What are you eating today?

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  • bungie
    Level 19 - Secret Friend
    • Nov 2009
    • 568

    Re: What are you eating today?

    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
    Out of all the problems this world has, the most pressing one for you is chickens and goats dieing in pain?
    All populations must be controlled - whatever problems this world has, it's only us to blame. Still, painless death shoud be practiced.


    • LazyPooky
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Oct 2007
      • 6911

      Re: What are you eating today?

      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
      Originally posted by pooky
      (e.g. east-europian) countries because you are way much concern about yourselves, like we thought the same about 50 to 100 years ago.
      You do realise I feel insulted, right? Besides, most of us are orthodox-christian, and we have something called "fast-ing"...it means not consuming meat, eggs, cheese and alcohol for periouds before important holy days, and also on every Wednesday and Friday...This practice exists in catholicism too , and to some extent in protestantism and neo-protestantism. It also exists in judaism, islam, buddism, hinduism and in most other religions. It differs in each confesion, but it's basicly the same thing : veganism meant to respect God, animals and your own health.

      EDIT let me expand on this.
      If you say animals are being treated bad by us, and that we have no right to kill and eat them...what about plants, maybee we shouldn't kill them either, i mean they are living beings and they are defenseless...what about germs and viruses? And maybee we should bann carnivorous animal from killing and eating other animals, right?

      This is why I don't agree with animal rights activists (PETA especialy piss me off), and this is why I would not force people to be a veganists (that's what PETA would do).

      To be noted that I have nothing against veganists, it's just food, it's not so important, and it's something personal (until you advertise all over society, like the fast-food industry does, that's when it's no longer a personal thing, that's when you'r supposed to fight it).
      I guess you didn't understand or won't understand a single word I wrote. So nevermind, this is a useless response and I'm not gonna respond to that. (maybe that's part of the time-problem, just face reality ltWW, your country is in time behind but that's nothing to be ashamed about or feel insulted).
      Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


      • LazyTownWW
        Level 28 - Friend For Life
        • Jun 2009
        • 1993

        Re: What are you eating today?

        Originally posted by bungie
        Originally posted by LazyTownWW
        Out of all the problems this world has, the most pressing one for you is chickens and goats dieing in pain?
        All populations must be controlled - whatever problems this world has, it's only us to blame. Still, painless death shoud be practiced.
        Alright, since all these liberal ideas (gay rights, afirmative action, multiculturalism, animal rights, legalizing drugs etc) come from the developed west, you have a hard time grasping what I'm talking about.

        While some countries like the US have gotten rich by stealing from the rest of the world, and others, like Germany, Norway, or Holland, have gotten rich because their people are civilised (I highly respect these countries), you guys no longer face problems like corruption, poverty, or starvation. You , bungie, probably have a LCD, a BMW and a fancy appartment, right? You don't have any serious problems to deal with in your life, so you start generating skewed logical remarks, thinking you are doing something constructive.

        You don't have problems with your employer, because if he dissrespects you, the norwegian state will put him in his place. I can't say the same thing about most employees in Romania, for example, my mom included.

        Your president is not a drunken sailor who has recently gotten related with a well known mobster.

        You don't have to worry that a gypsie will kill your family for a few bucs, and then he'll gypsie will get off clean because of the "political correctness" trend that everyone is forced inot these days.

        I want you to go tell a starving african from Niger that he should be more humane with his animals , or that he should be a vegetarian. Go tell a bedouin goat herder from Jordan the same. Go tell a poor farmer in Eastern Europe that gets cheated by the goverment to support animal rights activists.

        Come here and tell a poor, hard working citisen that goes to church that sometimes gives to charity what he can afford , to support gay marriage, when the only gays in this country are rich bastards who do no acts of charity, and only spend theyr money on gay rights lobbys (and expensive cloathes, limousines and oppulent parties)

        So I'll ask you to excuse me for being "politicly incorrect" about things :) .
        Sportacus crystal


        • LazyPooky
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Oct 2007
          • 6911

          Re: What are you eating today?

          Originally posted by SonicStephanie
          Pooky...it's really wrong to swearing someone's country...please say "forgive me !" because that guy is proud of his country...does he ?
          Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


          • bungie
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 19 - Secret Friend
            • Nov 2009
            • 568

            Re: What are you eating today?

            Originally posted by pooky
            .. country(s) is in time behind
            I really agree on this, countries behind their time. There are places on earth that live with technology and believes we outdated more than 200 years ago. Some still believe the moon is an object that lights itself and change size by it's own, as sample. Romania have suffered from communism and greed and have some time to go, before establishing rights and ethics. Romania have been a EU member since 2007 - and they need to implement all EU directives into effect.
            Originally posted by LazyTownWW
            You don't have problems with your employer, because if he dissrespects you, the norwegian state will put him in his place. I can't say the same thing about most employees in Romania, for example, my mom included.
            Based on the theory developed in the early age; workers are machines (with no rights). Still is not right for us to say we're clean, since we indirect use labor that have not a good life. China is one sample. Romania should get better on this, with the EU membership, when making european directives effective. They have workers rights and rights for clean air, water and more. 10 years maybe - if they not corrupt.


