Natural Pattern?

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  • Stingy
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Natural Pattern?



    • boredjedi
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Jun 2007
      • 7306

      Re: Natural Pattern?

      Originally posted by Stingy
      This just in-- Now it's Sweden ... 8370375.ab

      Google translate:

      Dead birds from sky in Sweden

      The mass death of birds has reached Sweden.

      The U.S. has already dropped thousands of dead from the sky.

      - I thought immediately that there must be a connection, "said Drilon Hulaj, 23, who discovered hundreds of dead birds in the middle of the street in Falkirk last night.

      Streets, rooftops and lawns were covered by thousands of black birds in Beebe Arkansas in the United States on New Year's Day.

      And now, the mass death reached Sweden. On the way home from work late last night saw Drilon Hulaj and his peers colleagues suddenly to the street in front of them was studded with black fågellik, probably jackdaws.

      - We drove quite slowly and slowed down. I stepped out and took a picture. We had read about bird death in the U.S. and thought it must be a connection, "said Drilon.

      In the United States began the birds - red wine inserted icterids - fall from the dark night sky at midnight on New Year's Eve. Researchers thought they may have rushed to death by fireworks.

      "Flying to death"

      Ornithologist Anders Wirdheim surprising finding in Falkirk.

      - This was unusual! Probably the jackdaws. They winter in large flocks. If they are exposed to repeated disturbances at night, they can become so stressed that they fly themselves to death. Either they die of exhaustion or so, they fly into the wires, branches, and the master of darkness.

      Yet the macabre discovery mysterious - it was several days after New Year celebrations.

      Edit much later than above.....

      Additionally, the Parana Online reports that 100 tons of dead fish, mainly sardines, were found on the beaches of Paranagua, Brazil Sunday. They have also begun to appear on the coasts of Pontal do Pontal do Parana, Guaraquecaba, and Antonina.

      Furthermore, a ‘carpet’ of dead snapper has appeared on a New Zealand beach, according to the New Zealand Herald. On Tuesday, the New Zealand’s Ministry of Fisheries announced an investigation into the hundreds of dead snapper that washed up at Little Bay and Waikawau Bay. Fishery officials deemed the fish unsafe to eat and are investigating the mass deaths.


      • Frances
        Level 11 - The Blue Knight
        • Sep 2009
        • 198

        Re: Natural Pattern?

        Yeh, and hey... Did ya hear about the tumbleweeds that are attacking people in Utah?

        Never really considered the fact that crows were once babies...


        • boredjedi
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Jun 2007
          • 7306

          Re: Natural Pattern?

          Originally posted by Frances
          Yeh, and hey... Did ya hear about the tumbleweeds that are attacking people in Utah?

          You ain't kidding those tumbleweeds can be violent

          Tumbleweeds rolled across her path. She swerved to avoid a large one and cursed as it clipped the fender.
 ... weeds.html


          • Stingy
            NEW MEMBER
            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
            • Mar 2009
            • 5497

            Re: Natural Pattern?

            Originally posted by boredjedi
            Good lord. I tried. I tried reading it but couldn't make it past the first page. It's pretty much nauseating.


            • Frances
              GETLAZY MEMBER
              Level 11 - The Blue Knight
              • Sep 2009
              • 198

              Re: Natural Pattern?

              Let's play Funny / NoT Funny...

              Originally posted by Stingy
              Good lord. I tried. I tried reading it but couldn't make it past the first page. It's pretty much nauseating.

              Originally posted by boredjedi
              NoT Funny!
              Never really considered the fact that crows were once babies...


              • boredjedi
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Jun 2007
                • 7306

                Re: Natural Pattern?

                You know I'm rather shocked how very little hell not very little but nothing for tumbleweed memes. Looks like I'll have to fix that situation. :)

                Alas, work never ends.


                • boredjedi
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                  • Jun 2007
                  • 7306

                  Re: Natural Pattern?

                  And the saga continues

                  2 million fish found dead in Maryland

                  (CNN) -- Authorities in Maryland are investigating the deaths of about 2 million fish in Chesapeake Bay.

                  "Natural causes appear to be the reason," the Maryland Department of the Environment said in a news release. "Cold water stress exacerbated by a large population of the affected species (juvenile spot fish) appears to be the cause of the kill."
         ... index.html


                  • Stingy
                    NEW MEMBER
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 5497

                    Re: Natural Pattern?

                    Meh. I don't buy the idea that it wasn't toxins of some sort, but I certainly don't think it's anything paranormal.


