Today I hopped on the Internet to receive a curious message in my inbox: Apparently I have been permabanned at Something Awful, following some incident that happened today while I was at school. Apparently, someone made a Helldump thread accusing me of being a "pedophile." Not only is this not the case (I just turned 17 in July of this year, so I am about 10 months older than Julianna Rose Mauriello) but come on.
I haven't even seen this Helldump thread, so if someone could get a copy to me, that would be nice. Apparently there were requests for my personal information to forward to the "authorities" - I welcome any Internet detectives to go dig it up. I'm kind of curious what kind of charges that the authorities could come up with for a minor who watches LazyTown.
Anyways, apparently it has attracted Get Lazy some attention, so welcome to the forums, goons! You're more than welcome to stay, although you should probably make sure you use a different name because if you watch LazyTown you're a "pedo" and Lowtax feels that is enough for a permaban.
I apologize for not being able to respond quicker, but I was at school. We're not talking about college, either. High school. Oh no, I was just in a building with thousands of minors! Look out kids. Xizer's gonna rape you!
I'm not upset, I'm just kind of bummed. I've always liked Something Awful, if you couldn't tell by our board's smilies. I'm not holding anything against SA, I still think it's a great place. I mean, it's not even the fact that I lost $35 I had invested in the place. That was worth it, and I would be willing to spend that again. I just wish I wasn't permabanned, though. If I had to choose between SA and Get Lazy...I would choose SA. I guess I can always register another account and stay hidden under the shadows.
I kind of feel like one of those shunned furries now.
On the bright side, I guess now I can go hang around with all those retards at SASS! Woo!
I haven't even seen this Helldump thread, so if someone could get a copy to me, that would be nice. Apparently there were requests for my personal information to forward to the "authorities" - I welcome any Internet detectives to go dig it up. I'm kind of curious what kind of charges that the authorities could come up with for a minor who watches LazyTown.
Anyways, apparently it has attracted Get Lazy some attention, so welcome to the forums, goons! You're more than welcome to stay, although you should probably make sure you use a different name because if you watch LazyTown you're a "pedo" and Lowtax feels that is enough for a permaban.
I apologize for not being able to respond quicker, but I was at school. We're not talking about college, either. High school. Oh no, I was just in a building with thousands of minors! Look out kids. Xizer's gonna rape you!

I'm not upset, I'm just kind of bummed. I've always liked Something Awful, if you couldn't tell by our board's smilies. I'm not holding anything against SA, I still think it's a great place. I mean, it's not even the fact that I lost $35 I had invested in the place. That was worth it, and I would be willing to spend that again. I just wish I wasn't permabanned, though. If I had to choose between SA and Get Lazy...I would choose SA. I guess I can always register another account and stay hidden under the shadows.

On the bright side, I guess now I can go hang around with all those retards at SASS! Woo!