Originally posted by M_B
Originally posted by VespasianOriginally posted by M_BForget that, start guessing my name.
Since none of my internet aliases have anything to do with it, I wish you all the luck this message could possibly contain.- Translate
[quote=notoriousmdc]Originally posted by M_BOriginally posted by VespasianOriginally posted by "M_B":8a421Forget that, start guessing my name.
Since none of my internet aliases have anything to do with it, I wish you all the luck this message could possibly contain.
4wlcm- Translate
Just a note, SE thinks he knows her cuz he talks to "Juli" on MySpace, which I noticed when reading the comments on their page. Of course it is 90% possibly a poser, but what can ya do, ppl will believe what they want, and usually cant be convinced otherwise, in those cases. And the other issue is usually theyre just too young to kno or understand better.
Me, I tend to friend posers of certain ppl just to be aware and keep track of certain things, but this one unfriended me when they noticed another poser of them on my friends list, that they really didnt like. Oh well.
Oh, and re:Originally posted by notoriousmdcIt would be if the show to which you are referring (which shall remain nameless) wasn't so thanksGod-awful.- Translate
LOL um... thanks? ;D- Translate
a poser is someone who only likes the cake song and says they would like too put their *beep* into stephanies *beep* just to sound cool on 4chan. a real fan likes all lazytown songs and would rather buy stephanie a necklacePLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP- Translate
Originally posted by Mosheddya poser is someone who only likes the cake song and says they would like too put their *beep* into stephanies *beep* just to sound cool on 4chan. a real fan likes all lazytown songs and would rather buy stephanie a necklace- Translate
Originally posted by Mosheddya poser is someone who only likes the cake song and says they would like too put their *beep* into stephanies *beep* just to sound cool on 4chan. a real fan likes all lazytown songs and would rather buy stephanie a necklace- Translate
Originally posted by Mosheddya poser is someone who only likes the cake song and says they would like too put their *beep* into stephanies *beep* just to sound cool on 4chan. a real fan likes all lazytown songs and would rather buy stephanie a necklaceOriginally posted by Julianna Rose OfficialGetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.- Translate
Originally posted by Ultra MagnusWhat the hell is with your obsession with necklaces?PLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP- Translate
Originally posted by notoriousmdcOriginally posted by MosheddyOriginally posted by Ultra MagnusWhat the hell is with your obsession with necklaces?Originally posted by Julianna Rose OfficialGetLazy is our next target it will be closed very shortly.- Translate
[quote=Ultra Magnus]Originally posted by notoriousmdcOriginally posted by MosheddyOriginally posted by "Ultra Magnus":00f02What the hell is with your obsession with necklaces?
ahhhhh badgershit!PLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP- Translate
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