                    • LazyPooky
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 7254

                      Re: Natural Pattern?

                      We had worse days, some time ago:

                      Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                      • Buzz
                        Der Postmeister
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 33 - New Superhero
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4197

                        Re: Natural Pattern?

                        Originally posted by pooky
                        We had worse days
                        good point pooky...and I wonder who's the next...maybe the humankind

                        Originally posted by pooky
                        ...some time ago...
                        lol ;)


                        • boredjedi
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                          • Jun 2007
                          • 7306

                          Re: Natural Pattern?

                          Now that we are entering the era of being right in the middle of the galaxy and entering a dark rift who knows what's going to keep happening

                          The winter solstice of 2012 will occur at 11:11 GMT on of course 21-12-2012 the same day the Long Count flips over. On that morning the sun will appear to rise into the patch of sky we refer to as the galactic center or nuclear bulge.

                          The solar system does travel in a wave pattern as it circles the center of the Milky Way during a 250,000,000 year period but will not cross the mid-plane or disc of our galaxy in 2012. We are currently around 30 million light years above this plane and moving further away from it.

                          Come with me to the dark rift it is the only way


                          • LazyPooky
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Oct 2007
                            • 7254

                            Re: Natural Pattern?

                            "On December 21st 2012 the Long Count Calendar used by the ancient Meso-American peoples such as the Maya, Aztec, Toltec and Olmec will end one great cycle of 13 Baktun (5125.26 years). The creators of this system were able to calculate and track interesting cycles of nature such as eclipse cosmic alignment and conjunctions."

                            I don't want to spoil your apocalypic fun BJ but I have to set some things straight because it's not correct and I can't live with that. The Maya's, the wise indian tribe from long ago, did not predict an end of time or end of the world. Some new-age writers in the 70s did that and altered that story. The Maya's believed in a calander which last 23000 years and ends, to start over again. Just like we have, every year ending. The date 2012 is not correct too. That is based on very old calculations. New calculation are made by mathematicians with the techniques of archeology, and now we know that the ending of that calender used by the Meso-Americans will end in 2220. By that time the calender starts again, although I don't think anyone uses it.
                            This apocalytic thinking is from all times, and it's always fascinating. When you look at the middle-ages, the young or old middle-ages or today, there is always apocalytic thinking. Sociologists (my specialty) believe that there is a connection between this apocalytic thinking and stress in a population. When there are problems and external dangers people start to think that way. The same happened in America with the 9/11 thing, and was measured in polls, people started believe in the apocalypse.

                            And about the animals, well you did quote, the crabs, fish, birds that are dead have a normal natural explanation. For example the thousands of dead craps in England. It's already the third year and the cause is again the cold winter, but because simalar things with other animals happened in Arkansa, Zweden, more placese and OMG now in England too! people start to see a pattern. That is quite normal, but you need to be realistic.
                            The thousands of dead fish in the river in America are all from the same spieces so there is reason to believe that it's some kind of disease. If there was something apocalyptics, all fish would have died in that river

                            I do like the stories though.
                            Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                            • Frances
                              GETLAZY MEMBER
                              Level 11 - The Blue Knight
                              • Sep 2009
                              • 198

                              Re: Natural Pattern?

                              Originally posted by boredjedi
                              Come with me to the dark rift it is the only way
                              Just one question, what does he do when he has to go to the Little Vader's Room?

                              Originally posted by pooky
                              And about the animals, well you did quote, the crabs, fish, birds that are dead have a normal natural explanation. For example the thousands of dead craps in England.

                              Oh no!! Don't tell me that it got Mr. Hanky too ... surely this is a dark brown day for us all

                              Never really considered the fact that crows were once babies...


                              • Stingy
                                NEW MEMBER
                                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 5497

                                Re: Natural Pattern?

                                Originally posted by Frances
                                Originally posted by pooky
                                And about the animals, well you did quote, the crabs, fish, birds that are dead have a normal natural explanation. For example the thousands of dead craps in England.
                                Oh no!! Don't tell me that it got Mr. Hanky too ... surely this is a dark brown day for us all
                                Actually, her original statement stands.

                                90% of feces is dead bacteria from your body, so that covers the dead part.
                                England's population is about 50 million, and with an estimate of 1/2 of those people crapping at any given day that would leave about 25 million craps a day which is of course just 25,000 x 1,000.
                                So yes -- thousands of dead craps are produced in England every day, not to mention every year.

