Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

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  • StingX
    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
    • Mar 2009
    • 5497

    Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

    Originally posted by Unnur Eggertsdóttir
    Þessi mynd poppaði upp í dag, tekin fyrir akkrúat 5 árum. Þad var ótrúlega mikill heiður að fá að vinna með Stebba of þvílíkt sem ég lærði af honum. Eitt af því sem við ræddum oft um var hvort ég ætlaði ekki örugglega að þora að flytja úu, en Stebbi sagði þessi orð sem ég man ennþá svo skýrt: ,,Eina vitið er að drulla þér til Ameríku stelpa, þar er fjörið. Ég lofa að þú munt ekki sjá eftir því.''
    Stebbi var engum öðrum likur. Að leika með honum á sviði var eina of að fara í masterclass í spuna. Hann hélt manni stanslaust á tánum og það reyndi á hvern einasta vöðva að halda inn í sér hlátrinum þegar hann gaf manni eitthvað ákveðið augnaráð eða prumpuhljóð.
    Enn þann dag í dag hitti ég fólk í LA sem spyr hvort ég þekki hinn íslenska Grinch, þvi þau höfðu séd hann hér í Pantages leikhúsinu fyrir mörgun árum og eru enn hlæjandi að honum.
    Í hefur misst einn dýrmætasta skemmtikraft landsins. Ég er óendanlega þakklát fyrir að hafa kynnst Stebba oh lært frá þessum stórkostlegum meistara. Mínar innilegustu samúðarkveðjur til fjölskyuldu og vina. Elsju Stebbi, hvíldu í fríði og hlátri.
    Originally posted by Unnur Eggertsdóttir
    This picture popped up today, taken a long 5 years ago. It was an incredibly great honor to work with Stefán because of what I learned from him. One of the things we often talked about was whether or not I should move away, but Stefán said these words that I still remember so clearly: “The only thing to do is to **** off to America, girl, that's where the party’s at. I promise, you will not regret it.”
    Stefán was like no one else. To act with him on stage was like a masterclass in improv. He kept everyone on their toes and it took every muscle to hold in our laughter when he gave someone a certain look or made a fart sound.
    To this day, I meet people in LA who ask if I know the Icelandic Grinch, because they had seen him here at the Pantages Theatre for many years and are still laughing at his act.
    We have lost one of the greatest entertainers in the country. I'm infinitely grateful for having known Stefán and for learning from this amazing master. My most sincere thoughts go out to his family and friends. Beloved Stefán, rest in peace and keep laughing.
    Here is Unnur's message about Stefán.


    • Glanni's Girl
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Jan 2010
      • 5016

      Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

      Originally posted by Stingy
      Here is Unnur's message about Stefán.
      Thank you.
      Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
      Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


      • megadjmatt25
        Level 27 - Little Pink Poster
        • May 2016
        • 1226

        Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

        This took me a while but I made a tribute to Stefan Karl


        • StingX
          NEW MEMBER
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Mar 2009
          • 5497

          Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

          Thank you for making a tribute, it was really sweet.


          • boredjedi
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
            • Jun 2007
            • 7274

            Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

            Not much I can add than what's already been said. RIP Stefan. I keep wishing for 2007 again.

            Take us back in time
            Why can`t we rewind and take us back to where we use to be



            • Kenny D
              NEW MEMBER
              Level 2 - Rotten Poster
              • Sep 2018
              • 6

              Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

              Stefan will be missed.


              • lalalei2001
                GETLAZY MEMBER
                Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                • Feb 2019
                • 66

                Re: RIP

                I got into LazyTown after Stefan's death, and everything I've read about, watched, and heard fills me with bittersweet joy. I'm so happy seeing how he touched so many lives and brought smiles to so many faces, but I'm also sad that I only learned what a wonderful man he was posthumously. He brought so much charisma and fun to every character he played and breathed life into LazyTown as a whole. When I think of his roles I'll smile at the good memories he left and hang onto new experiences and happiness as I watch the show and try to live by his example :)


                • lalalei2001
                  GETLAZY MEMBER
                  Level 8 - Treehouse Builder
                  • Feb 2019
                  • 66

                  Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

                  I got into LazyTown after Stefan's death, and everything I've read about, watched, and heard fills me with bittersweet joy. I'm so happy seeing how he touched so many lives and brought smiles to so many faces, but I'm also sad that I only learned what a wonderful man he was posthumously. He brought so much charisma and fun to every character he played and breathed life into LazyTown as a whole. When I think of his roles I'll smile at the good memories he left and hang onto new experiences and happiness as I watch the show and try to live by his example. :)

                  Thank you, Stefan, and may you rest in peace!


                  • robbierottonfan95
                    GETLAZY MEMBER
                    Level 5 - Twenty Times Poster
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 20

                    Re: Rest in Peace, Stefan Karl

                    I'm really late to the party, but RIP Stefán. Robbie was always my favorite character, and Stefán really nailed the role.


                    • sarina Safdarian
                      NEW MEMBER
                      Level 1 - New kid in Town
                      • Mar 2021
                      • 3

                      oh on

                      Stefan karl


                      • possessor
                        I like LazyTown.
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 30 - Stepher
                        • Oct 2021
                        • 2965

                        Rest in peace, Stefan..

