There is a difference between fearing an outcome and fearing a process. Death is inevitable, it is nothing to be feared, it is just part of the package of getting to live. The only things that do not die are things which are not alive. Once you are dead, unless you believe you will end up in some unpleasant afterlife, you will not even exist, and thus be incapable of feeling fear, pain, or any other negative emotion or sensation. Why fear that? It's like fearing the time before you were born and again were not around to feel anything.
What most people really fear is the process of dying, the experience of dying, which happens while you are still alive. Most living things have a very strong instinctual fear of being eaten for example. It is what makes movies like Jaws so scary.
Do not fear non-existence, which is all death amounts to. But do try to avoid being eaten, you would not enjoy it.
What most people really fear is the process of dying, the experience of dying, which happens while you are still alive. Most living things have a very strong instinctual fear of being eaten for example. It is what makes movies like Jaws so scary.
Do not fear non-existence, which is all death amounts to. But do try to avoid being eaten, you would not enjoy it.