Crazy Dreams

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  • Lily_Kaelar
    Level 26 - Roboticus
    • May 2007
    • 1068

    Re: Crazy Dreams

    Haha, I don't think he minds too much tbh. Otherwise he wouldn't have said anything about the way he looks in the first place.

    I had a dream that I was making my own scary movie about myself and my friend Lidia. And the dream itself was scary, can't remember details but Deep4t randomly showed up, again. And I got chased by bad guys, again. And it was all rather weird.
    xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

    "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


    • sportagirl_10.5
      Level 24 - The Blue Elf
      • Feb 2008
      • 810

      Re: Crazy Dreams

      Originally posted by LazyTownWW
      Originally posted by sportagirl_10.5
      I had a really horrible graphic dream months ago. Blood everywhere. Was not nice.
      Details please.

      OK... but don't say I didn't warn you.

      I don't know where it was, or what was happening. These generals were being executed. Their heads were being chopped off. One guy struggled too much, and his head was chopped off just above his mouth. He was screaming like mad and ran around the room trying to put his head back on. It was the worst sound I have ever heard.

      Usually my dreams are quite happy. Based on college... or on the book in my local HMV store titled "Get active with Sportacus"... or they're about my boyfriend.
      Grammar Elf Alert!


      • Deep4t
        Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
        • May 2009
        • 730

        Re: Crazy Dreams

        thats deranged

        i wish i had dreams like that sometimes though


        • sportagirl_10.5
          Level 24 - The Blue Elf
          • Feb 2008
          • 810

          Re: Crazy Dreams

          Originally posted by Deep4t
          thats deranged

          i wish i had dreams like that sometimes though
          I don't.
          Grammar Elf Alert!


          • LazyTownWW
            SPECIAL MEMBER
            Level 28 - Friend For Life
            • Jun 2009
            • 1998

            Re: Crazy Dreams

            Originally posted by LazyTownWW
            Originally posted by "sportagirl_10.5":39a3d
            I had a really horrible graphic dream months ago. Blood everywhere. Was not nice.
            Details please.

            OK... but don't say I didn't warn you.

            I don't know where it was, or what was happening. These generals were being executed. Their heads were being chopped off. One guy struggled too much, and his head was chopped off just above his mouth. He was screaming like mad and ran around the room trying to put his head back on. It was the worst sound I have ever heard.

            Usually my dreams are quite happy. Based on college... or on the book in my local HMV store titled "Get active with Sportacus"[/quote:39a3d]
            Cool dream :)
            Originally posted by sportagirl_10.5
            ... or they're about my boyfriend.
            Uhm...I won't ask this time. Don't say anything please.
            Sportacus crystal


            • Lily_Kaelar
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 26 - Roboticus
              • May 2007
              • 1068

              Re: Crazy Dreams

              I had a dream that was sort of mixed. It was supposed to be a bad dream, but somewhere in the middle I became resigned to my fate and figured out all the good things that came with my situation.


              I was minding my own business somewhere, can't remember where, but we were in like Switzerland or something. I don't remember much, but the architecture was old-timey and beautiful. My parents went off somewhere with my brother, and then these evil men came up to me and captured me.

              I recognized them as Capricorn's men from Inkheart. So naturally I was curious but frightened, knowing that Basta was good with his knife and would cut me if I tried anything, but still kind of curious as to why he was around in the first place.

              They put me in a cage/cart thing with some other girls who were sniffling and crying. It was a mixed bag, racially: black, white, Asian, Latina, etc. There were probably 10-15 of us in that cage, all aged around 16-17. The cage/cart was covered in a tarp and parked in an alleyway so that none of the townspeople noticed anything.

              They took us to a village, which was absolutely nothing like Capricorn's village from either the book or the movie. There were magnificent stone walls surrounding it, and the houses were the same beautiful architecture as in the towns in the valley below us (this village was in the mountains).

              Capricorn's main building, which was very beautiful, was very large and intimidating at first, and inside it was also kind of intimidating and cold. The people sneered at us as we were brought in, chained together. Capricorn's mother, Mortola, looked us over and gave us a lecture on how we were to behave as Capricorn's new maids. We were all very frightened, and we tried to protest, but she yelled at us to be quiet and threatened us.

