The seven Army values, which are indoctrinated from the moment you are recruited, and of which you are expected to live by, are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. Everybody who volunteers knows exactly what they are getting into from the getgo.
Soldiers don't want sympathy--they want your respect and your support. Even those who aren't currently deployed sacrifice a lot of time to the service, and have to put the Army's needs above their own. It isn't an easy life at any level. They work very hard, experience a lot of physical & emotional turmoil, and give up a lot, and only ask that you back them up no matter what.
People may not support the war they fight, but many soldiers are fighting for what they believe in, and most of them would like to believe that they are fighting for you...
The seven Army values, which are indoctrinated from the moment you are recruited, and of which you are expected to live by, are loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. Everybody who volunteers knows exactly what they are getting into from the getgo.
Soldiers don't want sympathy--they want your respect and your support. Even those who aren't currently deployed sacrifice a lot of time to the service, and have to put the Army's needs above their own. It isn't an easy life at any level. They work very hard, experience a lot of physical & emotional turmoil, and give up a lot, and only ask that you back them up no matter what.
People may not support the war they fight, but many soldiers are fighting for what they believe in, and most of them would like to believe that they are fighting for you...