Troll
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 365

                        Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                        ...woaaah waaait, Chem, are you serious about all that stuff? The game playing and the teasing from the girls? Because like... I missed that lesson in school. But then I did go to an all girls high school. So now at a co-ed college I'm still trying to adjust to the presence of boys. Boys are amusing and silly and really cute sometimes, but I've never, or ever plan to, play this game nonsense. And I'm also learning, apparently girls play quite the mind games with guys, especially when dating? ....why?

                        And as for the staring at the chest stuff, I'm ridiculously oblivious. But I don't see why anyone would stare, I prefer to dress in a manor to hide and/or draw as little attention to my chest as possible. Plus people are too distracted by my top hat, I think.


                        • Luigi12
                          GETLAZY MEMBER
                          Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 210

                          Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;



                          • Luigi12
                            GETLAZY MEMBER
                            Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                            • Jun 2007
                            • 210

                            Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                            Originally posted by Zokita
                            Okay, fine, I lied. I'm not asexual. Possibly bi, I'm not sure. I'm just incapable of attracting a partner and I'm trying to pretend I don't care to ease the pain. But I'm not dying for it or anything.
                            Maybe you'll get lucky like me and just get over the whole idea completely and be left with no pain at all over the idea anymore. That happened to me when I was a few years older than you.

                            I appreciate your honesty though, and obviously can empathize. I also love you just FYI.


                            • ChemKneazle
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
                              • Jul 2007
                              • 451

                              Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                              Well, I'm serious to the point that it's not like I'm thinking about that every single time I'm in contact with guys. It's not the be-all end-all of my day, trying to get guys to look at my chest. It's just one of those things I might do if I'm bored. I'm not a cleavagewhore like some girls - only when I dress up and that's not on purpose.

                              I'm sorry you guys took me so seriously. I was trying to make a somewhat-exaggerated post (although some of it's not really exaggerated). I didn't mean to hurt feelings or send the wrong message. I'm generally pretty nice to get along with in real life and not shallow, cleavage or no. ;)
                              "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

                              Originally posted by CJVercetti
                              LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
                              LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


                              • Zafa
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 28 - Friend For Life
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 1659

                                Re: So today I got caught doing &quot;the glance&quot;

                                This thread is making me sad, cause we all have relationship problems (Except Justin(Who the hell can stop him? Seriously? He's like a fricken sex machine)). Lugy and Zoks I command you two to get married this instant!

                                DSK - Hey Zafa
                                Zafa - Hey DSK *Looks up at top hat*
                                DSK - Hey!
                                Zafa - Oh! Sorry about that *Looks at shoes*
                                DSK - HEY!

                                Rockband is awesome!

