I'll say it again, it was made in paint. I couldn't do any fancy work with the bird even if I'd be bothered to, so it was easier just to replace it with a swastika.
You're welcome.
Tell me the difference between the following flags: France
St Maarten
New Caledonia
And you'll get a year's supply of nostril cleansers!
I love the fact that Sportacus says willain instead of villain and then Robbie says volf instead of wolf. You'd think someone would have corrected them.
Magnús Scheving IS God.
That's why Mums go to Iceland.
I love the fact that Sportacus says willain instead of villain and then Robbie says volf instead of wolf. You'd think someone would have corrected them.
It's so adorable, I don't think anyone would want to correct them.
True, but while it's reasonable for Sportacus, who's from out of town, and whose accent is thick enough I can hear it to mispronounce a word, Robbie is supposedly a native Lazytowner, and normally sounds pretty much like the others. (I think. Certainly, I've seen far more discussions among casual fans of Sportacus's accent than Robbie's.)
In the Good to be Bad song, Stefan says villain the first time and willain the second.
It seems to be just a thing that happens sometimes with no rhyme or reason.
Originally posted by Julianna Rose Official
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Ah, so I'm not the only person who noticed 'willain'! I have to admit that it took me a minute to actually figure out what he said (my hearing is pretty bad). I totally agree that it's too adorable to correct. <3
Icelandic has become my new favourite accent - narrowly beating out Scottish.