It had nothing to do with LJ, that's just where I met her.
The point was SA folk were ignorant arseholes about something fairly vanilla with a decades long history by treating it like it was new and perverted, and treating two things I am (queer and a slasher) as if they're weird and gross.
I have had nothing to do with SA since that incident and never will.
Honestly? Why the hell would they bother registering here? Our forum is just a gathering place for people who like LazyTown.
And anyways, not all people who enjoy watching LazyTown are pedos... Perhaps a few ARE -- But I sincerely hope none of them will ever join and actively participate in this forum. Anyways, I bet there are quite a few sickos or pedophiles who go to Something Awful -- Why not just generalize everyone who goes to SA as one?
Alright, anyone who goes to SA is obviously a sicko/pedophile -- And I suppose I'll ban them if I see them post on the forum ^^
Sure is strange goings ons here. I had assumed that the people at Something Awful were at least critical thinkers along with having some skepticism about stuff. Edis did some nice critical thinking there.
Despite reading a whole 17-page Gold Helldump thread, I'm still not feeling like a pedophile.
Sorry, Something Awful goons, but you're not going to convince me that it is not normal to be attracted to fellow members of my peer group (teenagers aged 13-17). The same people I sit in school with every day. Just because I like to watch a children's television program does not mean I'm a pedophile, it just means I'm quirky. Believe it or not, most of you are also quirky, as it is not normal to sit in front of the glow of your computer screen for eight hours a day stroking neckbeards and eating doritos whilst reading a comedy forum.
I am liking the attention, though. Thanks goony goons, you're the best!
P.S. Will, if you're reading this, I know you were just trying to help out by at least letting me see the thread that got me banned, and somehow got accused of being a pedo. I'll have to make it up to you. I'll see if I can't buy you another SA account in the future, okay?
Also, I won't be 'hiding' anything or closing down anything of the sort. No "page wiping sprees" or "rampant file deletions." I am not embarrassed, nor am I concerned at all. I have done nothing wrong, and as such, Get Lazy will remain intact.
... Man... I feel bad for ya Xizer! I know I don't get on as much as I should... but I have a heart for you guys! Yall are always so awesome... it's definately an injustice. I mean, for Pete's sake, accuse ME of being a pedophile! If you check out my DevArt, you'll see I shamelessly draw pics of kids in cartoons being... uh, yeah, whatever. Anyway, I know it doesn't mean much, but you got my pity!
Besides... at least you got that nifty Permabanned avatar now! lol
If you managed to get past page 11, you'll find that they start attacking me. Thanks nindanjoe, for letting them know I exist on their forums.
For those who can't read the thread: Basically, they read nindanjoe's comment about my account there, and found me. From there, since I use the same screenname (sdalkjflds) and my real name everywhere, it was pretty easy for them to find out basically everything about me. Every networking site (even a joke AdultFriendFinder page I made about a year ago HAHA), my work/school/whatever info, etc. Pretty embarrassing. I have no idea why I'm not banned from SA yet; they're probably keeping me around to make more fun of me face-to-face (screen-to-screen?).
Anyways, you guys know my personality better than SA goons do. You know what I make jokes about, you know most of my Stephanie shit is done in jest, and so on. I'm not worried or care, really. I just think it's kind of shitty that a site like SA, of all places, doesn't at least understand that someone has a different sense of humor. I don't even ****ing post there ever.
I use my real name online because I don't really care what people find out about me. Even if I used a different screen name on every site imaginable, it wouldn't take a determined person long at all to find my info. I'm being nice by making everything neat and tidy for them. Plus, I have nothing to hide. I play the Internet like a game, because to me it is. I've kind of grown bored with online shenanigans over the past couple of years, which is probably why I devote most of my online time now on sites like GetLazy (talking to you guys, not crying over Stephanie).
Also, I don't want to play the "SA goons have no life" card, because the majority of them I've met in person are normal kids like me. But the people in that thread, the ones trying to get me in trouble/ridiculing me, are probably the same ones who would cry and be at a sudden loss for all news/entertainment if the SA forums went offline for a day.