So I picked up God Hand the other day. Anybody play this game? It's a few months old (I'm eternally behind the times) but really really fun. It's basically an old-school beat-em-up with a wonderfully irreverent comedic style. (Fight power ranger rip offs... Who are midgets. Encounter poisonous chihuahuas. Beat the crap out of guys in gorilla outfits. And oh yeah, spank female enemies to death.) Not only is it stylistically awesome, but the gameplay is pretty good too. Simple, but tough as nails and really really fun. Also has an awesome and really unique soundtrack to it.
Here's a trailer. High brow entertainment at its finest. ;)
@blackpaint: oh my..That would trigger ADHD to the core also
You say you're behind? I`m still playing DBZ buu's fury for the gba...and kirby's dreamland (remake) because kirby never gets old
It was a hard decision, but I have to say, my most favourite game is......
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Who would have guessed a farming RPG would be so much fun?
You got it for the GBA? I have it too Awesome game, for too many hours have I stayed up playing that game. Too bad the shoulder buttons on my SP are being wonky, or else I'd play it some more...
Anyone else a little upset that Konami closed down MGO servers for Subsitance? I am :(
All I know, is there were a ton of people bitching about it on the Resident Evil Outbreak forums xD I never even played Metal Gear online. Maybe I should have
They took down Outbreak File 2 as well, ya know, which really sucked =/ Stupid Capcom. Then when the servers go down, they put up a message saying "Look forward to upcoming game by capcom!" Well screw them, I want to enjoy my older games online! >__<
Anyone else a little upset that Konami closed down MGO servers for Subsitance? I am :(
Ahh man they did!? I loved playing that...So fun especially with the message board games I played back in the day, so crazy fun over voice chat and everything lmfao.
MGS4 Online will bring it back with much more I hope.
Anyone else a little upset that Konami closed down MGO servers for Subsitance? I am :(
All I know, is there were a ton of people bitching about it on the Resident Evil Outbreak forums xD I never even played Metal Gear online. Maybe I should have
They took down Outbreak File 2 as well, ya know, which really sucked =/ Stupid Capcom. Then when the servers go down, they put up a message saying "Look forward to upcoming game by capcom!" Well screw them, I want to enjoy my older games online! >__<
At least File 1 can still go online...*sigh*
Yeah Konami is saying "get ready for MGS4 online!" so at least thres that :)
What's File 1?
Resident Evil Outbreak File 1. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it. Resident Evil online. it's pretty sweet =)
Darn bastages took the better game (the sequel file 2) offline recently >_< Thanks a lot Capcom
i know a lot of people have been going crazy over that brand new Mouse Trap game lately. you know, "it's a zany action, a crazy contraption"... yeah, well uhh... *blows on nails, then shines them against shirt* ...i got it. but you're gonna have to suck up to me, if you wanna come over and play it, cause it's MINE!
i know a lot of people have been going crazy over that brand new Mouse Trap game lately. you know, "it's a zany action, a crazy contraption"... yeah, well uhh... *blows on nails, then shines them against shirt* ...i got it. but you're gonna have to suck up to me, if you wanna come over and play it, cause it's MINE!
haha, that commercial just made me laugh so much! they make the game look all tough and sexy and exciting, and all you do is knock a ball back and forth. i bet i would've wanted it when i was a kid though. XD