Crazy Dreams

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  • Lily_Kaelar
    Level 26 - Roboticus
    • May 2007
    • 1068

    Re: Crazy Dreams

    Last night I dreamt that my fingers on my right hand kept swelling up and sticking together. I was really freaked out and my parents forgot to take me to the hospital. Later, I went to school and the two schools on campus were competing in the Olympics. The field was converted into a shallow swimming pool, which was weird but enjoyable. I think some little kids harrassed me, which wasn't so enjoyable. =(
    xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

    "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


    • Stingy
      Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
      • Mar 2009
      • 5497

      Re: Crazy Dreams

      **** it I'm bored.

      My dream started off by going to a school play with my mother and sister. The play was dancey and stuff, but the stage was very dark and had a dull red glow. Midway through I saw my friend Erica waving me to come backstage, so I went. It looked like a small bedroom. I was like "hey what's up?" But she was like "uuhhhhh what?" So I said "well why did you call me back here?" But she didn't know what I was talking about so I was like -_- k. To break the awkward silence I asked "So what's new?" and then she started crying and it was like o.O "What's wrong?" She told me her favorite band was going to break up. She showed me like one of their albums but I didn't recognize the name. But I comforted her anyway. So then she invited me to hang out with her and some of her friends and I said ok.

      Later that night when we were supposed to hang out, I was at one of my friends house a bit before I was supposed to leave. We were playing videogames and he was like "member Stingy, take this next game I'll be right back" so I started playing. I remember the game that I played vividly. After like 4 games I was like "wtf where did this fat cunt go?" So I asked his mom. She said that he left so I was like **** this shit I'm outa here.

      I hardly recall the dream time I spent with Erica, Shannon, Kacii, Crystal, and some others, but I do recall that we were by a river at some point.


      • Stingy
        NEW MEMBER
        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
        • Mar 2009
        • 5497

        Re: Crazy Dreams

        So after that, I went home. Immediately when I got inside there were 2 of my friends (whom I don't actually know in real life) playing with my fireplace. I was like "wtf are you doing?" and they told me if you poked a spot in the fireplace, it would like teleport you or something. So I watched them both teleport. I was like woahhhhhh and went to try it myself. I was at it poking the damn fireplace for 2 hours. I finally got fed up and called them. I said "dude this is bullshit why isnt it working?" They said just keep trying, youll get it!" I said "You're ****ing kidding me! I've been poking my damn fireplace for 2 hours!" Then we continued talking and I went outside and sat down on my front lawn. I started to see police cars with their lights off pull up to the apartment building next to me. I continued talking but I was like "Oh man there's like a bunch of cops here and they're going to like do a raid or something to the apartments." Eventually, out of ****ing nowhere, a car starts racing by. But it was on the ledge of the building, balancing itself on 2 wheels. I was still on the phone and I was like "Hoooooly shit you should have ****ing seen what just happened! I'll call you back I gotta check this out!!!" So then I started to get closer to see more.


        • Stingy
          NEW MEMBER
          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
          • Mar 2009
          • 5497

          Re: Crazy Dreams

          I started hiding around corners, trying to get a better look. The car started basically following me. I didn't know if they were going to kill me or what so I ran from it and hid, but still tried to get a closer look. During all this the cops magically disappeared. I eventually got cornered, and the person got out of the car and took off their helmet. It was a girl my age, and my brain made her fit my attractions. I was like O.O and she came over and we started talking. What about I can't recall. But she asked me where I live and I pointed to the house next door. She walked up to the porch and I said "Actually I'd feel much more comfortable if you didn't do that. I don't want to get charged with aiding a criminal or anything." She just sort of looked at me and then ran inside my house. I was like "oh shit" and I started to chase her. I chased her into my backyard where my dog started to bite her. I didn't want that to happen, so I grabbed my dogs snout/upper jaw so she bit my hand instead of the girl. But then the girl left. I went over to the appartments and spoke to my neighbors. I asked them what she was in trouble for. They told me speeding. I was like "speeding? SPEEDING? That wasn't aiding a criminal! ****!" And I felt really bad. But then I heard her car coming and she pulled up and got out. I was like "I'm really sorry...I didn't know that it was only speeding. Will you forgive me?" She said yes. I said......"Can we hug?" And then she said yes and we hugged. The end. lul.


          • Stingy
            NEW MEMBER
            Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
            • Mar 2009
            • 5497

            Re: Crazy Dreams

            Had a pretty badass dream last night where I was a newly made superhero and had to save the world.

            I recall flying around in my suit and my buffness looking all over town for some sunglasses because I felt like I needed them to complete me getup or something. So I was flying around and around growing pissed that I could find any somehow. I come across a store clerk and I asked if he had any. He said yes and invited me in to his shop. I looked at the glasses and they were all shit so I began to leave and he said something like "I'll tell you what. I've got some top of the line glasses in the back that I will give to you if you protect my store." So I said. "Protect your store? I'm a superhero! I don't have time to protect your little store for a pair of sunglasses - I've got superhero things to do!" Then I turned out and there was an explosion in the sky. I turned around and said "See? Like that." And I went to go save the day or whatever and there were rocks flying everywhere and one got in my eye and I was really mad that I didn't have sunglasses.