            • LazyTownWW
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 28 - Friend For Life
              • Jun 2009
              • 1993

              Re: What are you eating today?


              Edited by pooky: removed double post (see below)
              Sportacus crystal


              • agusxx2
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                • Jul 2009
                • 894

                Re: What are you eating today?

                I've just had some spaghetti :)
                Fresh off the runway


                • LazyTownWW
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 28 - Friend For Life
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 1993

                  Re: What are you eating today?

                  Originally posted by bungie
                  Originally posted by pooky
                  .. country(s) is in time behind
                  I really agree on this, countries behind their time. There are places on earth that live with technology and believes we outdated more than 200 years ago. Some still believe the moon is an object that lights itself and change size by it's own, as sample. Romania have suffered from communism and greed and have some time to go, before establishing rights and ethics. Romania have been a EU member since 2007 - and they need to implement all EU directives into effect.
                  Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                  You don't have problems with your employer, because if he dissrespects you, the norwegian state will put him in his place. I can't say the same thing about most employees in Romania, for example, my mom included.
                  Based on the theory developed in the early age; workers are machines (with no rights). Still is not right for us to say we're clean, since we indirect use labor that have not a good life. China is one sample. Romania should get better on this, with the EU membership, when making european directives effective. They have workers rights and rights for clean air, water and more. 10 years maybe - if they not corrupt.
                  Boy, do you live on the moon? The EU is a piece of crap...it does nothing for it's members, except giving them orders... it ruins the national identity (for which all of our european ancestors have died) for the sake of fake economical prosperity, and it abuses the newer members like Romania or Poland...look at Spain or Greece for example, how much have they evolved since they are in the EU?
                  How about countries that aren't in the EU, like Norway...they'r really ****ed up, aren't they? (sarcasm).
                  Anyway, I'm sure you are too stubourn to even listen to me, so I'll just stop.
                  Today, I killed a stray dog because I felt like it, then I had it for lunch...afterall, I'm an uncivilised cave man...
                  Sportacus crystal


                  • StingX
                    ROTTEN MEMBER
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 5496

                    Re: What are you eating today?

                    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                    Today, I killed a stray dog because I felt like it...afterall, I'm an uncivilised cave man...
                    I really, REALLY hope that you didn't...
                    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                    Alright, since all these liberal ideas (gay rights, afirmative action, multiculturalism, animal rights, legalizing drugs etc) come from the developed west, you have a hard time grasping what I'm talking about.
                    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                    Your kidding right? Out of all the problems this world has, the most pressing one for you is chickens and goats dieing in pain
                    What I think you're trying to say is that animal rights are a secondary issue, and other issues should be dealt with first. I think. If so, I agree. Luckily, much of the world has time to do so
                    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                    most of us are orthodox-christian, and we have something called "fast-ing"...it means not consuming meat, eggs, cheese and alcohol for periouds before important holy days, and also on every Wednesday and Friday...This practice exists in catholicism too , and to some extent in protestantism and neo-protestantism. It also exists in judaism, islam, buddism, hinduism and in most other religions. It differs in each confesion, but it's basicly the same thing
                    But...i like food...
                    Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                    This is why I don't agree with animal rights activists (PETA especialy piss me off), and this is why I would not force people to be a veganists (that's what PETA would do).
                    Don't listen to them. They're nut jobs.

                    Now..what do I think if vegetarianism/veganism (I'm lumping them together for time saving sake)
                    I have met 3 types of vegies in my life.

                    1. The type that does it for the animals.

                    One of the prices for having conciousness is a sense or morality and ethics. While I understand where these people are coming from, I'm just not quite on the same level as them. However, I do think that animals deserve painless deaths, and that the meat industry in atleast America has alot to work on.

                    2. The people that do it for their own health.

                    Perfectly understandable. I might even end up doing this some day. Who knows. The only thing I hate, is when these people are hypocrits who smoke or something nasty and u healthy like that on the side lol. Silly bastards...

                    3. The people who just think eating animals is gross

                    Interesting perspective. These people just think that meat is disgusting. While I guess if you really really think about it it's true, everything you eat is too. Just don't think about it too hard haha. On a side note, the girl I met who is like this is ultra skinny. Go figure.


                    • LazyTownWW
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 28 - Friend For Life
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 1993

                      Re: What are you eating today?

