Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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  • Mosheddy
    Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
    • Apr 2007
    • 750

    Originally posted by cicley_has_aids
    BUT, I still realize that this is a kid's series, about magic. What do you expect?
    you took a weeks break from the internet in order to make sure nobody would spoil it for you lol. so, whats life like after potter?


    • cicley_has_aids
      Level 9 - Energy Poster
      • Jun 2007
      • 82

      Originally posted by Mosheddy
      so, whats life like after potter?
      Originally posted by cicley_has_aids
      I am in a state of total satiety


      • Victoria
        Owner of GetLazy
        Level 28 - Friend For Life
        • Apr 2007
        • 1922

        This is not a mere children's book, it is one of the best selling books in the world. The American release alone had 13 million copies printed for the first edition.

        It is predicted that more adults than children will be reading the Deathly Hallows.

        It is inexcusable that a book of this caliber should have so many holes in the story and flaws.


        • moomoo
          Trixie's ToyBoy
          Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
          • Apr 2007
          • 1338

          Not really. It doesn't matter how many adults read it, it's still a kids book. That's how it was written and whom it was intended for.


          • Zokita
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
            • Apr 2007
            • 1215

            I have a hard time believing that it's still a 'kids book' at this point. I'm surprised that so many parents still let little kids read them, to be honest.

            Just look at what goes on in Deathly Hallows *Spoilers, duh!*

            Torture, murder of over fifty, sexual innuendo and implications, violence, and six Harrys stripping in the Dursley house.
            I seriously need a new sig. Will try Photoshop later.


            • ChemKneazle
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
              • Jul 2007
              • 451

              Originally posted by moomoo
              Not really. It doesn't matter how many adults read it, it's still a kids book. That's how it was written and whom it was intended for.
              Sorry, but no.

              Rowling adamantly denies writing the book for a particular age group. It was the publisher that decided to market it to kids.
              "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

              Originally posted by CJVercetti
              LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
              LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


              • kelly
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 19 - Secret Friend
                • Apr 2007
                • 599

                Originally posted by Zokita
                I'm surprised that so many parents still let little kids read them, to be honest.
                My aunt gave the first four books to my brother and I for Xmas '01, when he was 12. If OotP or HBP had been out by then, I would have been rather dubious about him reading them.
                Young Adult is the 'youngest' I'll categorise the series, and both the Canberra and Shoalhaven* city libraries agree with me, shelving only the first two books in the Junior Fiction (ie Kid's Books) section.

                *Shoalhaven is the local government area Nowra's in. It's legally a city, though it's only just got the population and it covers a very large area.


                • M_B
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 12 - Lazy Scout
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 215

                  I never cared much for the books. My mum bought me the first book when it "released," the Sorcerer's Stone. My grand parents have gotten me every book since. It didn't take long for me to start disliking the first book, honestly. I don't even know why my grandparents kept sending me the books. They stopped after Order of The Pheonix, though. I have every book up until then, though. If I ever feel like picking one up and reading it, I can.

                  I do like the movies, though. Quite a lot. I don't get in costumes or wait on pins and needles for movie tickets, but I just like them.


                  • cicley_has_aids
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 9 - Energy Poster
                    • Jun 2007
                    • 82

                    Originally posted by Xizer
                    This is not a mere children's book, it is one of the best selling books in the world. The American release alone had 13 million copies printed for the first edition.

                    It is predicted that more adults than children will be reading the Deathly Hallows.

                    It is inexcusable that a book of this caliber should have so many holes in the story and flaws.
                    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, "inexcusable".

                    I agree there are many flaws, but it's still a very entertaining read. Let it go, the books are not a perfectly designed world for adults to try and break down. The series started off for kids, so inevitably the books have turned out a little bit out-there. If Rowling had known how big Harry Potter would becomr and how many adults would read it, she may have set it up one hundred years ago to make it easier to swallow.

                    Modern technology is not magical nor is it spectacular. It's not mystifying or exciting, just boring and common. That is why they don't use cell phones or the internets. It's supposed to be a fantasy world very different than ours. This is why they don't use them, the pretext is that wizards are very tradional and despise muggle inventions, buts it basically comes down to the fact that these devices would make the story boring and ruin many parts of it.

                    As far Britain being the center of the world.....well that's just laziness/nationalism. IDC.

                    Really, the books aren't to be taken to seriously. They're purely for entertainment.


                    • Ponycat
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 14 - Sportscandy
                      • Jun 2007
                      • 314

                      Originally posted by cicley_has_aids

                      Really, the books aren't to be taken to seriously. They're purely for entertainment.
                      Hear Hear ! Agreed.


