oh and another thing... after no more than 10 minutes out there i came face to face with this guy who looked nearly identical to Stefan Karl (without Robbie make up, when he's got a little bit of a beard going on) my heart skipped a few beats. roflcakes. TRUE STORY. he had a kid with him though, and i probably wouldn't have said anything anyways... but man was he good lookin! his face was just like him, i swear.
Dude... if that was me, I woulda raped him, no questions asked.
nothing quite as healthy for a kid than seeing their father raped by some chick with pink hair
My God, that's a great quotable quote!
In other news, my Halloween was completely ruined. My professor decided to give us a test this Friday and I've been doing nothing but hardcore studying since Sunday. In fact, today's the first day I went to the gym since Saturday!!! SATURDAY!!! I go every day!!! I felt like crap by the time 4pm rolled around today so I was like screw it, I gotta go work out or else I'm gonna melt or something. So I did. It made me feel a lot better but I'm still ultra-bummed that my Halloween sucked so bad. Absolutely and completely.
I'm glad you guys had fun, though!!!
"Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."
Originally posted by CJVercetti
LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw
i was stephanie for halloween! i went trick or treating and everything. i didn't take any pictures but the costume wasn't half bad (considering i didn't buy anything for it). i paired like a pink 60's mod dress with a pink-track-suit-outfit-thing that was my little sister's from a couple years ago, pink wig and a head band. my friends knew who i was at least. it was good times.
You win!
Your Prize! viva la mexico
NOTHING, sorry thanks for playing :fap:
I dressed up as a angry black youth working for the man.
I'll i got was some bubble gum :\
Apparently some girl dressed up as Stephanie and went trick-or-treating and got to my friend's house -- My friend said he looked JUST like Stephanie... Hmm.
fine fine. here's mine. it SUCKS giant donkey poops however. i wasn't even standing! ha. no Sporty pose for me.
oh and i am Canadian. we really DO have to design costumes to fit over snow suits ;) Or in my case a HUGE ass sweater (and i tied a bunch of rolled pillow cases around my arms for muscles :) )
my thingy on my chest said sportacus phrases :)
one girl said: "HEY! You're Sportacus."
so i tried a REEEEALLLY bad accent and then said. Uhm. No. LOL...
But she looked at me all wide eyed. It was SO cute. :) I felt just like him...for a split second. And considering i am only 5'2" and have brown eyes...and boobs....I probably couldn't have fooled her for long ;)
Apparently some girl dressed up as Stephanie and went trick-or-treating and got to my friend's house -- My friend said he looked JUST like Stephanie... Hmm.
zafa...it came with the kit from wal mart. you get something like 20 moustaches! haha...
you just stick them on. so i put rubbing alcohol on my face where the moustache would go so it would stick better. it worked. when i took it off, i think it took out some fine hairs!!
great. now i will grow a moustache and REALLY look like my italian great grandmother.... ;)
zafa...it came with the kit from wal mart. you get something like 20 moustaches! haha...
you just stick them on. so i put rubbing alcohol on my face where the moustache would go so it would stick better. it worked. when i took it off, i think it took out some fine hairs!!
great. now i will grow a moustache and REALLY look like my italian great grandmother.... ;)
Actually, one friend said to me "You know, most people won't really think you're in costume because you dress like that a lot."
At moment, I wouldn't say my wardrobe is extensive enough to dress awesome everyday, but I darn well try when I can!
And I guess I should post this too. Two days after Halloween, I dressed up for my birthday!
...my attempt at lolita. XD I think a friend got a better picture of me. I'm sorta blending into the futon there.
I bought Pumpkin Spice coffee beans today!!! I can't wait to grind them & make some coffee with 'em. I've been eating the beans cause I can't wait, lol. ^_^