                      Originally posted by Stingy
                      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                      Today, I killed a stray dog because I felt like it...afterall, I'm an uncivilised cave man...
                      I really, REALLY hope that you didn't...
                      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                      Alright, since all these liberal ideas (gay rights, afirmative action, multiculturalism, animal rights, legalizing drugs etc) come from the developed west, you have a hard time grasping what I'm talking about.
                      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                      Your kidding right? Out of all the problems this world has, the most pressing one for you is chickens and goats dieing in pain
                      What I think you're trying to say is that animal rights are a secondary issue, and other issues should be dealt with first. I think. If so, I agree. Luckily, much of the world has time to do so
                      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                      most of us are orthodox-christian, and we have something called "fast-ing"...it means not consuming meat, eggs, cheese and alcohol for periouds before important holy days, and also on every Wednesday and Friday...This practice exists in catholicism too , and to some extent in protestantism and neo-protestantism. It also exists in judaism, islam, buddism, hinduism and in most other religions. It differs in each confesion, but it's basicly the same thing
                      But...i like food...
                      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                      This is why I don't agree with animal rights activists (PETA especialy piss me off), and this is why I would not force people to be a veganists (that's what PETA would do).
                      Don't listen to them. They're nut jobs.

                      Now..what do I think if vegetarianism/veganism (I'm lumping them together for time saving sake)
                      I have met 3 types of vegies in my life.

                      1. The type that does it for the animals.

                      One of the prices for having conciousness is a sense or morality and ethics. While I understand where these people are coming from, I'm just not quite on the same level as them. However, I do think that animals deserve painless deaths, and that the meat industry in atleast America has alot to work on.

                      2. The people that do it for their own health.

                      Perfectly understandable. I might even end up doing this some day. Who knows. The only thing I hate, is when these people are hypocrits who smoke or something nasty and u healthy like that on the side lol. Silly bastards...

                      3. The people who just think eating animals is gross

                      Interesting perspective. These people just think that meat is disgusting. While I guess if you really really think about it it's true, everything you eat is too. Just don't think about it too hard haha. On a side note, the girl I met who is like this is ultra skinny. Go figure.
                      Let me se here lol:
                      1) Of course I didn't, I only killed insects my whole life...and a snake...and some mice too...and posibly a cat or two...but I realy don't remember...
                      2) We all like food...does this mean you think vegetarians/vegans and fasting people starve to death?
                      3)PETA are kind of like nazis or religious fundies, which almost makes them cool...but they'r basic ideas are just dumb...as I was saying, whi not treat plants and germs and viruses the same way they want animals to be treated?
                      4) Yeah, that's what I meant...there are starving people in the 3d world, children being abused all over the world, wild-life and forrests being destroied at an alarming rate, immigration, corruption, organised crime and injustice chocking Europe etcetcetc...spending large ammounts of money and time millitating for the rights of cats, dogs, sheep, ducks and other domestic animals (that will always be arround) is not a priority.
                      Sportacus crystal


                      • bungie
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 19 - Secret Friend
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 568

                        Re: What are you eating today?

                        Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                        The EU is a piece of crap...it does nothing for it's members, except giving them orders ... fake economical prosperity
                        Originally posted by Some lines from a yesterday speech
                        Marx measured only value in the effort, not the usefulness of the work itself.
                        Today we know that wealth is created by all the work we have utility or pleasure off.

                        Some believe it is only in manufacturing or production of goods that generate values,
                        while others argue like that it's only in the private sector that value is created,
                        while the public sector is a burden that consumes values the private has created.
                        That is wrong.

                        Value is created whether it is goods or services produced.
                        Value is created whether the work is done in public or private.
                        Values are created for domestic as well as for export. Unpaid as well as paid.

                        What matters is that it cover the needs and wishes of the community.
                        It is the sum of each other's very different work that is the basis for welfare.

                        Nothing is more powerful to combat differences than work for all.
                        Nothing is more effective for an inclusive society than to get people in the job.
                        Nothing has meant more for equality than women's participation in working life.
                        Nothing gives us a stronger back to carry future challenges of welfare than work.
                        This is the basic idea in Norway. Can't tell what's wrong with EU (probably a mix of multiple economies and goals like stronger socialism and stronger capitaism, protectionism and more). To mutch private capital into few hands will waste labour. Welfare needs labour to pay tax.


                        • LazyTownWW
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 28 - Friend For Life
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 1993

                          Re: What are you eating today?

                          So you agree with me that the EU is a hoax.
                          Back ontopic...idk what to tell you people, I can't realy describe what I eat each day...I'll just put up some pics of some of the stuff I consumate lol



                          Sportacus crystal


                          • Buzz
                            Der Postmeister
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 33 - New Superhero
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 4143

                            Re: What are you eating today?

                            Originally posted by LazyTownWW
                            ...idk what to tell you people, I can't realy describe what I eat each day...I'll just put up some pics of some of the stuff I consumate lol...
                            looks tasty...except the pig's head...but I miss



                            • bungie
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 19 - Secret Friend
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 568

                              Re: What are you eating today?

                              Norwegian traditional dish


                              • StingX
                                ROTTEN MEMBER
                                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 5496

                                Re: What are you eating today?

                                Originally posted by bungie
                                Norwegian traditional dish

