good thing that it got recalled, cause it looked like shit
London 2012 Olympics Logo
Originally posted by Mosheddyapparently, they got 18 calls from epilepsy suffers claiming it had given them fits.
Not only does it look like shit, but it's also a health risk!
If you're going to screw up, do it on a huge scale.
Millennium Dome, anyone? Wobbly bridge?Originally posted by Julianna Rose OfficialGetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.- Translate
I don't see what the big deal is. Every Olympics logo, except maybe Atlanta's, has looked like it's been drawn with a crayon.- Translate
Well hey, now we're talking about the Winter Olympics.
My home town is the home to the best curling facility in the United States. It's the official training center for the U.S. Olympic Curling Team. They come to my town every year and train for like a month. It's pretty funny to see them walk around the town with their Olympic jackets and shit.- Translate
Originally posted by ZafaOriginally posted by CarbonXeI like this one better.
I think this would go better with the Special Olympics.- Translate
CJ..did you make that?? what a masterpiece!!! ;)
seriously, i had no idea it was to say 2012 either....
but perhaps we all aren't ...uh...HIP enough to see it properly. Ya. That must be it.
Some dreams do come true.- Translate
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