              She told the head maid to take us to bathe and get us into our new maid quarters. The head maid was a little cold, but not heartless. She got her job done without a word.

              We were shown to our new quarters, where there were wooden bunk beds lining two walls, lockers and trunks next to each bed to hold our things, and there were beautiful stained glass windows as well.

              We were told to wait for the fitting lady. So the head maid left us to talk amongst ourselves. We argued and bickered bitterly, and we were all very upset.

              The fitting lady came in and fitted us for our new dresses that we were to wear. She took measurements, wrote them down for each of us, and announced that she would have our dresses made for us the next day.

              We had all given up on any hope of escape when we saw that guards barred the doorway on the other side of the door. So we just did as we were told.

              We were taken down to dinner by the head maid, with our hair neatly combed and our lips grimly sealed. Capricorn was at the head of the table, and was delighted to see his new maids. He even said so. He was in a very good mood.

              We ate and he asked us questions, like our names and where we were from. I didn't say anything. He was very excited. Then he introduced his council (which doesn't exist in the story, by the way). It was made up of about nine grim individuals, both male and female, who were very intimidating.

              Later, we were sent to our rooms to get some sleep. Darius, Capricorn's stuttering reader, asked us our names and how we liked them spelled. Then he wrote our names on mini chalkboard plates on our trunks, lockers, and beds. He was kind, but very frightened of pretty much everything. I told him that my name was Sam, but I let him know that I also enjoy being called Lily. So he wrote both down, and said that he would tell the other maids to call me Lily. Then he left.

              We whispered to one another in the darkness. Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, and dreamed of my family.

              The next morning, the head maid and the fitting lady brought us our dresses, which were white and green. They looked kind of like what Americans think the Swiss wear because we like to stereotype places we've never been to.

              The silent maid did up our hair. Many of us, like me, got the two loopy braids. But others, mainly the black girls who had really unruly hair, got their hair simply curled, straightened, or put into neat buns.

              We went down to breakfast in a neat little line, and we sat at the table silently as the council and Capricorn talked. The head maid told us to sit up straight and look humble. We obeyed.

              All throughout the next week, we were put to work, cooking and cleaning. But we were also made to read books, and in the evening Darius, one of the council members, and the head maid would have us sit down together and discuss the books. The head maid told us that Capricorn didn't like illiterate maids (which is really contradictory to his policy in the actual book, because he hates books and people who read them). She said that he wants us to finish our education, and that the best of us would end up going to school in one of the towns in the valley.
              We were also told to go to church on Sunday mornings and to pray at meals. We did, and it wasn't so bad. We worshiped pagan gods, though.

              So we were resigned to our fates. Eventually, the guards weren't put in front of our door at night, and we were allowed to roam freely about the village, running errands, cleaning, cooking, gossiping with other maids, and so on. Some of the younger guards tried to flirt with us and impress us, and a couple of the maids even went with the guards at night.

              I was one of the maids who was better at reading and doing my job, so the maids often took me to town to shop or run errands. The other girls were jealous and often talked about how much they hated me and how I snore and talk in my sleep, and how they think I'm a snooty cow, etc. I tried to ignore it, because I knew that eventually I would get my own room or one with the maids who were more friendly.

              One time, Capricorn announced that a new council member was to join them--one who was feared and brought terror to many villages. When the person came in, it was just a young black woman with short hair with blond streaks in it. She was on her cell phone and had a little boy tagging along with her The boy was wearing my brother's school uniform. Then she got off the phone and told him, Damien, to play nice. Then she left. And we soon found out that he was a huge menace. He would break things, burn our hair, and play all sorts of tricks on everyone. When he annoyed Capricorn, though, he was promptly tied up, thrown onto a cart, and taken away.

              One day, I was out shopping with the maid who had shown us to our room in the beginning. We were buying groceries, and she bought a few pieces of candy. I asked if I could have one, and she nodded.

              In the marketplace, there were many street performers. As we chewed on our candy, we watched Dustfinger playing with fire, juggling torches and breathing out huge flames.

              That night, we were cooking dinner, which consisted of couscous, mashed potatoes, corn, and chicken. While making my plate in the kitchen (dunno why I made it there in the first place), I kept accidentally letting my spoon slip and putting my mashed potatoes into the mayonnaise jar. I sat down at the table and told the maid from earlier about it. She smiled and told me a funny story, which I can't remember anymore. But I was finally happy with my life there as a maid, and decided that it wasn't so bad after all.

