I actually have all of Versti Fantur, and a number of others, completely done. I'm taking my higher-quality mp3s and movie files, making altered copies augmenting the vocals while decreasing other frequencies to reduce instruments and other noise, then using a program I have that slows down the recordings without altering the pitch so I have more time to catch the sounds. It makes things a little easier. Having a new, better version of the Glanni stage show also helps. :/
I'm also using various programs on learning Icelandic and book scans that I've made to help with the learning and translating progress. Most of the stuff is out of print or incredibly difficult to find and order. I just happen to be in a good location for snagging the stuff.
So far, I'd say more or less the same difficulty level as Russian, although I've been doing Russian for 2+ years and Icelandic for about a month, so I haven't delved deep enough into the grammar of Icelandic to make a fair comparison. Icelandic grammar is complex, I'm told, but I'm prepared for that as Russian grammar isn't exactly cake. Pronunciation for me at least is more difficult in Icelandic...all sorts of weird sounds that have no English equivalent. Russian only has a few sounds that don't have an English equivalent, and even those are pretty easy to approximate, at least for me. The nice thing about Icelandic compared to Russian is that stress is almost always on the first syllable of the word, whereas in Russian it's unpredictable, and often the stress shifts as a word is declined into other cases.
Yeah, I read somewhere online that Icelandic grammar can be quite difficult cos it's really flexible, or something.
Originally posted by sylvanas
I actually have all of Versti Fantur, and a number of others, completely done.
hahahahahahahaha small world, my mum knows the family of this guy. his brother has a smiliar condition and comes in her shop sometimes. its like a mild form of autism.
Re: ICELANDIC!!! Who's learning it? Who speaks it?
I was learning it, but I quit for awhile. Useful when subbing though, helps with trying to figure out the timing of the words and stuff. If that fails, I have to rely on body language and stuff.
Re: ICELANDIC!!! Who's learning it? Who speaks it?
i only know my name in icelandic lol thats it
sounds like an awesome language, **** france being the language of love its icelandic, how sexy does magnus and julianna sound in icelandic(not heard stefan)
Re: ICELANDIC!!! Who's learning it? Who speaks it?
Originally posted by Stevilito
i only know my name in icelandic lol thats it
sounds like an awesome language, **** france being the language of love its icelandic, how sexy does magnus and julianna sound in icelandic(not heard stefan)
I agree, although I haven't heard Juli speak in Icelandic. Whoever does the Icelandic dubs for her sounds very cute, though.