Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Cumberlink reports that David Stodghill's transport from a prison in Los Angeles to Pennsylania may be a long one, without even an estimated time of arrival, as he's being delivered via Prisoner Transport Services, per Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed.
He says the length of the trip is dependent on how many other prisoners must be picked up along the way and where those pickups happen. The contract extradition service is the most cost effective method for the county to employ.
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
P.S. Trust me haha. He has about a million different charges that are catching up to him now. Even if a semi reasonable bail was set, he couldn't make it. He's poor as balls. But even so, if he gets a bail, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be massive.
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Stodghill's bail skyrockets to $150,000 after preliminary hearing March 22, 2010
Originally posted by
David's bail increased to 150,000 dollars Following this morning's preliminary hearing, bail for David Stodghill on the charges of aggravated indecent assault, indecent assault, and corruption of minors have skyrocketed to $150,000, and he continues to be held at Cumberland County Prison.
Not many details to add than what is available on the court dockets , but it is presumed that the bail was increased after the judge was able to review the full weight of the charges and Stodghill's previous outstanding warrants and fugitive status from the same court system.
Judge raises bail in Shippensburg indecent assault case March 23, 2010
Originally posted by
David Stodghill’s public defender asked for a reduction in Stodghill’s $25,000 bail Monday at his preliminary hearing on charges of indecent assault involving a 12-year-old girl. Magisterial District Judge Harold Bender listened to the argument, then raised the bail to $150,000 and bound Stodghill over to county court for trial.
He left Shippensburg just before police served a search warrant on that charge, then surfaced seven months later in Los Angeles, where he eluded capture when federal agents raided his condominium. Stodghill was captured days later in Los Angeles County.
Public Defender Brian Williams argued that Stodghill, 37, is a cardiac patient who is receiving inadequate medical care in prison and that his $25,000 bail is too high for the nature of the charges.
“I did not run” when he left Shippensburg right before police served a search warrant, Stodghill said to the judge from the defense table before Assistant Cumberland County District Attorney Jaime Keating objected that he was not under oath. “I left for California to take pictures of the Michael Jackson funeral,” Stodghill continued, claiming he sold freelance photographs to five different agencies at various times. Keating said Stodghill was clearly running and offered details about Stodghill’s arrest in California by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Keating said Stodghill changed his appearance while in California and fled his Cahuenga Boulevard condo just prior to the arrival of the ICE agents. Keating gestured to two ICE agents who chased Stodghill down in February and attended Monday’s hearing as potential witnesses. Keating said the agents “treed” Stodghill three days after his initial escape, only to see him jump from the tree, scramble to his feet and flee quickly enough to get aboard a public transportation bus. He was captured only after agents stopped the bus at gunpoint, Keating said.
Taken into custody Feb. 1, Stodghill spent three weeks imprisoned in California, then was transported to Cumberland County on a circuitous cross-country trip by prisoner transport contractors. He arrived in Carlisle Feb. 2
Details from David Stodghill's preliminary hearing March 24, 2010
Stodghill's 13 year old accuser testifies, and info about ICE agents needing to stop a bus at gunpoint to make his arrest, among the details from an article in yesterday's Shippensburg Sentinel:
The girl testified at the hearing Monday, prompting Stodghill to look down at his hands several times and shake his head from side to side as she spoke.
She testified that Stodghill “often” did “all kind of weird stuff” to her, including describing oral sex to her and asking her to perform acts. She said she sometimes awoke with “sore” genitals after spending the night at Stodghill’s residence. She said the behavior persisted for about three years, until she “finally got tired of it” and told her mother.
Stodghill also claimed that he did not flee Shippensburg, but simply left for California to take photographs of the Michael Jackson funeral. Assistant Cumberland County District Attorney Jaime Keating responded by offering details of Stodghill's lengths to elude Federal Marshalls and ICE agents last month in Los Angeles: Keating said Stodghill changed his appearance while in California and fled his Cahuenga Boulevard condo just prior to the arrival of the ICE agents... Keating said the agents “treed” Stodghill three days after his initial escape, only to see him jump from the tree, scramble to his feet and flee quickly enough to get aboard a public transportation bus.
He was captured only after agents stopped the bus at gunpoint, Keating said.
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Ewww what a story :( (that's all I can say at the moment)
Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.
Criminal dockets posted online list June 10th as the start of David Stodghill's preliminary arraignment for all charges currently pending against him, including aggravated sexual assaults against a minor under the age of 13, harassment, and drug possession.
Of concern is also an application for an "ARD Hearing" on the dockets regarding the child sex offense charges. If granted for an "Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition," Stodghill could be released from prison immediately even without a guilty plea and placed on parole with certain conditions. After the parole terms have been met, Stodghill could then seek to have the charges expunged from his record.
The dockets also list another alias used by Stodghill: David M. Aten.
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Originally posted by Stingy
Stodghill's formal arraignment June 10th; could he be released on parole before then?
Oh for ****'s sake. This shitty ass country puts people in jail for decades for drug offenses, people have served 20 years for stealing $11 worth of merchandise, and this asshole could be getting parole already?
I hate America. I really, really do.
This guy would've gotten more jail time in Sweden. SWEDEN! The country that doesn't even recognize the concept of a "life sentence" and the country where murderers serve 7 years...
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
If he gets off, I will agree with Xizer about the american law sistem (as far as I knew, rapists and child molesters ussualy get a long time in prison there...unleas they are rich, is DS rich ? )