Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
it's sad... as the german pedophiles monks :-(
cape diem
feel the moment
Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt
true friendships are eternal
Donec eris sospes, multos numerabis amicos: tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris
Until you're lucky, has many friends: if there are clouds, you're alone
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Originally posted by LazyTownWW
Only 5% of catholic clergy world wide are paedos
It's hard to say. I'm not sure if pedophilia is the source of corruption in the Catholic church.
I think that it's mostly the fact that they have vowed to be celibate. Maybe it sounds OK to them at the time, but years and years down the road, the pressure starts to build. They see these alter boys or what have you as easy targets, and potentially someone that wouldn't tell you know? I think it's much more of an act of sexual desparation then it is an act of pedophilia. You can only refuse nature for so long. It is my own personal belief that sexual repression usually leads to harmful acts. This is just my theory.
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Originally posted by Stingy
It's hard to say. I'm not sure if pedophilia is the source of corruption in the Catholic church.
I think that it's mostly the fact that they have vowed to be celibate. Maybe it sounds OK to them at the time, but years and years down the road, the pressure starts to build. They see these alter boys or what have you as easy targets, and potentially someone that wouldn't tell you know? I think it's much more of an act of sexual desparation then it is an act of pedophilia. You can only refuse nature for so long. It is my own personal belief that sexual repression usually leads to harmful acts. This is just my theory.
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Originally posted by LazyTownWW
Only 5% of catholic clergy world wide are paedos
Your italian, you should know better.
only??? the church must defend the morality and must help the sotiety... no 1 moks can be pedophilesv :-|
cape diem
feel the moment
Verae amicitiae sempiternae sunt
true friendships are eternal
Donec eris sospes, multos numerabis amicos: tempora si fuerint nubila, solus eris
Until you're lucky, has many friends: if there are clouds, you're alone
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
I do believe that. I completely believe that 100% of religious people are dipshits.
Sorry for singling out your religion, buddy. If it makes you feel any better, you're just as retarded as the Hindus, Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Yay! :hurr:
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Even if he isn't an atheist, I'm sure no just god would allow this man to go to whatever good afterlife there may be. I hope this guy goes to limbo.
Personally, I don't know if there is a hell. But I do believe in limbo, definitely. Not necessarily the Dante's Inferno version with the people rotting and being eaten by bugs while chasing around banners, either (that's gross). A limbo where he's not ever allowed/able to be happy, and he (hopefully) learns something.
I hate the way our government works, so hopefully if ours keeps allowing this goon to run around touching children, he will die and go to a place where he will be eternally unhappy. If our justice system fails, and these children suffer, at least we know he'll have an unpleasant end coming to him.
Re: David Stodghill arrested for molesting a 12 year old
Originally posted by Lily_Kaelar
Even if he isn't an atheist, I'm sure no just god would allow this man to go to whatever good afterlife there may be. I hope this guy goes to limbo.
Personally, I don't know if there is a hell. But I do believe in limbo, definitely. Not necessarily the Dante's Inferno version with the people rotting and being eaten by bugs while chasing around banners, either (that's gross). A limbo where he's not ever allowed/able to be happy, and he (hopefully) learns something.
I hate the way our government works, so hopefully if ours keeps allowing this goon to run around touching children, he will die and go to a place where he will be eternally unhappy. If our justice system fails, and these children suffer, at least we know he'll have an unpleasant end coming to him.
That poor little girl... :(
I agree with you on the theologic part.
Back ontopic, if you only knew who that girl is...
That's all I'm saying.