My name's Amanda. Some people call me Mandy, which I hate.
I suspected that from the minimised email window visible in your desktop screenshot.
I'm Erin. Don't hate it, don't love it, it's just who I am.
I'm of mostly Irish ancestry, and my surname is pretty effin' Irish too. Yet all my great-grandparents were Aussie-born.
It's not a real easy name to shorten, so I normally end up with unrelated nicknames like Snuffy and Pippi.
When I was a baby, the way Mum was pronouncing it made it sound like Aaron, and it wasn't a name people knew of, but then when we moved back to NSW after Mum left Dad I ended up in the same classroom as another Erin three times during primary school.
My great grandfather's name was Adolf, I suppose that caused some problems for him. :hitler:
Well, depends. If he was your great grandfather, he most likely lived before Hitler was even known or born, even.
Do you like it, hate it, or feel indifferent?
Not really. I usually go for long names. Notice I practially refer to people using their name. Unless it's CJ. :)
Would you rename yourself if given the chance?
Well maybe. I've had a few ideas, but I like this kind of name. I probably wouldn't rename myself because of principles.
Once you get use to people rhyming to the words dick, lick and prick (all in the same sentence) or people saying nick nick nick nick nick nickelodeon, I'm fine with my name
If I could change it, I would have it as Joe Kickass