I know a few people who hide their phones but hotspot their computers. Today in HPE since I have an exemption for the physical part of it. A few people who didn’t want to do HPE but have permission to sit out today. One of them hotspot their computer to watch Netflix with me and my friend. We watched ‘White chicks’ for the whole lesson while everyone else were playing in the hot sun (which sucks for them and I don’t care excepted for two of my friends)
I know a few people who hide their phones but hotspot their computers. Today in HPE since I have an exemption for the physical part of it. A few people who didn’t want to do HPE but have permission to sit out today. One of them hotspot their computer to watch Netflix with me and my friend. We watched ‘White chicks’ for the whole lesson while everyone else were playing in the hot sun (which sucks for them and I don’t care excepted for two of my friends)- Translate
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Forgot to say this but in high school some schools don’t do mandatory HPE for all grades. While others it’s mandatory until senior year (which for me it’s not mandatory next year). In primary all schools have to do mandatory HPE for all year levels. Every school does different HPE things like track and field (which is the most popular one), soft ball/cricket/baseball (another popular one), tennis (a few schools I know have it), gymnastics (I only know one primary school for doing that one), swimming (mostly mandatory in primary school only) and other sports- Translate
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