Originally posted by Loreanie
The Games Thread
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I'm pretty much a pc guy. Morrowind is probably my favorite game of all time.
I also play Hl2:dm quite a bit, I'm pretty good at it too.WWJD
What Would Julianna Do (if she read your post)- Translate
I don't know why so many people are strictly pc =/
Some of the games are fun, but it's just much better with a controller in your hand. Especially evident in this new generation of games coming out, The Wii Controller, SIXAXIS controller for ps3, etc. etc.
Sure the PCs have emulators, but it's not the saaaaame xD lol- Translate
Originally posted by LoreanieI don't know why so many people are strictly pc =/
Some of the games are fun, but it's just much better with a controller in your hand. Especially evident in this new generation of games coming out, The Wii Controller, SIXAXIS controller for ps3, etc. etc.
Sure the PCs have emulators, but it's not the saaaaame xD lol
PCs also have the advantage of mods. Oblivion is a fantastic new example, as PC gamers have it made with Oblivion on account of its incredibly modding community. It may be a fun game on PS3 or X360, but in comparison to the PC version it's decidedly gimped.
As for the new motion sensors, I'm still not sold. The Wii has yet to really impress me and the SIXAXIS has done virtually nothing done with it.
I don't play games exclusively on the PC, but I find that the majority of my gaming time is devoted to PC games, which could admittedly just be my taste in games (FPS FTW)- Translate
Yeah but not everyone loves first Person Shooters! sure they look nice and all, but the casual gamer isn't going to want to pick that up and start killiing things xD
Like I said, the next gen consoles are expanding gaming control schemes like the Wii remote. Whether the Wii impresses you or not, it's still revolutionary. It's unique, new and bring something different to the gaming industry, Have you even played either? Wario Ware and Wii Sports with friends are some of the most fun I've ever had with friends playing games.
I respect you PC man, but we agree to disagree xD- Translate
Originally posted by Loreaniethe casual gamer isn't going to want to pick that up and start killiing things xD
Yeah, some gamers prefer sitting on a sofa with a controller in their hands, some prefer the speed and precision and number of keys of a mouse/keyboard combo. I like both, depending on the situation. I've been playing Prince of Persia a lot recently. I have sands of time and warrior within on PC and the two thrones on console. It plays so much better with a controller.
Still, no reason you can't hook a game controller up to a PC and use that.sigpic- Translate
I said casual gamer! I like a good FPS every now and then! I loved Goldeneye back on the N64 that was a ton of fun xD
I've tried using one of the USB to PS2 controller type hookups and they always seem kinda glitchy. maybe I' just have a crappy computer- Translate
I use Ye olde 360 pad, works like a charm.
But I dont use it on FPS, real FPS player use mouse and keyboard haha, just kidding people that use pads.- Translate
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