              Then I woke up. And I realized I had bigger responsibilities and an annoying little brother.
              xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

              "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


              • Stingy
                NEW MEMBER
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Mar 2009
                • 5497

                Re: Crazy Dreams

                Alright not technically a dream, but I was only 1/2 conscious so...close enough.

                I woke up at 1:30 am last night, thinking it was 1:30 pm. I put my glasses on, got out of bed, and went to go take a wizz (standing up by the way). All the time I was thinking "How the **** did I sleep 14 hours? ****! It's already so late and I have so much to do today!"

                Well after I got out of the bathroom I discovered that it was awfully dark outside. It was about that time I came to the genius revelation that it was 1:30 am! I was a very happy boy.


                • Glanni's Girl
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                  • Jan 2010
                  • 5016

                  Re: Crazy Dreams

                  I've only ever done that once, you know, woke up at night thinking it was day, it's so disorientating!
                  Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                  Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                  • Lily_Kaelar
                    SPECIAL MEMBER
                    Level 26 - Roboticus
                    • May 2007
                    • 1068

                    Re: Crazy Dreams

                    It's happened to me a few times. At least two of those times were a prank by my dad.
                    xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                    "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                    • LazyPooky
                      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 7255
                      • Netherlands [NL]

                      Re: Crazy Dreams

                      I lost count, the times that this happened to me
                      Magnús: - I have fans of all ages and I don't think it's weird when older people like LazyTown. LazyTown appeals to people for many different reasons: dancing, acrobatics, etc.


                      • Deep4t
                        SPECIAL MEMBER
                        Level 22 - Ziggy's Alien
                        • May 2009
                        • 730

                        Re: Crazy Dreams

                        im glad im not the only one whos done that then


                        • Lily_Kaelar
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 26 - Roboticus
                          • May 2007
                          • 1068

                          Re: Crazy Dreams

                          Had another weird dream last night, but it didn't involve maids this time.


                          I went to the building across the street from my house. It's like a very small mall of sorts, with a lot of local businesses and some grocery/drug store chains. But in the place where the Rite Aid (drug store) used to be, there was a door that led to a dirty room. And the dirty room was a very tiny dance studio, with mirrors, a stereo, and an awful floor. There was another door within this room that led to a small office, and another door which led to a broken/gutted public restroom. Very dirty place, many bugs and mice.

                          And in the dance room was a lot of little girls with tutus and cute little outfits.

                          I had remembered being there before in another dream, but it was less of a dance studio and more of a drama classroom the last time I was there. They were still into doing plays, but I guess they were practicing choreography.

                          I remembered that the little girls hated me. So I wasn't ecstatic about being there.

                          I went to talk to the teacher in her office, which was very cluttered. I asked her about the girls and the studio. She talked for a little while about the curriculum and whatnot, and then mentioned that these girls were here adopted children. She said that they all lived here, and that upstairs (some stairs appeared and the room suddenly looked a little more homely) was where they lived.

                          I was really reluctant to work for her because the little girls really hated me.

                          At some point, I went home and into my backyard. My annoying friend Frenchie was there, and for some reason we were compelled to burst into song and dance.

                          I started singing "Together Again" from the Young Frankenstein Musical, and he was really confused but was also compelled to sing after a while.

                          It ended there.

                          Here's a video of the song, though I have posted this once before:


                          Just imagine me dancing like Igor...and then try not to laugh at my misfortune.
                          xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                          "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                          • Stingy
                            NEW MEMBER
                            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 5497

                            Re: Crazy Dreams

                            Last night I slept without regulating my hormones at some point beforehand. And my dreams were thus affected.


                            • sportagirl_10.5
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 810

                              Re: Crazy Dreams

                              Originally posted by Stingy
                              Last night I slept without regulating my hormones at some point beforehand. And my dreams were thus affected.
                              Like ADH? So you didn't make it to the toilet?
                              Grammar Elf Alert!


                              • Stingy
                                NEW MEMBER
                                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 5497

                                Re: Crazy Dreams

                                Haha no not that one ;)