            • yhpets
              SPECIAL MEMBER
              Level 15 - The Baby Troll
              • Feb 2008
              • 384

              Re: Crazy Dreams

              I was at a huge carnival with my family, we visited some kind of attraction that took us to a different world (or if it was a simulation, we entered through a forest path and exited with what seemed like the same way we came in), that world was another carnival just like the past one but it was warmer and had more exotic nature. I lost the tip of my finger, of which the cause i have forgotten, in desperation i tried finding somewhere they could stitch it up or something but all they did was to give me a bandaid and told me to suck it up. In one of the places they tried talking japanese with me, I didn't understand much but I answered to the best of my abilities with things like "hai" and "arigato". The bandaid kept comming off due to loss of grip with all the blood. My family seemed more concerned about getting icecream.


              • Glanni's Girl
                SPECIAL MEMBER
                Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                • Jan 2010
                • 5016

                Re: Crazy Dreams

                Dreampt I discovered my YT channel had been hacked into and changed by a Scooby Doo fan...never liked that Dog lol...
                Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                • Lily_Kaelar
                  SPECIAL MEMBER
                  Level 26 - Roboticus
                  • May 2007
                  • 1068

                  Re: Crazy Dreams

                  Lol reminds me of this quote from the school play:
                  Originally posted by Obnoxious Valley Girl
                  This ain't no Scooby Doo!
                  I dreamt that I was in a classroom at the co-ed school next door. One of my odd friends there found a cat and named it Chow Pie. The teacher had a Canadian accent.
                  xjocundxlilacx is responsible for my avatar <3

                  "Aww, they forgot about Goggi's techno-rape..."


                  • Stingy
                    NEW MEMBER
                    Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 5497

                    Re: Crazy Dreams

                    My last dream last night was pretty awesome.

                    I worked at a chemical plant and caught a disease. At the end of the dream I was trying to figure out exactly what it did, so here's the best I got. When you have the disease your eyes irises are bright yellow and your inhibitions and judgment are greatly reduced. You are able to spread it to other people by making direct eye contact. It still makes their eyes yellow, but instead of having the impaired judgement and inhibitions, they adapt the same thought processes as the original carrier, and only the original carrier can spread it. The effect would last for about an hour, at which point every person affected would lose it as well.

                    So my dream was basically going around with this disease and having lots of fun. Whenever it wore off I would go play in some of our plant's sewage until I caught a new strain.


                    • Master Of Disguise
                      SPECIAL MEMBER
                      Level 16 - Sportaposter
                      • Oct 2011
                      • 402

                      Re: Story time!!!! Post what you did today!

                      I didn't know where to post this, so I'm gonna post it here since it's about something that happened to me today, it's a question actually.
                      Do you guys believe that dreams could have an explanation or a meaning ? or could dreams become true ? :?


                      • Stingy
                        NEW MEMBER
                        Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 5497

                        Re: Story time!!!! Post what you did today!

                        Originally posted by Master Of Disguise
                        Do you guys believe that dearms could have an expelantion or a meaning ? or could dreams become true ? :?
                        I believe that dreams are a manifestation of the subconscious and a mostly random amalgamation of memories and imagination.


                        • Glanni's Girl
                          SPECIAL MEMBER
                          Level 35 - Rockin' Poster
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 5016

                          Re: Story time!!!! Post what you did today!

                          Originally posted by Stingy
                          Originally posted by Master Of Disguise
                          Do you guys believe that dearms could have an expelantion or a meaning ? or could dreams become true ? :?
                          I believe that dreams are a manifestation of the subconscious and a mostly random amalgamation of memories and imagination.
                          Me too
                          Getur einhver annar verið Glanni ? það bara passar ekki
                          Stefan Karl Stefansson, það er enginn eins og þú!


                          • Lazycus
                            Master of Shoops
                            SPECIAL MEMBER
                            Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 828

                            Re: Story time!!!! Post what you did today!

                            Originally posted by Master Of Disguise
                            or could dreams become true ? :?
                            And nightmares too.
                            Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam


                            • Master Of Disguise
                              SPECIAL MEMBER
                              Level 16 - Sportaposter
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 402

                              Re: Crazy Dreams

                              Well I dreamed that I died, what's that supposed to mean ? I'm not gonna die right ?


                              • Lazycus
                                Master of Shoops
                                SPECIAL MEMBER
                                Level 24 - The Blue Elf
                                • Nov 2007
                                • 828

                                Re: Crazy Dreams

                                Sorry, but you will die most certainly one day.
                                Ceterum censeo puellam roseam fraudulentam esse exstirpandam