                      • SportaDork07
                        GETLAZY MEMBER
                        Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 70

                        I love the HP books with all my heart, but I still don't understand the cause of all of these debates like the one going back and forth between Xizer and Chem. Come on, people, its just a book series. Don't get so worked up about the schematics.
                        I am a SportaDork!


                        • ChemKneazle
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 17 - Ghost Stopper
                          • Jul 2007
                          • 451

                          Originally posted by SportaDork07
                          I love the HP books with all my heart, but I still don't understand the cause of all of these debates like the one going back and forth between Xizer and Chem. Come on, people, its just a book series. Don't get so worked up about the schematics.
                          I love HP with all my heart as well and the only reason I started that debate with Xizer was because I initially thought he was just trying to start it to be "that guy," the little smartass who's all against HP just for the sake of being against it. I later found out he wasn't but the debate still continued.


                          Personally, I never read the books intending to find fault with Rowling's "loopholes" simply because of the fact that she created the world and she can make whatever she wants to happen happen in it. If what we consider to be logical remedies for simple problems (i.e. Internet, cell phones...etc) don't exist in her books, then they doesn't exist in her books! She didn't make a mistake about it! She could have addressed their absence or could have given a reason for their absence but she didn't and that's it.

                          I don't get how people are so adamant about proving her wrong when she's the only one in the world who can claim full knowledge of the world she's written about! She created it so whatever she writes about it is the truth, whether or not someone finds "loopholes" with it. She is the be-all and end-all of the world she's created and it's nobody else's place to dispute her personal logic.

                          It pisses me off when people get so excited about proving someone else's completely unique fictional ideas wrong like they can even be debated. It's ok to say you didn't like the books or the plot or the fact that she might not have given us all the information to allow us to close the "loopholes" but don't say she doesn't know what she's talking about or that, God forbid, she's WRONG about anything in the books. That's just ludicrous.
                          "Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because he only believes in the element of surprise."

                          Originally posted by CJVercetti
                          LazyTown90 (7:18:26 PM): This morning I had diariahaahahaa and I still went to school
                          LazyTown90 (7:18:39 PM): that's when you laugh and shit at the same time btw


                          • Mosheddy
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                            • Apr 2007
                            • 750

                            YES! just ruined the ending for another slow reader. he says he can't be bothered to finish it now. i told him its a sign and he should stick to the films and video games =D
                            PLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP


                            • moomoo
                              Trixie's ToyBoy
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1338

                              Yes, cause Harry potter games are usually AAA titles.


                              • Mosheddy
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 23 - Pixel's Assistant
                                • Apr 2007
                                • 750

                                lmao, another one bites the dust! XD

                                Originally posted by hahahahaha
                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (11:27:51 pm)
                                   hey ash iz me from skool

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (11:40:54 pm)
                                   check out this amazing leeroy jenkins remix! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=G_vas-7a7is

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (11:41:26 pm)
                                   ryan sent it to me, its so lawlz

                                @shley Harry potter 7 is soooo sick-------sadly hedwig is now a pile of feathers............dead says: (12:09:09 am)
                                   **** OFF u wasteguy

                                @shley Harry potter 7 is soooo sick-------sadly hedwig is now a pile of feathers............dead says: (12:09:22 am)
                                   trying 2 send me harry potter spoilers

                                @shley Harry potter 7 is soooo sick-------sadly hedwig is now a pile of feathers............dead says: (12:10:17 am)

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (12:11:05 am)

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (12:11:17 am)
                                   please just watch it, its very funny leeroy remix

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (12:12:02 am)
                                   ryan sent it to me, you can ask him

                                @shley Harry potter 7 is soooo sick-------sadly hedwig is now a pile of feathers............dead says: (12:12:58 am)
                                   U ****ING BASTARD

                                @shley Harry potter 7 is soooo sick-------sadly hedwig is now a pile of feathers............dead says: (12:13:12 am)
                                   DONT TALK 2 ME

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (12:13:18 am)
                                   dobby dies, snape dies, voldemort dies, harry and ginny get married

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (12:13:24 am)
                                   ron marries hermoine

                                Lets talk about what we do at titty bars says: (12:13:41 am)
                                   harry and ginny have 3 kids

                                The following message could not be delivered:
                                   harry and ginny have 3 kids <he blocked me lol. SUCCESS!
                                PLEASE KNOCK I'M TAKING A POWER NAP


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