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  • bungie
    Level 19 - Secret Friend
    • Nov 2009
    • 577

    Re: Aliens

    Originally posted by GoggiMega
    Originally posted by bungie
    No, I think communism is what have failed, not socialism. Communism feeds greed like capitaism. Socialism issues might be peoples staying home sleeping, because they actually don't need to work (social security pays). Norway and Sweden are good samples on socialism that works. Still they have some lazy-issues and light corruption. I think Russia is absorbing some of it theese days, where large governmental business operate in larger cities there - making jobs and education.
    What's the difference between the two? I never really understood what separated them.
    Socialism allows you to have private property.


    • LazyPooky
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Oct 2007
      • 7254

      Re: Aliens

      I saw known universe on Geographic channel yesterday, very interesting documentary. They said that there where more than 200 billion galaxies and within each galaxy there are 200 billion stars , more stars in the universe than sand grains on the planet earth. What fascinating was that they say that an atom never dies and is recycled, I don't know of how many atoms we are made of (they say it but I forgot, I thought it was a 1 with 27 zero's, so that's a lot) but they are as old as the universe itself, about 14.5 billion years old. So we and the rest we see around us all are all made of the 14.5 years old atoms which comes from 1 star, which exploded about 14.5 billion years ago.
      They can split the nucleus of an atom, which is built out of protons and neutrons (and electrons circling around it) but did not find out yet what it is made of. So split the smallest part we know into even smaller parts. Just amazing.

      Anyway, I believe that there is life somewhere on a planet circling around 1 of the 200 billion x 200 billion stars
      Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


      • Stingy
        NEW MEMBER
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Mar 2009
        • 5497

        Re: Aliens

        Originally posted by pooky
        So split the smallest part we know into even smaller parts.
        Until we find........!!!! Strings.


        • LazyTownWW
          Level 28 - Friend For Life
          • Jun 2009
          • 1998

          Re: Aliens

          Originally posted by bungie
          Originally posted by GoggiMega
          Originally posted by bungie
          No, I think communism is what have failed, not socialism. Communism feeds greed like capitaism. Socialism issues might be peoples staying home sleeping, because they actually don't need to work (social security pays). Norway and Sweden are good samples on socialism that works. Still they have some lazy-issues and light corruption. I think Russia is absorbing some of it theese days, where large governmental business operate in larger cities there - making jobs and education.
          What's the difference between the two? I never really understood what separated them.
          Socialism allows you to have private property.
          Also, socialists belive they should get into power in a legal, democratic way - by the vote of the people...the commies want to make a world wide revolution of the working man and just seize power, kill all the rich, intellectuals and people who belive in any sort of supernatural things (religion, for example). In theory, it sounded good, but in reality, it is very easy to corupt it and you will end up with a rich rulling class and a poor, ignorant majority...the instinct of self-preservation and competition won't go away (except maybee throuh brain-washing), and people will still end up tryeing to gather wealth to feed they'r ego.

          It's interesting that christianity and communism are a bit simmilar on the issue of "human equality"..however, communism isn't only secularist, it's also fully atheistic, and look what it's done so far...the biggest fraud within communism was Stalin, who killed 3 times more poeple then Hitler, including his own familly membes.
          Sportacus crystal


          • LazyTownWW
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 28 - Friend For Life
            • Jun 2009
            • 1998

            Re: Aliens

            I saw a few documentaries over time that presented the theory that aliens are actualy the original german nazis in desguise...some of what was said seems to make sence, but IDK, it still sounds weird.
            Sportacus crystal


            • Sleepwalker
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 6 - Stingy Poster
              • Feb 2010
              • 33

              Re: Aliens

              Originally posted by pyrophilia
              There are billions of stars in our galaxy alone and even more galaxies in our universe. I'm not concluding that there HAS to be life out there, I'm just saying it's extremely likely.
              Originally posted by pooky
              I believe that there is life somewhere on a planet circling around 1 of the 200 billion x 200 billion stars
              This doesn't work from an evolutionary perspective. A common (but flawed) creationist argument against evolutionary theory is that it's highly unlikely. The likelihood of enough amino acids formed from shooting lightning through "primordial soup" (a la the Miller-Urey experiments) grouping themselves into organized chains to form proteins, then enough of those proteins grouping themselves together to form organs, then enough organs grouping together to form a living organism is ridiculously unlikely. And on top of that, according to evolutionary theory, it then took more billions of years and lots of random happenstance to even get one sentient species to micromutationally evolve self-awareness on our planet! The likelihood of that whole unlikely process happening again to form sentient life on another planet, completely independently of the life forming here, is even more ridiculously ridiculous.

              Did I include enough ridiculouses and unlikelys, you think?

              The problem with this supposedly disproving evolution is that (a) it's still physically possible, despite its improbability, and (b) we really underestimate what billions of years means, in terms of unlikely things happening.

              I happen to think there are some flaws with current evolutionary theory (which we can talk about if anyone wants to PM me, or we can talk here, but it's kinda hijacking the thread - like it wasn't hijacked with that BNP shit already), though that doesn't mean I would rule out natural processes as a possible origin of life on this planet. I also happen to think there's a God, or at least something metaphysical out there (which we can also talk about, if you like. Just both of them are kinda long stories. No one said the search for God was short). Which is why I agree with the above quotes, though it's for the reason Matthew McConaughey gave in Contact: if there's nothing out there, it sure seems like an awful waste of space.

              tl;dr - These guys might be right, but not for the reasons they think.
              Originally posted by Xizer
              So LazyTown Entertainment knows we exist, what do we do?
              :fap: :fap: :fap:


              • bungie
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 19 - Secret Friend
                • Nov 2009
                • 577

                Re: Aliens

                Originally posted by Sleepwalker
                I happen to think there are some flaws with current evolutionary theory
                I don't think evolution has changed much since dawn. In early 90s we had Maximus discussion boards for MS-DOS and dial-up, discussing and sharing same content as of today; off-topics, god, aliens, piracy and porn. You are right, there are flaws with current evolutionary we are stuck.


                • Sleepwalker
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 6 - Stingy Poster
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 33

                  Re: Aliens

                  Originally posted by bungie
                  In early 90s we had Maximus discussion boards for MS-DOS and dial-up, discussing and sharing same content as of today; off-topics, god, aliens, piracy and porn.
                  Sounds like heaven.
                  Originally posted by Xizer
                  So LazyTown Entertainment knows we exist, what do we do?
                  :fap: :fap: :fap:


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